Excel time format: 12/24 hour, custom, default

This tutorial explains the basics and beyond of the Excel time format.

Microsoft Excel has a handful of time features and knowing them in depth can save you a lot of time. To leverage powerful time functions, it helps to know how Excel stores times. In this article, you will find everything you need to know about formatting time in Excel:

Excel time format

If you have been following our Excel Date Format tutorial, you know that Microsoft Excel stores dates as sequential numbers beginning with January 1, 1900, which is stored as number 1. As time is a portion of a day, times are stored as decimal fractions.

In Excel's internal system:

  • 00:00:00 is stored as 0.0
  • 23:59:59 is stored as 0.99999
  • 06:00 AM is 0.25
  • 12:00 PM is 0.5

When both date and time are entered in a cell, the value is stored as a decimal number comprised of an integer representing the date and a decimal portion representing the time. For example, 1 June 2025 9:30 AM is stored as 45809.39583. Time formatting in Excel

How to get a decimal number representing time in Excel

To get a decimal number representing a certain time, carry out these steps:

  1. Select a cell containing the time.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box.
  3. On the Number tab, select General under Category, and you will see the decimal in the Sample box.

Now, you can write down that number and click Cancel to close the window. Or, you can click the OK button and have the time replaced with a corresponding decimal number in the cell. Get a decimal number representing the time in Excel.

To keep both the original time and its decimal representation, enter a simple formula like =B3 (where B3 is the time value) in any empty cell, and set the General number format for that cell. Return a decimal number representing the time in a separate cell.

This is the fastest way to convert time to decimal in Excel. You can also use different formulas to convert time to hours, minutes or seconds.

How to format time in Excel

Microsoft Excel is smart enough to recognize a time value as you type it in a cell. For example, if you type 20:30, or 8:30 PM, or even 8:30 p, Excel will interpret this as a time and display either 20:30 or 8:30 PM, depending on your default time format.

To change an existing time formatting or apply some specific one, use the Format Cells dialog as described below.

  1. Select the cell(s) that you want to format.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog.
  3. On the Number tab, select Time from the Category list, and then choose the desired format from the Type list.
  4. Click OK to apply the selected format and close the dialog box. Apply or change the time format in Excel.

Custom time format in Excel

Though Microsoft Excel provides a number of predefined time formats, you may want to create your own one that fits best for a particular sheet. This can also be done using the Format Cells dialog box:

  1. Select the target cells.
  2. Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog.
  3. Under Category, select Custom and type the desired format code in the Type box.
  4. Review the Sample value to check if it's formatted as expected.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

For example, to format a date time value like 1-Jun-2025 9:30 AM, utilize this code: d-mmm-yyyy h:mm AM/PM. Create a custom time format in Excel.

The custom time format you've created will be in the Type list the next time you need it.

Tip. The easiest way to make a custom time format is to use one of the existing formats as a starting point. For this, click Time in the Category list, and select one of the predefined formats under Type. After that switch to Custom and make the changes to the format displayed in the Type box.

Excel time formatting codes

When creating a custom time format in your worksheets, you can use the following codes.

Code Description Displays as
h Hours without a leading zero 0-23
hh Hours with a leading zero 00-23
m Minutes without a leading zero 0-59
mm Minutes with a leading zero 00-59
s Seconds without a leading zero 0-59
ss Seconds with a leading zero 00-59
AM/PM Periods of the day
(if omitted, 24-hour time format is used)
AM or PM

12 hour time format in Excel

To set the 12 hour format for times in Excel, include AM/PM in the format code that you enter in the Format Cells dialog.

Format Displays as
h:mm:ss AM/PM 1:30:00 PM
h:mm AM/PM 1:30 PM

To change time to 12 hour format, you can also use the TEXT function with one of the codes listed above.

Assuming the original time value is in A3, the formula takes this form:

=TEXT(A3,"hh:mm:ss AM/PM") Change time to 12 hour format.

Note. The TIME function converts a time value into a text string. If you intend to calculate times at a later point, then set a custom 12-hour format using the Format Cells dialog.

24 hour time format in Excel

To apply the 24 hour time format, use any format code without AM/PM.

Format Displays as
h:mm:ss 13:30:00
h:mm 13:30

Once you've decided on the format code, apply a corresponding custom format to the original cell or supply the format code to the TEXT function to return a formatted time in another cell. Remember that in the latter case, the output will be a text string.

