Comments on: XLOOKUP function in Excel with formula examples

The tutorial introduces XLOOKUP - the new function for vertical and horizontal lookup in Excel. Left lookup, last match, Vlookup with multiple criteria and a lot more things that used to require a rocket science degree to accomplish have now become as easy as ABC. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 171

  1. Hi,

    I really appreciate this amazing tutorial, so thank you very much.

    I have written an Xlookup with multiple criteria and it’s going well - only thing is that in the return array I want the largest value to be found (not the first value). Is there a way I can go about doing this without the changes being too major?

    Thanks again,

    1. Hi! I don't know what formula you are using. If the XLOOKUP formula returns an array of numbers, you can find the maximum value using the MAX function.

      MAX(XLOOKUP(1, (criteria_range1=criteria1) * (criteria_range2=criteria2) * (…), return_array))

      1. Hi, thank you so much for responding.

        Just before I wrote this reply I tried what you suggested and it returned the first value rather than the largest value - it’s nice to know I was on a similar wavelength so must be close!

        With my formula, I need to return the most recent date in another grid that fulfils 2 criteria (that are in other columns of the same row of that grid). The dates column on that grid is not in descending order and what the formula above returned was the first date in the grid whereby the criteria in the other 2 columns were met (it returned the date that had been inputted on the lowest row number where the conditions were met, rather than returning the most recent date where the conditions are met, and the most recent date should be the largest number in that column where the conditions are met).

        I really appreciate your response above - it’s very kind of you to be responding to others who are teaching themselves excel. Is there a way you think that I can adapt the formula above so that it can fulfil its requirements of returning the largest (most recent) date rather than the first date whereby the conditions are met?

        Hope you had a great festive period and new year.

        Many thanks

        1. Hi! It would be good if you described the problem in detail in your first question. If I understand correctly, try a formula like this:


          The criteria are written in D1 and E1. The dates are written in column A. You can find the examples and detailed instructions here: Vlookup multiple matches based on multiple conditions. The formula returns all dates that match the conditions, and the MAX function shows the greatest date.
          To get an array of dates that match the criteria, you can use the FILTER function.


          Read more: Excel FILTER function - dynamic filtering with formulas.

          1. Thank you so much for your replies, I’ve entered a rabbit hole where I’m learning loads of new formulas and I love it! Thank you so much - I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to help.

  2. Hello! I am trying to match the first several digits in a 16 digit number to specific words (I have a mapping tab where the numbers coincide to specific words). The problem is sometimes its the first 4 digits, and other times its the first 6 digits. I can't do an xlookup for the first 6 digits because the in the case of the 4 digit identifiers, the next digits aren't always the same. Also, I don't think I can use approximate match because I that only uses smaller or larger matches.

    1. Hi! To ensure clear understanding of your task, can you provide an example of the source data and the desired result you are aiming for?

  3. Hello, really like your article.

    As a newbie to the XLOOKUP function I understand the basics, where I am struggling is when I have a set of two criteria (Data & Employee number) that need to search against two different spreadsheet tabs. One tab contains a list of company employees and the other tab a list of contractors. I would like the formula to basically look at the two criteria and search the company employees tab, and if not found search the contractor might that formula look?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    1. Realized I did not explain what I am looking for....I am trying to identify the name of the person who matches the two criteria (Date & Employee number). Each tab (company employees and contractors) has a date and number applied to there names. I am trying to pull that information, on another tab, into a single list of names containing both company employees and contractors using the XLOOKUP function.

  4. Could you please help with these questions? 1. How not to lose value that is already in a field when xlookup performed between two workbooks?
    2. Where is 0 or 1/10/1900 is coming from after xlookup, if the field was blank?
    3. Why can’t I copy and paste to get rid of the formula and just save values on the filtered sheet. I have more than 52000 rows, but I need to copy paste only on 150 of the them, that are filtered.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

      1. Hi Alexander,

        Thank you for a quick response! I tried the advice from the article to (Go to Special > Visible cells only), but I still receive the same error message, after I do ctrl+v “The action won’t work on multiple selections”.

        As for the rest of my questions: I performed xlookup from one workbook to another, and came across to these issues: Some of the blank cells became 0 some 1/0/1900, I am not sure why this is happening.

        Thanks a lot for your help!

        1. Hi! When performing actions on empty cells, Excel often converts them to 0. A value of 1/0/1900 is a 0 in date format.

