Comments on: How to use SUMIF function in Excel with formula examples

If you are faced with a task that requires conditional sum in Excel, the SUMIF function is what you need. It is a really great function that can help you make sense of an incomprehensible set of diverse data. Instead of adding up all numbers in a range, it lets you sum only those values that meet your criteria. Continue reading

Comments page 3. Total comments: 350

  1. How to use SumIF formula to calculate commission
    Problem: Minimum Guarantee is 1000 or 10% of sales whichever is higher. Please explain how to use the formula. Thanks

  2. I want just to thank you for explaining the use of asterisk in condition of SUMIF to find certain word in a string (e.g. "*apple*"). A discovery for me :-)

  3. for Example
    item id item name Qnty Stock
    47158 Whirlpool Double Door Refrigerator 340L IF INV CNV 355 3S Arctic Steel 1 Yes
    47435 Avast Gift Voucher Premium Security MRP 1499 1 No
    i want to only yes quantity in other sheet against item id please help

  4. if i got cell A1 to AA1,but i only require to sum every 1,3,5,7,9....column
    How should i set the sumif formula?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:


      Hope this is what you need.

  5. Is it possible ta change the cell color of two cells when these two cells are greater than 70% when summed together?

  6. SUMIF question. I have this formula which works fine. =SUMIF(E4:E319,">.2",C4:C319). However, I would like the ">.2" part of the formula to be in a cell where you can change the value from .2 to whatever you would like. Is that possible?

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello!
      Change the formula, replace the condition with a cell reference


      In D1 -- ”>.2″

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  7. I want to use sumif function where input range to evaluate is output of Vlookup function, but it does not work as the output of sumif is always coming "0"

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.
      It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.

  8. Hi,
    I have data of purchases of several different type of items on different dates and different quantities throughout the year. I want to apply such formula that I get a report in which it gives total purchase quantity for particular period, say Aug 15 to Oct 10, for the item written in A1 cells.

  9. Sir,
    Thank you. Please give one day. Tomorrow I will confirm.

  10. Sir, Thank you very much for your support. My query is below.
    10001 10003 10005 10006 10007 Total
    7712 398 250 125 4700 13185
    5784 299 250 325 4667 11325
    1) I want to sum if the Header (Criteria) 10001,10005
    2) I want to sum if the header "define name" - Criteria used defined name

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:


      If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

  11. I write sumifs function as below with multiple criteria. But showing error.
    Kindly advise to solve.

    =SUMIFS(K134:BE134,K1:BE1, hcode)
    hcode as range
    hcode contains 10001,10003

    1. Hello!
      I hope you have studied the recommendations in the above tutorial.
      Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred.The first formula violates the syntax rules of the IF function. The data ranges in the SUMIFS function must be the same size. You also violated the syntax rules. Include an example of the source data and the result you want to get. It’ll help me understand the problem you faced better and help you.

  12. Hi, I'd really appreciate your help with something.
    I'm trying to work out the number of days between 2 dates, but if there is no date in column B, I would like column C to read "Not Seen". Here's an example of a date in column B and then no date in column B.
    Column A Column B Column C
    1/6/2020 6/6/2020 5 (using formula =B2-A2)
    1/6/2020 -45778 (this is what's happening now)
    1/6/2020 Not Seen (this is what I would like to have)

    Thanks in advance

    1. Hello Bec!
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:

      =IF(B2<>"",B2-A2,"Not Seen")

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  13. =SUMIF($A$17:$A$28,A2&">0",$D$17:$D$28) is it Correct ">0"

    Plus Valuve Minus Valuve
    01/07/2020 - -
    02/07/2020 - -
    03/07/2020 - -
    04/07/2020 - -
    05/07/2020 - -
    06/07/2020 - -
    07/07/2020 - -
    08/07/2020 - -

    01/07/2020 $1,000.00
    01/07/2020 $2,000.00
    01/07/2020 $5,000.00
    02/07/2020 $(500.00)
    02/07/2020 $(10,000.00)

  14. so I have a simple thing that for some reason I cannot make happen. I need to sum a range of cells, but I need to only show the value of the cell that is 12 or less in the cell, but still allow the next cell to show what is over 12.
    this is a payroll issue to separated out overtime...
    so.. we have 4 areas that employees can work hours, I need to total those 4 cells and have only the first 12 hrs actually show in the reg hours worked and then anything over 12 will show in the overtime.
    Seems simple -- but so not for me!