With the source time in A3, the formula goes as follows:

=TEXT(A3,"hh:mm:ss") Change time to 24 hour format.

Excel time format over 24 hours

When adding up times, the total may exceed 24 hours. To format times over 24 hours correctly, enclose the hour code in square brackets like [h].

Here are some examples of time formats over 24 hours:

Format Displays as Explanation
[h]:mm 41:30 41 hours and 30 minutes
[h]:mm:ss 41:30:10 41 hours, 30 minutes and 10 seconds
[h] "hours", mm "minutes", ss "seconds" 40 hours, 30 minutes, 10 seconds
d h:mm:ss 1 17:30:10 1 day, 17 hours, 30 minutes and 10 seconds
d "day" h:mm:ss 1 day 17:30:10
d "day," h "hours," m "minutes and" s "seconds" 1 day, 17 hours, 30 minutes and 10 seconds

For more information, please see how to show, add, subtract over 24 hours, 60 minutes, 60 seconds.

Excel date time format

To create custom formatting for date and time, use various combinations of time and date format codes.

The following table provides some examples of how your Excel date time formats may look like:

Format Displays as
d-mmm-yy h:mm:ss AM/PM 13-Jan-25 1:30:00 PM
mmmm dd, hh:mm AM/PM January 13, 01:30 PM
dddd, m/d/yy h:mm:ss Monday, 1/13/25 13:30:00
ddd, mmmm dd, yyyy hh:mm Mon, January 13, 2025 13:30

Excel time format without date

To format a date time value so that only time is visible in a cell, use only the time codes without the date codes. At that, you can use the international standard notation such as hh:mm:ss or your custom notation. Here are a few examples:

Format Displays as
h:mm:ss AM/PM 1:30:00 PM
hh:mm:ss AM/PM 01:30:00 PM
hh:mm:ss 13:30:00
hh-mm-ss 13-30-00
hh.mm.ss 13.30.00

How to format negative time values

The custom time formats discussed above work for positive values only. If the result of your calculations is a negative number formatted as time (e.g. when you subtract a bigger time from a smaller one), the result will be displayed as #####. If you want to format negative time values differently, the following options are available to you:

  • Display an empty cell for negative times. Type a semicolon at the end of the time format, for example [h]:mm;
  • Display an error message. Type a semicolon at the end of the time format, and then type a message in quotation marks, e.g. [h]:mm;"Negative time"

Generally speaking, a semicolon acts as a delimiter to separate positive values' format from negative values' formatting. For full details, please see Custom Excel number format.

If you want to display negative times as negative values, e.g. -10:30, the easiest way is to switch to Excel's 1904 date system. For this, click File > Options > Advanced, scroll down to When calculating this workbook section and check the Use 1904 date system box.

For more information, please see How to calculate and display negative times in Excel.

Excel default time format

When setting up a time format in the Format Cells dialog, you may have noticed that one of the formats begins with an asterisk (*). This is the default time format in your Excel. The default time format in Excel

To quickly apply the default Excel time format to the selected cell or a range of cells, go to the Home tab > Number group, and choose Time from the Number Format drop-down list. Apply the default time format in Excel

How to change the default time format

To change the default time format in Excel, this is what you need to do:

  1. Open the Control Panel and click Region. If your Control panel opens in Category view, then click Clock and Region > Change the date, time, or number format.
  2. In the Region dialog box, set the Short time and Long time formats you want. Change the default time format in Excel.

Now that you've got the hang of time formatting in Excel, it will be much easier for you to manipulate date and time values in your worksheets. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!

Practice workbook for download

Excel time formatting - examples (.xlsx file)


  1. how to convert 1h 30m 4.1s to 01:30:04?

    • Hi! Determine the position of the decimal point with the SEARCH function and delete the extra digits of the seconds with the LEFT function.
      Replace the hour and minute symbols "h " and "m " with ":" in the text string using the SUBSTITUTE function.
      Convert the resulting text string to time using the TIMEVALUE function.
      Based on this information, the formula could be as follows:

      =TIMEVALUE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,SEARCH(".",A1)-1),"h ",":"),"m ",":"))

  2. hello, im trying to convert 991:00:00 = 10/02/1900 07:00:00 into a number 991. How can I do it?