  5. Hi Team, your Xlookup session is valuable,
    I have a query, hoping to have solution

    In Xlookup, how about if the lookup_value is formula.

    Scenario - i have simple table for time to be reported which is 4X3 grid with a header "Now()", I try to get result based on header but i see error.

    Any solutions please !!


    1. Hi! The lookup_value can be a formula. For me to be able to help you better, please describe your task in more detail. Please specify what you were trying to find, what formula you used, and what error occurred. Give an example of the source data and the expected result.

  6. A very good tutorial. A useful addition to your article (which I was looking for, but since found a solution using SEQUENCE) would be returning a 2-D array.

  7. Perfect Thanks

  8. Hi
    how to update xlookup formula in office 2019

  9. Hello,

    I am asking XLOOKUP to do a lookup only I get the #NAME?. I honestly can't see what is wrong with my formula.


    1. Hi! This #NAME? error means that there is no such function in your Excel. See the function description at the beginning of this article.

  10. Hello. This is so useful, thank you.

    Is there a way of getting the XLOOKUP to look at and return a value from a different range if the range it is looking at is empty? For example, I am asking it to return a value from B4:T4, by looking up K61 in B12:T12. If B12:T12 is empty, i'd like it to look and to return a value from B9:T9 instead. Is this possible?

    My main formula is =XLOOKUP(K61,B12:T12,B4:T4,"") and to solve my problem I have tried =IF(XLOOKUP(K61,B12:T12,B4:T4)="",XLOOKUP(K61,:B9:T9,B4:T4)) but it keeps returning NA when there is definitely a value in B9:T9. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks

  11. Hi,

    =XLOOKUP("*B1*",Ordering!L:L,Ordering!A:A, "", 2)

    How would I adjust that formula so that the search key(from a drop down menu in B1) returns partial matches eg. JER / TK. from the search range?

  12. Thank you very much Svetlana for posting the example workbook for practice,

    I have been greatly assisted to easily extract interval data from a huge dataset after following your tutorial.

    Great thanks indeed🍕👌

  13. Hi! I am trying to create a formula using XLOOKUP that can generate a column average and also work with different quantities of columns (this formula will address survey responses, so, one worksheet may have 10 columns that need to be "looked up", and one may have three). Is there a formula that you would recommend?


  14. Hi
    I try to use average with xlookup multiple criteria.
    I used Boolean logic to find the first occurrence. and then required average of the previous 60 rows.
    than, I used address and cell function to convert values to cell address. than i understand that the outcome is a string so I applied indirect in order to convert to a cell reference an average function can use. unluckily for me the indirect gave value instead of cell address.
    it looks something like this:

    any help will be very much appreciated

    1. Hi! It is very difficult to understand a formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets. Please clarify your specific problem or provide additional information to understand what you need.

      1. hi Alexander
        thanks for your quick response
        I'll do my best trying to describe my woorkbook
        column A - minutes from 04/01/2022 00:00 until now range from 3 to 650002
        column B - Mwt by minute based on column A range from 3 to 650002
        column G - is DNI by minute based on column A range from 3 to 650002
        column H - is DNI by minute based on column A range from 3 to 650002
        column N - Dates by day from 04/01/2022 00:00 until now range from 3 to 452
        I would like to get an output as follows: by giving date (column N) find the first time DNI by columns G&H is bigger than 1 and do average by column B and last 60 minutes from first event.
        in my previous post you to averages because i need to same output from column D
        hope hearing form you soon


        1. Hi! Here is an example of a formula that might be helpful. The MATCH function finds a position number in the range where the date = N1 and the value in column H is greater than 1 (for example, we get a position number 13). Add 2 to this position number to get the row number. Use the INDIRECT function to get the address of the cell in column B (for example, B15). The function OFFSET returns the range of values from this cell and 5 rows higher (for example B11:B15). Use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average in this range.


          I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

  15. Thank you for this very informative article. I am trying to use xlookup to return the smallest of values in the return range where the lookup value occurs multiple times in the lookup range. It looks like it just returns the first one it finds. Is there a way to use the xlookup function as is, or to nest another formula to control which value is returned?


    Tag | Sequence
    A-B-C-D | 5
    C-D-T-G | 4
    G-H-E-H | 2
    A-B-C-D | 3
    B-T-R-D | 1

    "A-B-C-D" occurs twice, but would like to return the smaller of the two value (3), instead of (5) as it currently does, without having to change the sort of the table.

