Comments on: Excel VLOOKUP tutorial for beginners with formula examples

This VLOOKUP tutorial explains the syntax and provides a number of examples that illustrate the most common usages of the VLOOKUP function in Excel. Continue reading

Comments page 8. Total comments: 234

  1. My Query

    I have 12 sheets in a work book. I wanted to consolidate all the entries in all the work sheet in one sheet through vlookup.

    Please reply with result.



  2. My query:
    I have two column A & B each had got 10000 entries , A is original and B is typed in. I want to find error in B by comparing both column A & B
    Entries e.g. 1-721-95-43
    Please reply with result oriented solution

  3. When I type in a vlookup formula, the cell shows the formula not the result?

    What am I doing wrong here?

    1. Tim,

      Most likely you have inadvertently activated the Show Formulas mode in your worksheet. To turn it off, press the CTRL+` shortcut. If it's not the case, check out other possible reasons and fixes: Why is Excel showing formula, not result?

    2. Hello Tim,
      Please make sure you enter the equals sign before the formula, e.g.

  4. I have two workbooks. Workbook "A" has been completed and now contains questions and the responses of the Interviewee. Workbook "B" contains a number of additional cells which are the bases of the final report to management. I constructed "VLOOKUP" code to pull questions entered in Workbook "A" and pace them in the appropriate column in Workbook "B". What I want is this to happen only once when Workbook "B" is opened. Can I do this using just formulas or do I need to use VBA code?

  5. Hi! I have a list of weeks that gets refreshed periodically, like:
    2015|05 (2)
    2015|06 (3)
    2015|07 (4)
    2015|08 (5)
    2015|09 (6)
    and so on. And I want to make a vlookup reference to them, but on my other table the dates get refreshed with a little difference, like:
    2015|05 (11)
    2015|06 (12)
    2015|07 (13)
    How can I make the reference work? Because I tried to make the range_lookup cell TRUE (an approximate match), but then the result is not correct.
    Thanks a lot!

  6. For problem 2 of the vlookup examples how would one go about figuring that out? I understand it's something like vlookup("Jamie"&"Jackie,$B$5:$E$17... but I'm lost from there. How do you compare the two values to come out with the higher value?

  7. Hi. Hope you struggling to get resolve the problem with my vlookup. It continues show #NA. Can i please e-mail the workbook to you? I urgently need help and need to know how to avoid this in problem in the future. Many thanks.

  8. Hi,
    I have an issue where in sheet 1 I have different no like
    and I have to put data from 2 different sheet which have

    in sheet 2

    in sheet 3

    so what single formula we can use so that data can be come in sheet 1 from sheet 2 and 3

    pls suggest

  9. hi i am unable to understand this and i am new to this vlookup can you help me out of this problem. ple....Svetlana Cheusheva

  10. Thanks very very very much for your good information ms excel. I want to learn form u more and more from u thanks and regards sham india please send more tips on my email

  11. Hi

    I have a date in dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM:SS (26/11/2014 01:51:08)formatt, I want to use a wildcard vlookup. I tried =vlookup("26/11/2014*", etc etc.

    But no joy, can you help?


  12. 2 coloum common vlookup actually I need to compare with booking with stock what I am having. Kindly help me. eg : In sheet1 bookings & in another sheet2 stock. model wise colour is common for both sheet. I need to arrive against stock the booking of the customer name.

    Please help me

  13. Hello Rosie,

    Because Excel VLOOKUP cannot look at its left, it cannot return a value from a column located to the left of the lookup column. In this can you can use an INDEX / MATCH formula like this:


    Where B8 is the lookup value, column E in NOMINA sheet is the lookup column and column H in the NOMINA sheet is the return column.

    For more details about using INDEX MATCH as a more flexible alternative to VLOOKUP, please see this tutorial:

    1. Actually the returned is column E in the NOMINA sheet and column H is the lookup column

  14. Hi, first of all, thanks a lot for giving us these tips and explanations, they are very useful.
    What if I want to find a value that is not on the first column? On the Speed/Animal example, what if I want my Vlookup formula to find the value Antelope so it will show me that animal's speed instead of doing it the other way around.
    I have 2 different sheets, I want to be able to create a Vlookup formula on sheet #1 that will allow me to match a value that is on the H column of the 2nd sheet and I want it to give me the value on the column E of the same sheet (I cannot change what's on the 2nd sheet). I tried something like =VLOOKUP(B8,NOMINA!A:H,5,FALSE), but it doesn't work.

  15. Thank for ur introdution of vlookup

  16. Thank you for the tutorial on using Vlookup with a separate workbook!

  17. I had tried it, it is EXCELLENT

    Thank you.

  18. How I use the VLOOKUP formula in the situation below,

    for example;

    5 4 4 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 2

    the total number of 5 in this row is 4, how can I formula it so that I can use sum up a specified number in a row of more than 100 numbers or more?

    Thank you.

      1. Thanks, excellent example

  19. The Most Important VLOOKUP function in MS Office (Excel). You can big database in find one person of the result. Thank You



    With best regards

  21. Waiting for ur suggestion.

    1. Hello Madhu,

      Thank you for your workbook. I am sorry, we are overloaded with work at the moment. We'll try to look at your task as soon as we can.

  22. Hi Madam
    i sent a mail ur mentioned mail id please find the mail .

  23. Hi
    Thanks for your valuable feedback.
    Finding solution in a work sheet row's a1 b1 c1 d1..... Contained descriptions and same column have many part numbers. If a cell reference part number by matching index. description will be auto generated. please let me know if any formula is there?

    1. Hi Madhu,

      I think it will be easier for me to write the correct formula if I can see your sample data. If you can send me your workbook at and give an example of the expected result, I will try to help.

      1. hi svetlana nice working excel working and as only work
        i am freind and frankily

      2. Hi Svetlana,
        Please help me I want to find value from 2 pairs of different columns in same sheet by inserting Vlookup formula.
        Please suggest inputs.

        Arjun Yadav

      3. Hi Svetlana,

        May I send you sample data sheet for vlookup formula.

  24. More vlookup function details

    1. You can find more information about various aspects of Excel Vlookup in the links posted at the end of this tutorial.

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