    1. Hello Nancy!
      If I understand your task correctly, in cell F1 write down the following formula:

      =IF(SUM(B1:E1) > 12,12,SUM(B1:E1))

      And in cell G1 write down the following formula:

      =IF(SUM(B1:E1) > 12,SUM(B1:E1)-12,0)

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  15. Here Khata Column followed by "do" I want to add Area Field

    Khata Plot Area Rent Cess
    1 361 0.18 5.00 3.00
    do 367 0.155 5.00 2.50
    do 360 0.165 5.00 2.50
    2 413 0.068 0.80 0.50
    3 348 1.128 13.80 10.50
    5 206 0.63 6.30 3.00
    6 253 0.065 6.45 3.00
    do 254 0.085 6.45 3.00
    do 257 0.08 6.45 3.00
    do 255 0.025 6.45 3.00
    do 256 0.008 6.45 3.00
    do 250 0.138 6.45 3.00
    do 251 0.066 6.45 3.00
    do 252 0.03 6.45 3.00

  16. I need to calculate the following table
    f 2
    m 1
    m 5
    f 2
    f 4
    f 1
    m 0
    m 1
    f 1
    in this two columns, column 1 = m & f, column 2 = figures, i need how many 0-5 f's in figures column and 0-5 m's. no need the total need only the number of, please help

  17. Hi, I am currently using the "SUMIF in combination with the TODAY()". I have a problem with the weekends. If I use the "<"&Today(), unfortunately on the 06.01.2020 no value is provided. Is there a way how i can exclude the weekends in the formula and still obtain the values? I wish to avoid changing the formula manually. I rather have a formula which I can drag and obtain the correct values. Thanking you in advance for your help.

  18. =IF(AND(TEXT('Outbound data'!K:K,"0")="TFS-01.MATE,KHM.ALI",TEXT('Outbound data'!L:L,"0")="110018144"),SUMIF('Outbound data'!L:R,$E5,'Outbound data'!R:R),"0")
    I want to compare two places if two places value match then respective line next row value sum should appear.

  19. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I want to filter some text but I can,t. Please help in this matter. The need is.... I have pending customers list. And the Heading is "Serial NO., Name, Mobile No., Due month& Year".

    I want filter the Year before 2017 and don't Show the customer Details entire the serial number linked with the Year I filter. Please help me.

  20. hi i dont know if this is the right place to ask but. i have some columns that has either 1 or 0 in them and i need to add up the 1 up to the first 0 and no further.problem is there may be hundreds of 0 in the same column. and the same for 1. so my question is how can i add up all the 1 up to the first 0 and nothing else. ive been doing it manually but it is annoying plus the chance for error is bigger.

  21. Sir I need a help.
    I want to addition 2 column with a condition ie
    need calculation in U4,condition is that if column no "N4" is >= column No F4, need 0 if not, need original amount while adding N4+T4

  22. Sir I need a help.
    I want to addition 2 column with a condition ie
    need calculation in U4,condition is that if column no "N4" is >= column No F4, need 0 if not, need original amount while adding N4+T4

    1. hi,i am struggling with calculating data.
      how to calculate if range of specified text is met then sum range greater than 0 in one cell.
      eg. IF(A2:A50,"abc") THEN SUMIF(F2:J15,"<0")

      Thank you for looking in my post.

  23. Thanks for posting this! Great information and clearly presented!

  24. Hello there,

    I need a formula to do the following...
    if column D contains today's date, and column F contains "apple" then SUM column E.

    Could you please help me with that... ?

  25. Thankyou so much for being help us. but here i want to ask how we can copy text statement from one sheet to another sheet so that if we changed in master sheet the change could appear in other sheet automatically.

  26. Thank you so much for this site. I was able to finally figure out the function that I needed and how to write the different parts.

  27. Just what I needed. Thanks for the detailed explanation.

  28. Hi, Please advise me an equation for following situation.
    I have a tracking table for tracking Design request enquires.
    i need to track on MONTHLY basis total number of Design Requests with Status (open / Close) and Overdue (Yes / No)
    Appreciate your support.

