Microsoft Excel is all about numbers, and in your worksheets, you are likely to deal with numbers most of the time. However, there are situations when you do need to convert numbers to text, and it is where the TEXT function steps in. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 101
how to convert 123.410 to 123410 by excel formula?
formula for multi digit number combine to single digit in excel Example : 49 = 4+9 =13 =1+3=4 ;Answer I should Get =4
This is very useful tutorial! I need help converting a string of alphanumeric and numbers only to text.
The function =text(cell, “0”) works for data below 15 digits. Beyond 15 digits, the text return is converted to 0. Any advice how I can overcome this?
but Result shows 2/1
not showing 6/3
kindly support
Good day can you please help me i want to use function to show heading entry from another cell i need to know which function to use.
What heading are you talking about? You can use a regular link like =A2 and set the desired font in the cell.
Please could any one tell me how at add zeroes to a number with text string and arrange them in sequence. I tried text formula to make all the number 5 digits but zeroes doesn't get added on the number with string Ex:
I’m sorry but your task is not entirely clear to me. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used and what problem or error occurred. Give an example of the the expected result. what number do you want to get from 2064C1? Is it 20640?
It’ll help me understand it better and find a solution for you.
To convert a number as text to a number, you can perform any mathematical operation with it. For example,
I want adding zero my Bank Account Number Using formula
Suppose My Card Number Is 123.456.8975 I want add 00 before 8975(123.456.008975)
how to do it
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
I hope this will help
Hi, is there a formatting that can convert text to subscript or superscript?
Hello Anna!
Formatting cannot convert text to uppercase. To do this, use the UPPER function or VBA
How to display the output value as (+12) where 12 is the output value? I mean to ask how to add plus or minus sign based on the values within parentheses. Thanks in advance
This is a very useful tutorial!
Thank you
I am trying to sort value with alphanumeric value.
tried text and value formula - TEXT(A2,"###") and - VALUE(A2)
also tried in Data tab, in the TEXT TO COLUMNS group and
Data tab, in the Sort group
I need formula to sort randomly where value should be serial-wise in column (final date wanted). please help me in solving this.
Actual data sorting Final data wanted
5-3-56 5-3-56 2-18-1349,1340A & B
16-9-1009/13,1009 5-2-10 5-2-10
8-11-T-1044(1) 12-6-1674,1674A,B 5-3-56
18-4-T-187/18 16-10-1012/1(2) 6-10-1012,A
6-10-1012,A 16-9-1009/13,1009 8-8-1389A,B
16-10-1012/1(2) 16-9-T-9716/10(16) 8-11-T-1044(1)
26-12-T-1148/2(1) 18-4-T-187/18 8-11-11-T-18/87(36)
2-18-1349,1340A & B 19-12-1233 TO 1248 9-10-1012/9(1)
5-2-10 2-18-1349,1340A & B 12-6-1674,1674A,B
19-12-1233 TO 1248 26-12-T-1148/2(1) 16-9-1009/13,1009
8-8-1389A,B 6-10-1012,A 16-9-T-9716/10(16)
16-9-T-9716/10(16) 8-11-11-T-18/87(36) 16-10-1012/1(2)
9-10-1012/9(1) 8-11-T-1044(1) 18-4-T-187/18
12-6-1674,1674A,B 8-8-1389A,B 19-12-1233 TO 1248
8-11-11-T-18/87(36) 9-10-1012/9(1) 26-12-T-1148/2(1)
referred pages
Hope you can help me out in solving this. Please Help.
When I import a text field "1E1" into MS Excel, it converts to "1.00E+01". How can I stop it from converting OR what is a formula to reverse the scientific notation. Currently, when I try to convert it back it turns into "10".
Kindly note for your problem "1E1"
I would like to convert number from currency to text
How can i do this, my number format let say for example RM34.00 so the bank want it to be in 00000340000 11 digits, how to do it
I got atleast 2k data
How can I format a function results to "underline" part of the string??
