In this article I will show you how to sort Excel data by several columns, by column names and by values in any row. Also, you will learn how to sort data in non-standard ways, when sorting in alphabetical or numerical order does not work. Continue reading
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i would to create custom list consist of more than 40 item , while the list entry accommodate only for 29 item. i'm using Excel 2010.
This is the problem I am having : a 3 column list of product dimensions that I need sorted from largest to smallest by data per row. Column A is Length, Column B is Width, and Column C is Height. The length of the product must be the largest measurement, width next, height smallest. I cannot seem to find a way to sort this on a multiple row scale.
I require your help.
I have converted PDF to excel having large data. The problem I m facing is all the data is under one column only.
For e.g
Ac no 435667865
Client name xyz company
Beneficiary: Alfa ltd
1 doc type . English letter
2 doc type . History letter
3 doc type . Geography letter
I have reaarange the data in different columns like Ac no, Client name and Ben. How ever I am unable to link the doc types with the Ben name as they get mismatch on large numbers.please help how can I do that do all doc types matches with Beneficiaries.
How about sorting at the end of entering a new record? meaning, when I enter new information, moving from left to right using the tab key and pressing enter when finished with all the entries in that row. I have a spreadsheet with student information which is organized alphabetically by last name then by first (there are filters). Rather than sort the list again each time I make an edit (like change someone's last name when they get married)or add a new student, I’d like excel to automatically alphabetize the record(s) when I hit enter at the end of the entry. I learned how to do this a LONG time ago when working on my assoc. degree but can’t remember how and haven’t been able to find exactly this in the help files or online.
where is the answer to this question i have the same issue
Thank you soo much for great help brother,, can i have your mail ID please,,
I have an Excel spreadsheet I created to keep track of data for my job. The first column of the spreadsheet captures individual files I am working on, and each other column captures some piece of information important to that file. The first row contains the column headers.
What I would like to be able to do is to make it so that if one clicks on the column header, it's sorts the column data, while also rearranging the rows themselves so that the data in the column stays in sync with the data contained in the row that it was in.
I hope that wasn't too wordy. Any help would be appreciated!
hi, good day! i'm having trouble in sorting my employee masterlist. i'd like to sort it from a to z, the trouble is there were columns with employee's information. how can i sort it together with the employee's information/details. thank you.
I have an Excel spreadsheet I created to keep track of data for my job. The first column of the spreadsheet captures individual files I am working on, and each other column captures some piece of information important to that file. The first row contains the column headers.
What I would like to be able to do is to make it so that if I sort the 1st column, it sorts the column data, while also rearranging the rows themselves so that the data in the column stays in sync with the data contained in the row that it was in.
I hope that wasn't too wordy. Any help would be appreciated!