    Thank you,

  16. Good day,
    I'm usinng a list with 28 data in and using xloopup to look for some values.
    =$E$2&"-"&C4 This formula is used in 53 rows in column A and this combine the number in the list and number un column C.
    The Xlookup is working fine with the first 103 rows that I search, but after that I get the #N/A error.
    My question is how big can the Xlookup array be?


    1. Hi! The XLOOKUP function has no limitations. Error #N/A means that the data is not found. Possible causes are given in the article above.

  17. Hello,
    I was particularly interested in the above section on "XLOOKUP to return multiple columns or rows".

    Can you tell me, is the return array limited to adjacent columns (as your example per B2:D7 returns information from columns B, C and D.)?

    Or is it possible to return information from a table which has many columns but you only want info from for example B, F, K?

    Thanks, Janek

      1. Thank you, that is almost perfect for what I need, though I think I see that when CHOOSECOLS is used, the XLOOKUP lookup value must be a single cell address and not an array itself.

  18. IN the double formula, do I have to use column and row at a time or i can use column and column or row & row? please help me to figure out this problem

    1. Sorry, I do not fully understand the task.
      As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.

  19. I am trying to figure out if the content of the cells needs to be text or number. i am comparing data from two speadsheets. the last 4 # of telephone #. I use the =RIGHT(cell location, 4) the result is the last 4 #'s of the 10 digit phone #. THe problem is when I am using the xlookup forumla Keep getting an #VALUE! error, I tried to convert both columns to numbers, but I am still gettin the error.

    1. Hi! Unfortunately, I can't see your data and I don't know what formula you used. The LEFT function always returns text. If you convert those 4 digits to a number, you might lose the leading zeros. Note the paragraph above: XLOOKUP with wildcards. Here is an example formula:


      Pay attention to Match_mode: 2 - wildcard character match.
      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  20. I am trying to work out this formula =IF(A2>0, "Non Compliance","Compliance") but I want to exclude blank cells. How can I do that?

  21. Can a nested Xlookup return a result based on criteria in two different columns? I noticed that the most successful results are when there is one horizontal and one vertical.

    1. Hi Paul,

      Sure, it can. Please check the "XLOOKUP with multiple conditions" example in this tutorial.

  22. Hello,

    I am wondering if it's possible to have a multiple results but from the same column.

    For example I have value X that I am trying to find in column ''Y'' and than return the value from column ''Z'' next to it. This is pretty standard.

    But X appears a few times in ''Y'' with different value in ''Z'' - and I want the formula to return all those different values. Is it possible?

      1. Hello!

        The instruction that you linked is exactly what I need (this section: Vlookup to return multiple results in one cell (comma or otherwise separated)).

        My issue is that the values I want returned are on the left side of the cell with the looked up value - that's why I was wondering if it's possible to do something like that with xlookup since here we don't have to worry about that.

        1. Hi!
          I don't think you opened the article I recommended. Do that and see that the VLOOKUP function is not used and the order of the columns is irrelevant.

  23. Thanks for the great article. Wondering if you can suggest if it is useful for my situation below:
    I am trying to categorize purchases from my credit card bill. The entries look something like this:
    A B
    ITUNES 1234 $0.99
    ITUNES 0987 $0.99

    Column C should classify each item into a category (eg Supermarket, iTunes or Petrol) based on the content of Column A. I am currently using a IFS(ISNUMBER(SEARCH formula to check column A for partial text (i.e. "MARKS&SPENCER") and return a category but the formula has become very long. Can this be done using an array instead?

    1. Hello!
      Use the SEARCH function to determine partial matching of text strings.


      Use INDEX MATCH to get the desired value from the list of categories $E$1:$E$5. I hope it’ll be helpful. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.

      1. Thank you Alexander, that got the job done


  24. I am using a XLOOKUP in order to sort and match results between two tables based on a unique ID number.

    the formula I am using looks like this: =XLOOKUP(A2,LiveProjects!M:M,LiveProjects!P:P,"",0,1)

    This seems to be working only for SOME of the IDs i have in the table I am using, but not all. Does this not work if you are searching using a value in A2 which is the result of another formula?

    I.e. does the look up only look in the text in the cell and not the result given by that text?

    1. Hello!
      The XLOOKUP function works with values that are the result of other formulas. If these values are numbers, pay attention to the decimal values and use round numbers.