  29. Hi, how to combine both formulas in one cell?
    I need to sum 3 coloums (H,I,J) but if I & J have values then H will need to subtract.
    Thanks & regards,

  30. I wish to be able to allow a cell ( D6 )$ amount to be included in the column ( D1 to D20 )total if the next cell ( E6 )is marked with a check symbol ( wingdings 2 ). It said cell ( E6 ) is marked with an x ( wingdings 2 ), then the cell ( D6 ) with the $ is not included in total. And so on down the page for my monthly bills accounting.

  31. I'm trying to develop a mileage tracking sheet for both personal and business entries. Column A is the odometer when I arrive at a certain location. Column B will have a "Y" if the mileage is personal in that row. Column C is the total miles driven since the last stop if it is for business, no "Y" in column B for that row. Column D is the total miles driven since the last stop if it is for personal, "Y" in the B column for that row. Cell H2 contains a running total of business miles for the curent month. Cell H4 contains a running total of personal miles for the current month. I can't figure out how to subtract, for example, cell A5 from cell A6 using the SUMIF or SUMIFS function. I think I can write a formula for a running total for personal and business miles driven, but if you can suggest a formula I would appreciate it. Do I need to write a formula or include in the formula where to place the total miles driven for any certain row in either column C or D? Meaning for business miles driven on a single drive, no "Y" in column B for that row, and place that number in column C for that row and leave column D for that row blank. As you can tell, I'm struggling with these formulas. Thank you in advance for your help. DB

  32. Substantially important point below, don't think I've seen this nuance pointed out anywhere else!

    "The point is that Microsoft Excel does not rely on the user's ability to provide matching range and sum_range parameters, so to avoid possible inconsistency issues and prevent errors, it determines the sum range on its own in the following way. It takes the top left cell in the sum_range argument as the beginning cell (C2 in our Excel SUMIF example), and then includes as many columns and rows as contained in the range argument (in our case, it's 1 column x 7 rows, i.e. C2:C8)."

  33. So I'm running into some issues with a compound SUMIF formula.


    The main issue is that there are missing values for the lines that have a 0 in the "count" column as the information is being pulled from another table where "Count" is compiled using a COUNTIF formula. This being the case, these rows have the #N/A value plugged in if the count column shows a 0 which prevents the data from calculating. Because of this, I am hoping someone may be able to help me out and suggest a way for me to add up the dollar values for any dates that appear in a column that is between Days 1 and 2.

    Essentially I need it to do the following:

    1. Check columns G for any dates within a 1week timeframe
    2. add up the values that have a quantity of 1 or more.

    does anyone have any suggestions?

  34. Thanks in advance.

    I want to use several Sumifs and all work except for the following.

    In column B there will be a list of numbers and I want the calculation to exclude all numbers that end with the number 2, is this possible? or the reverse add up all the numbers that don't end with the number 2.


  35. How can i use Sumif statement with the condition or criteria is a highlighted cell? looking to pull cost based on Green, Yellow, or Red Cells. any help would be great.

  36. hi,

    i am maintaining invertory in excel, by the current date
    opening stock has to come with the total of previous for specific item.
    please guide the formula. my formate is as follows

    item Description 19-Jun-18 20-Jun-18 21-Jun-18 22-Jun-18
    Item No.1
    Item No.2

  37. I Want Help On following
    Tax Slab Rate of Tax
    - 400,000 0
    400,001 800,000 1,000
    800,001 1,200,000 2,000
    1,200,001 2,400,000 5% of exceeding of 1,200,000
    2,400,001 4,800,000 10% of exceeding of 2,400,000 & 60,000
    4,800,001 onwards 15% of exceeding of 4,800,000 & 300,000

    Taxable Income Is 3,880,000 Per year
    And Tax Liability 208,000 Per Yeat
    and i used the Following Formula for calculation

  38. I want to apply a simple IF formula

    IF the result is <0 A3 should show 0 else the actual value.

    For example A1 value is 10 and A2 value is 12 and I want result in A3 only 0 if the result is <0.

  39. Hello!

    I am looking to do a Sumifs based on the following conditions:
    Sum = "Good" Column
    Part = "A"
    Step = Smallest value for Part "A" assuming this can change depending on data pull.

    A 10 10
    A 10 10
    B 30 5
    B 30 10
    B 50 15
    A 20 10
    B 60 8
    C 20 6
    C 40 10
    C 50 20
    A 30 30
    B 30 40
    C 60 20
    A 30 15

    Thank you, any suggestions would be much appreciated!