  3. I have a result generated from from google form test in excel as 31/40 and I want the results presented as 31. How can I go about it? My regards.

  4. Is there any way to use a format like:


    In an amount of time way, not a date way.

  5. I am looking to convert a number (stored in seconds) to h:mm:ss format
    A1 = 3510 A2 = =CONVERT(Q397,"sec","mn") formated as general with a result of 58.5
    I am trying to have the 58.5 show as 58.30 or 58:30 ( 58 mins and 30 seconds).

  6. Is there a way to show a elapsed time, such as 145:24:37 as 145:25, without changing the actual value or using formulas?

  7. Shift start time today 4,:00 AM to shift end time next day 4:00 AM, based on the shift start and end time only I need to calculate time utilizes, pl help me to get results through formula
    Cell : A : 04,:00:00 20-Dec-2023
    Cell: B: 04:21:00 21-Dec-223

  8. I am trying to format cells to show time in hh:mm format only, but it keeps changing to dd:mm:yyyy hh:mm:ss and consequently I am unable to see average time because it's including the date part.

    I set the cells to custom format hh:mm only but for some reason it keeps putting the date in there too - any idea how to stop this?


    • Hi! If you do set the time format to "hh:mm" in the cell, only the hours and minutes will be shown. I cannot reproduce your issue.

      • I got this exact error too; if you enter the number as 20:20 the ":" is the trick; I wanted to enter 2020 and have excel know that it was 20:20 with out having to convert it, but it seems that we are not able to do that with out a text function.

  9. I need hours to format as 12,345:00. Suggestions?

  10. We cannot change format of this text string 13/04/2023 07:40:15 to date & time in excell

  11. I have questions on excel regarding a What formula I should use?

    Ending 02:00:00 AM - 03:00 (hours) = 11:00:00 PM (results)

    Result Cell is formatted in Time

  12. Dear sir, is it possible to mention time in From-To format in MS excel, for ex. 5:00am to 6:00am or 5:00 to 6:00.
    If yes then how, Please help me with this.

  13. Good morning,

    Trying to textjoin 2 cells containing time in one, (i.e 5:00 and 13:00), but the format i get is a number (0,208333-0,54166) and i want format in time again. Trying =TEXT(C2;HH:MM) but the result is a message (Excel ran out of resources while trying to calculate one or more formulas)

  14. I want to calculate TAT. It is mentioned in the excel as 20-11-2022 15:52:17, its a start time and end time 20-11-2022 15:52:20. I have to calculate this where I should know how much days required along with time. How to do this.

    I have used formula =TEXT(AB2-AA2,"h:mm:ss") to arrived on the time. Which later i have converted in hours with formula =HOUR(AC2)+MINUTE(AC2)/60

    But i want it together as how to calculate if its beyond any day. please help

  15. Hi,
    Please what I want is adding a difference of 4 hours to the initial time. Let's say my current time is 8:00 amin column A, I want to create a formula to automatically calculate time in the next 4 hours (i.e. 12:00 pm) in the next column B.

    How do I do this on excel?

  16. how can i extract and use only the time from the now() function and then use the time in an another function

  17. I have a column with times in that I intend to sum. If a value is less than 1 hr, is there a way to format it so it displays as 0:mm?

    Thank you.

  18. How can we get the different time stamp in different cell

    e.g. when i update any number in 1st column in 1st cell the current time will get update and subsequently different time for another cell

  19. Hello,

    I need the column Say ( "D" Start Time and "F" End Time ) to automatically capture the system time when my team inputs a file number (Data) in column "A"

    Requirement :
    Column D1 should capture the start time when Data is added in Column A1
    Column F1 should capture the end time when the data is added in Column A2

      • Hello,
        I want to read a cell value at only at 8:00 am every day.. and that only one value in that cell need to recorded every day with date. My spreadsheet sheet is in timer update value of 00:20 hh:mm.

        Example: energy meter reading. Daily at 8:00 I need to record the value in a sheet. And also need to display the yesterday consume in a seperate cell.

  20. Shift Standard time : 08:00 hrs
    Actual working time : less than 08:00hrs, but some time more also
    i have excecated + if error( Standard time - Actual Hours,0) but error coming
    please suggest

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