  25. How do I get a return of multiple column headers by matching a repeated row value using Xlookup? Ex. Column headers are different shopping centers and rows are different items. I am trying to look up a specific item (row) and the return to be a list of column headers (shopping centers) that sell the item. Thank you

  26. Hi - this is the best tutorial I've come across. Thanks

    1- I have two Sheets (LISTING= with columns: Vendor Name, ID# and Hotel; & HOTEL= with 9 columns that contain the first 3 cols as: Priority Vendor1, ID# & Email ; Priority Vendor2, ID# & Email; and Priority Vendor3, ID# & Email

    2- I need to return the vendor name found on either one of the Priority Vendor1, 2 or 3 cols based on the ID# on the LISTING sheet, but I haven't been able to get results by doing a search of the ID# on (sheet1) on the 3 cols of sheet2

    Is this possible?

  27. I am comparing 2 columns. The first column has 16318 rows and the second 18526 rows. The formula =XLOOKUP(C2, B2:B18584, A2:A18584, "No match is found") works perfectly.

    My question: Is there a way to populate the formula in column "D" incrementing the C2 value without changing the range values? When I use ctl and pull the corner of the cell down to copy into subsequent cells the first cell value of the ranges also increments resulting the elimination of one cell for every copy.

    Example: =XLOOKUP(C61, B61:B18584, A61:A18584, "No match is found")
    Thanks for your insight.

      1. Alright I know this is very late but I must let you know how much I appreciate this response. It has corrected something that was plaguing me tremendously and saved so much data entry time. Thank you for the assist.

  28. Is XLookup able to return the first result that has a negative number?

  29. Is there a way to use xlookup (or maybe it would be something else) to return one value from two. To explain I have a table in document 1 that has included in it first names (column c) and last names (column B) and I want it to find and input the ID number (column A) from document 2. Document 2 has all of the above information and other information that I don't need, all in separate columns. So I need it to get a match to both first and last name for it to get the ID number. Unfortunately, the way it is set up, I cannot do the inverse and input the ID numbers and search for the first and last names. Is there a way to do this? Another option is I can have it in document 1 as LastName, First Name in column B and ID number in column A, but document 2 would still have the last name and first name separate.

    Thanks in advance!!

    1. Hello!
      You can search by two criteria with INDEX+MATCH or XLOOKUP. See formula examples here.
      To input the ID numbers and search for the first and last names, you can use the paragraph in this article above: XLOOKUP to return multiple columns or rows.
      I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.

  30. I'm trying build out an excel file using two sheets. I'm trying to use the ID# from column A sheet one to find said ID# from sheet two. Then I'd like it to search for the row title from sheet 1 on sheet 2 to pull sheets 2s value into sheet 1. Is this possible?

  31. How would you use the function of xlookup in excel? And what was the function names before as?

    Someone can answer this please. Thanks in advance ?

  32. Hi! I'm trying to use XLOOKUP for the following situation but I don't know how to do so the number of cals finds the right pricing tier.
    I have 1 table with 14 columns: a) a CONCAT formula to add in 1column the centre, market & channel info (BsAsARGcall) b) different pricing tiers, under 4000 calls there's a price for each centre, market & channel and the same for every tier: over 8000, over 10000 calls, etc there's a different price according to amount of contacts
    In another table I have a column with another CONCAT formula same info as above (centre, market,channel) and then the column with amount of calls per centre, market, channel.
    What I need to do is for the XLOOKUP to find the right price by searching the right tier column (under 4000, over 8000, etc) and bring the right price according to the amount of calls. Any help? Hope I was able to explain myself clearly :-)

  33. Hi,
    I need to retrieve data under certain conditions from one sheet to another, and here is the formula I am using: =XLOOKUP((IF(OR('by sample'!$H4="cheek, right",'by sample'!$H4="cheek, left"),'by sample'!$H4,"")),'by sample'!$H4:$H1000,'by sample'!B4:B1000,,0).
    It works well, but when the results is N/A I would like excel to find the next xlookup value.
    I am trying to write an IFNA of the sort: IFNA(XLOOKUP(...), find next xlookup value) to avoid removing the cells manually/with find and select tool, but without success...
    How could I proceed?

  34. HI,
    I am trying to copy down the XLOOKUP function to use it for an entire column but it is changing the search array.
    XLOOKUP(B1, C2:C6, D3:D7) then when I copy down I want XLOOKUP(B2, C2:C6, D3:D7) but I get XLOOKUP(B2, C3:C7, D4:D8). It shifts all by 1 cell instead of just the search value.