Ex: I need to calculate todays date and print "Today is: 8/31/2019" WITH ONLY "8/31/2019" UNDERSCORED.
how would i convert amount into words
my question is =if(a1>=250rgb,"a2*60")
I need formula where in column A with percentage changing against text which is having in column B.
Ewample : Column A = 0%, 25%, 75%, 85% and 100%
Coumn B = WIP, complete, Ready, AWIP, delivered
how can I write it.
Hi i am trying to create a string of numbers with initials at the end that is populated from a cell with an if statement.
i need the number to read 2019-000-AA
2019 comes from cell L12, 000 is from cell M12 (i need the leading Zero to show when the number is only a double digit or single digit - i need it to have the 0 placeholders) and AA is from J4.
I also have a macro that needs to run adding plus 1 to the number in cell M12. i have the code for this, but it is not working and cell I4 when =L12&M12&J4 does not show the 0 place holder before the middle number (M12)
You want to wrap the middle cell in a TEXT() function. The other portions seem to be taking care of themselves, but since the middle cell can be a single place, two, or three but needs to always be three here, it is a natural for the TEXT() function. For example:
=L12& TEXT( M12, "000" ) &J4
Then you will always have at least three places filled.
I'm trying to concatenate a number with the " (double quote) sign.
So I'd like to convert the number 90 to 90"
I've tried =text(A1,"""), where the number is in A1, but no luck. Any ideas?
Try putting the " outside the text conversion =text(A1)&" or even just =A1&"""
The___________character is used in text formula.
I would like to display the Custom Number format used
in a new cell just like TEXTFORMULA function displays the FORMULA
S0 since I have a bad memeory 80 yrs old, I can then see the previous work and immediately know the Custom Number format that was asssociated with it, which is now displayed adjacent to it
This will help others (learning) when worksheet is shared -
Thanks in advance - Fragranace Of The Universe Is Gratitude"
I put CONCATENATE formula in cell (B10) with four different cell value from cell (N5), (N6), (N7) & (N8). I want to make Bold for all the text shown from Cell, N5, N6, N7 & N8 in my Concatenate formula.
Can any one help...
i want result in bold with using CONCATENATE without using VBA code.
For eg 1. Paneer 2. Egg
So Result should be in =CONCATENATE (Paneer Egg(in Bold))
can any one help me
In scientific report, we often show 0.183 as .183, and -0.179 as -.179. How can I remove the leading zeor? Please help.
In addition to Doug's response (again, thank you Doug!):
If your values have a variable number of digits after the decimal point, you may want to use the # placeholder that does not display extra zeros.
For example, the .0000 format code will display 0.183 as .1830 and the .#### format code will display it as .183
For more information, please see Custom Excel number format.
I believe you can get the formatting you want by right clicking the cell that holds the data then Format Cells then Custom then enter .0000 in the Type field and OK.
I created a new column and name it month so I want the entire column to be filled with months I.e January to december how can I do it and which formula can I use
I am trying to get the formula ="+ "&SUM(I29-D29)/D29 to appear as +23% It appears as +0.231952922620801 Have tried clicking % function button, using formula pull down menu and format menu. Nothing works. Is it possible to place a text + in front of a calculated percentage in excel? Yes, I realize the plus is assumed but my boss wants it to appear in the spreadsheet.
Using I29 number of 246,823
D29 number as 200,351
ROUND the number you're inserting into the text field and multiply by 100
ie &ROUND(SUM(I29-D290)/D29,2)*100 will convert the 0.23195... into 0.23 * 100 = 23
Today is 1 Feb 2018 (01/02/2018 in dd/mm/yyyy).
I want to retrieve the month portion of the current date.
I can do that with MONTH(TODAY()), and it will return 2.
So far so good.
If I try TEXT(MONTH(TODAY()),"mm"), it returns "01".
I have tried using a new sheet on my Citrix computer - it returns "01".
I have tried using a new sheet on my BBB Android phone it returns "01".
Any clues?
(BBB = Beloved BlackBerry)
Hi Pete,
You're getting that problem because you're converting the date to the number 2, and then you're telling it to convert the number 2 into a date, which it then knows as 02/01/1900 (dd/mm/yyyy), so then when you run the text formula, you're getting the 1 from the January.