    1. Chris:
      Where the data is structured as your sample and is in F36:F49,D36:D49 and E36:E49 enter the "Part" in I36 and the "Step" in I37, then in I38 enter the formula:
      You can then enter the step and part you're interested in seeing in their respective cells and the Good will be displayed in I38.
      You'll probably want to enter their labels in H36, H37 and H38.

  40. Hi! Sir
    I am from Malegaon. I am businessman.
    I watched all videos on your youtube channel about excel. All videos are very useful but I have one problem.

    The problem is.........

    this is [ ] first column in excel.
    this is ( ) second column in excel.

    In this [ ] type number.
    In this ( ) number should come automatically.

    In this [ ] column 0 to 80 is capacity and after 80 starts from 1.

    [45] (45) this is 0+45=45
    [80] (35) this is 80-45=35
    [25] (25) this is 0+25=25
    [50] (25) this is 50-25=25
    [10] (40) this is 80-50+10=40
    [60] (50) this is 60-10=50
    [10] (30) this is 80-70+10=30
    [45] (35) this is 45-10=35
    [75] (30) this is 75-45=30
    [15] (20) this is 80-75+15=20
    [50] (35) this is 50-15=35
    [20] (50) this is 80-50+20=50

  41. If Cell A says "POS" i need to get 3% of cell B & C at Cell D,
    If Cell A Says "NAG" i need to get 5% of Cell B & C at Cell D

    Could you please help me to find the formula?

  42. Invoice date at row number 1 is less than October 2014.Invoice Date should be less than Current Date and greater than October 2014.Error in Excel Sheet Data.

  43. Hi!
    I am working on 2 sheets, sheet 1 & 2 which I re-named GENERAL and SUMMARY.
    The GENERAL sheet is where I do my in & out of materials and the SUMMARY sheet is where I get the balance quantity of the materials.
    e.g. material code on column H and quantity on column K of the GENERAL sheet, then material code on column B and balance quantity on column E of the SUMMARY sheet. I tried =SUMIF(GENERAL!H4:$K4:B4, 3331, GENERAL!B4:$E4, 3331) but failed. Kindly help

  44. How to use sum or sumifs in this condition

    If value is is start to 1 and end to 130 and then restart to 1

    1. Hello,
      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to Please don't worry if you have confidential information there, we never disclose the data we get from our customers and delete it as soon as the problem is resolved.
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.
      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  45. Please, guide me
    i want to check master SKU primary volume sale distributor type wise by latest date. format mention below.

    Date Master SKU Distributor Type Primary Volume
    12/5/2017 Olper 200ml Hyperstar - ICA 365
    12/5/2017 Olper 200ml Makro/Metro –ICA 480
    12/6/2017 Olper 200ml Hyperstar - ICA 72
    12/7/2017 Olper 200ml Makro/Metro –ICA 38
    12/5/2017 OMUNG 200 ML Hyperstar - ICA 178
    12/5/2017 OMUNG 200 ML Makro/Metro –ICA 120
    12/6/2017 OMUNG 200 ML Hyperstar - ICA 58
    12/7/2017 OMUNG 200 ML Makro/Metro –ICA 48

    1. Hello,
      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.
      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  46. How can I use the sum (small) Function when my values are in non contiguous cells and not in a range?

    1. Hello,

      If I understand your task correctly, please try the following formula:


      Hope it will help you.

  47. I have a Y / No column. I want to know how many Yes and how many No. I'm sure this is very simple, that I just can't break out of the simplicity of it.

    1. Hello,

      Please try the following formula:

      ="Yes - "&COUNTIF(A:A,"Y")&" No - "&COUNTIF(A:A,"No")

      Hope it will help you.

  48. Working on a school fundraiser. We offer items for $3 each or 5 for $10. Is there a formula for determining not only the total sold but also calculating the amount of monies that should have been collected?

    1. Hello,
      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to Please don't worry if you have confidential information there, we never disclose the data we get from our customers and delete it as soon as the problem is resolved.
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.
      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  49. Hello everyone,
    I have a formula which is like this

    =COUNTIFS('sheet1 '!W:W,">0",'sheet1 '!A:A,"Truck")

    which is count all data in column W (sheet1) larger than 0, which are called Truck in column A.

    Now, I want this formula to read the same information but by consider a range of dates in between 1st of October to 15th (I have dates in Column B).
    Any input is greatly appreciate.

  50. I have invoice no in one column its may repeating depend upon how many items in a invoice, i need total value of item that is present in same invoice no

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