    How do I get it to automatically shift the search but not the other 2 array?


  35. Hello - has this replaced the use of Transpose and Filter? I used to use this formula to look up an array that had multiple instances and returns in one column: "=TRANSPOSE(FILTER(C2:C6, B9=B2:B6))". Where C2:C6 had the expected outputs (more than one output but only in one column) B9 is the criteria to lookup and B2;B6 is the array to look for it in.
    When I use it now I need a NAME error which seems to indicate its no longer a recognized formula name.
    I cant find the equivalent in the xlookup formula i.e. where the multiple responses are all in the same column.

  36. Very informative, thank you. I was particularly interested in XLOOKUP with multiple criteria. You use:

    XLOOKUP(1, (criteria_range1=criteria1) * (criteria_range2=criteria2) , return_array)

    I had not seen this before, and previously I had used concatenation, for example:

    XLOOKUP(criteria1 & criteria2, criteria_range1 & criteria_range2, return_array)

    But this can be very slow if you are referencing whole columns. Do you know if your approach is faster? I suspect it would be.

    1. Hello!
      I do not recommend using the entire column as criteria_range (for example, A:A). This will slow down the calculations significantly. Use the range where the data is actually located (for example, A2:A100).

      1. Thanks Alexander. Yes I appreciate that using specific ranges is faster than entire columns. In some models though I find column references are preferable, as the formulas are easier to read and you don't have to worry about users adding new data to rows outside the range.

        I guess my question is, *for a given range of data*, whether there is a significant difference in speed between the two XLOOKUP approaches above. I might have a play around to see.

  37. Hi -
    this may not be an xlookup question.

    I have one sheet with a list of protein names in column A, and on another sheet, a list of biological pathways (column A), with the corresponding proteins that are found in that pathway listed across columns B-Z in that row. Every pathway has column B filled (at least 1 protein per pathway), but after that has a variable number of entries depending on how many proteins are associated with that pathway (from 1 up to 25, with any remaining cells blank). All proteins on sheet 2 are contained in the list on sheet 1, and vice versa. There should be no "not founds".

    I want to enter a formula in sheet 1 by which sheet 2 will be searched for each protein name and for each, return which pathways it is associated with, returning those pathway names into sheet 1, column B (and C and D and so on until all relevant pathways are listed).

    a small made up example, separate column entries separated by pipes
    sheet 1 (single letter protein names)

    sheet 2 (pathway name|protein|protein|protein)

    desired results, sheet 1:

    Any help appreciated.

    1. Hello!
      To get data by condition, you can use the FILTER function.
      I believe the following formula will help you solve your task:


  38. Do you know what is the correct syntax if I would like to implement the following query inside of a VBA code? =XLOOKUP(1, (B2:B10=G1) * (A2:A10=G2) * (C2:C10=G3), D2:D10)
    I would like to implement the following, which works well in pasted in a cell:
    =XLOOKUP(1;(Elisa!$J$2:$J$2015=BH$2)*(Elisa!$B$2:$B$2015=$AY7);Elisa!$E$2:$E$2015;" ")
    What I have tried:
    Worksheets("Adatbázis").Cells(H, I).Value = WorksheetFunction.XLookup(1, (Worksheets("Elisa").Range("J2:J2015") = Cells(2, I)) * (Worksheets("Elisa").Range("B2:B2015") = Cells(H, 51)), Worksheets("Elisa").Range("E2:E2015"), " ")
    This always ends with a Tyme mismatch message around this part: Worksheets("Elisa").Range("J2:J2015") = Cells(2, I). I have tried it several ways but no luck so far...

  39. I really like the xlookup function but I am struggling with a situation I am unable to resolve.

    I want to use the xlookup to find a transaction in a check register and put that transaction in a budget report. I am able to get xlookup to find a single line item for a budget category but when a category has multiple entries xlookup is only returning the first line item of that category. What I am after is not only to find the first transaction of a particular category but to find all of them and add(sum) them all together into one cell. ex: find all amounts paid for groceries then sum them all together.

    I am using the date & category as a reference to find the amount paid in each category. Here is the formula I am using it only finds the first transaction. How do I need to change it to find all transactions and sum them all together in one cell?

    =IFERROR(XLOOKUP($J$4&F15,'Arvest Savings'!$C:$C&'Arvest Savings'!$E:$E,'Arvest Savings'!$H:$H,,0),"")

    The above formula is going into the budget form under the actual column then once the entry is made in the check register it automatically populates into the budget form for the appropriate month,

    It works great for a single transaction where I need assistance is with finding multiple transactions and getting them summed all together.