Could someone help me with the formula that when type a code it shows the text from another cell, please?
I need to make it easier when I'm requesting supplies from my stock excel file just typing the code of the product.
I have one:
=Sum(G36-D6)/8)& " Days"
and its returning a xx.xxxx
I only want it to return a xx.xx
I am using text formula to display other cells as a certain amount of digits with leading zeroes. all is well with that. what I am unable to figure out is how to get a blank in my result when the original cell is blank. right now, with the basic formula, it displays all zeroes in the amount of digits I've chosen, but as I'm saying, I want to return a blank cell. I've tried =if(isblank)etc with the text formula embedded if the cell is not blank (hope that makes sense) but that either doesn't work or I've gotten the syntax wrong. can anyone help me here?? thank you *SO* much for any help anyone can give me!
Hi Dear,
please tell me the way of writing in Excel 2010 like this
0001-FFFSL-1-17. now i want to change the first number in this not change the last by pressing Ctrl+Mouse Scroling. as the following is needing 0001-FFFSL-1-17 0002-FFFSL-1-17 0003-FFFSL-1-17
In the formula below, the negative difference does not appear in Red. Is there a different formatting method to make the negatives red?
=TEXT(+H37-G37,"#,##0_);[RED](#,##0)")&" ( "&TEXT(IFERROR(H37/G37-1,0),"%0.0")&" )"
Please note that the TEXT function does not support color formatting. So if you copy a number format code from the Format Cells dialog that includes a color, e. g. $#,##0.00_);[Red]($#,##0.00), the TEXT function will accept the format code, but it won’t display the color.
Hope it will help you.
Sorry I should have looked at the question above before posting mine. It is:
=TEXT(A1,IF(DAY(A1)<=15,"Mmm YY \A","Mmm YY \B"))
I am wanting to split dates into 'Month' A and 'Month' B where up to the 15th is A and 16th onwards is B.
With the Date in cell A1, I have tried both these formulas
=TEXT(A1,IF(DAY(A1)<=15,"Mmm YY A","Mmm YY B"))
=TEXT(A1,IF(DAY(A1)<=15,"Mmm YY A",CONCATENATE("Mmm YY"," B")))
If the date is 15th or below it shows A correctly but otherwise on the first I get #VALUE! and on the second instead of B, it shows 60, i.e. Nov 17 60.
I'm sure there must be a way but I can't find it
hello, iam trying to use the mentioned function to add prefix (FL-) before any positive number or (BS-) before any negative number or (GR±00) if the number is 0 or to use the same text in cell
this function is working for positive numbers only and for zero it shows (R±00) without G .
if you can help me, I will be appreciated
Please try the formula below:
=TEXT(A1;"\F\L\-00;\B\S\-00;\G\R±00; @")
Hope it helps!
My question is,, in this formula =if(A1>B1, "Yes", "No").
I want Yes in bold, is it possible using Text function.
NO VBA Code please.
Hello Rajesh,
The TEXT function can only change the way a number appears in a cell by applying a custom number format to it. It cannot apply bold, italic, or underlining style. To my best knowledge, none of the Excel functions can do that.
You can apply Conditional Formatting instead. It will be easier.
I would like to know how I can add text to the number format?
Usually, if you edit the cell format, I would enter a custom format:
dd "Days" hh "Hours"
But if I try that in the TEXT function, it doesn't work because of the extra " characters:
=text(today(), "dd "Days" hh "Hours"")
Any idea of a work around?
Hi Piet,
Does using =TEXT(TODAY(),"dd ") & "Days " & TEXT(TODAY(),"hh ") & "Hours" give you what you require?
i am concatenating headings and associated numbers for a report.
all of the numbers have a currency fomrat.
i am using the followning function to show thousand separators: "£#,##0;;@"
the positiveappear fine but the negetive numbers do not appear
Hi Luke,
This is because the negative numbers section is empty in your format code.
To have the format apply to all number types - positive, negative and zeros - use only the first section of the format code: "£#,##0"
You can find more information in Understanding Excel number format.