If you want to quickly find, filter and highlight unique or distinct values in your Excel worksheets, this tutorial will show you fast and efficient ways. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
If you want to quickly find, filter and highlight unique or distinct values in your Excel worksheets, this tutorial will show you fast and efficient ways. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 50
Pls give solution. Particular one cell in more data value (exp: 45,56,45,56)how to find duplicate value in one cell.
Dear Sevtlana,
This is my second request. Sorry. I am just trying to ask some help regarding a formula a for a cell using conditional formatting, i badly need this for my training matrix which covers different trainings and different expiry dates.
Training dates that will highlight if it will expire in 1,2,3 years
1 yr ( example 01-Aug-2016 will expire in 01-Aug-2017 onward ) and ( 1 year before the current date) highlighting in red with white font
2 yr ( example 01-Aug-2016 will expire in 01-Aug-2018 onward ) and ( 2 year before the current date) highlighting in red with white font
3 yr ( example 01-Aug-2016 will expire in 01-Aug-2019 onward ) and ( 3 years before the current date) highlighting in red with white font
And it highlight on different color if cell value is blank/empty
Please help me on this. i have been trying to ask help to all my friends but no one knows.
Thanks and God bless
Dear Carwell,
You can create a few conditional formatting rules with the following formulas:
Expire in 1 yr: =DATEDIF($A1, TODAY(), "y")<=1
Expire in 2 yr: =DATEDIF($A1, TODAY(), "y")<=2
Expire in 3 yr: =DATEDIF($A1, TODAY(), "y")<=3
To highlight blank cells, use this formula: =$A1=""
Where A1 is the topmost cell with a date.
The detailed instructions on conditionally formatting dates can be found here:
I need help with the following =If(B2:B11)="Pass","Completed" it works if I just us B2 but when I want to see if "Pass" is in each field that is when I get an error.
Hello Rhonda,
If you want to show "Completed" in each row, if a cell in column B in that row is "Pass", you can enter the following formula in row 2, and then copy it down to row 11:
=IF(B2="Pass","Completed", "")
If you want to show "Completed" if all 10 cells (B2:B11) contain "pass", then use this formula:
=IF(COUNTIF(B2:B11, "pass")=10, "completed", "")