  40. how does xlookup work for multiple tables - two similar sets of data, one for onshore and one for offshore. I have Line of work (Java, testing etc), Designation (Manager, Team lead, etc), rate for line of work vs designation. This calculation is straight forward if its only for offshore or onshore. Now If i have to get both in one formula should I use IFERROR ?

  41. I'm struggling with XLOOKUP and dates with multiple criteria. Please help!
    I'm trying to return a Lab value for a particular ID collected on a date that is closest to, but before or equal to, the Clinic Date.
    For example for ID: A251527 on Clinic Date 17/09/2008 (in cells E2 and F2 respectively).
    The answer should be 130 on 12/08/2008 but XLOOKUP using multiple criteria seems to return the Lab value on the first date for this ID (124).

    =XLOOKUP(1, ($A$2:$A$17="ID")*(LARGE($B$2:$B$17,COUNTIF($B$2:$B$17,">"&$F$2)+1)<=F2), $C$2:$C$17)

    The data is unsorted and is large ~110,000 rows.

    Clean ID Date Collected Lab value ID Clinic date
    A251300 17/09/2008 118 A251527 17/09/2008
    A251300 16/09/2008 129
    A251527 13/06/2008 124
    A251527 16/06/2008 115
    A251527 18/06/2008 114
    A251527 23/06/2008 113
    A251527 24/06/2008 108
    A251527 24/06/2008 113
    A251527 12/08/2008 130
    A251527 03/11/2008 133
    A251527 19/02/2009 120
    A251527 20/02/2009 112
    A251527 21/02/2009 122
    A251527 22/02/2009 138
    A252601 19/08/2008 136
    A252601 10/02/2009 117

    1. Hello!
      You cannot apply XLOOKUP approximate search on unsorted data.
      If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:

      =INDEX(C2:C17,MATCH(MAX(IFERROR((B2:B17-E2) / ((A2:A17=D2)*((B2:B17-E2)<0)),-100000)), (A2:A17=D2)*(B2:B17-E2),0))

      In Excel 365:

      =VLOOKUP(E2,SORT(FILTER(B2:C17,(B2:B17 < E2)*(A2:A17=D2)),2,1),2,1)

      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

      1. Thanks for replying.
        Your VLOOKUP formula for Excel 365 seems to be missing some arguments at the end? Can you complete please?

  42. hi
    thank you for the post, very useful
    how can I set the Xlookup function to get the first, second, and third result on arranged set when working with multiple data in a table

      1. thank you for your prompt answer

  43. Hi,
    i'm trying to find out Balance Work = Scope of work - Work Done, but result always wrong.
    Please help, how to i get final result with XLOOKUP or any other function.
    Below given data is Length (m) (From-To).

    Scope of work - Work Done = Balance Work
    From To From To
    62000 66000 68000 68480
    67200 71080 68680 69300
    72000 73400 73000 73180
    73650 75500 76300 76600
    76300 76600
    77400 78080
    78300 79100
    79300 79600

    1. Hi!
      I don't really understand what you want to calculate. Why are 4 columns used? Describe in more detail. Specify the expected result.

      1. This data is related to Highway construction. in which digit shows location of highway. Terms used means:
        1. Scope of work = Construction work to be execute at that locations. (A)
        2. Work Done = Construction work has been done. (B)
        3. Balance Work = Remaining work, which is to be execute within scope of work. (C=A-B) (Result)
        4. From = Starting Point of work (62+000)
        5. To = Ending Point of work (66+000)
        (From) 62+000 - (To) 66+000 = 4000 m (Length)

        Scope of work (A) Work Done (B) Balance Work (A-B) (Result)
        From To Length From To Length From To Length
        62+000 66+000 4000 62+000 66+000 4000 68+085 69+630 1545
        67+200 71+080 3880 67+200 68+085 885 70+015 70+065 050
        72+000 73+400 1400 69+630 70+015 385 72+000 72+100 100
        - 70+065 71+080 1015 73+175 73+310 135
        - 72+100 73+175 1075
        - 73+310 73+400 090
        This is highway measurement that's why i used 4 columns.
        I have Scope & Work Done Data and i would like to calculate Balance Work.
        I hope this will helpful to understand.
        Please Help !

        1. Hello!
          To find the difference between numbers as text 73+175 and 72+100,
          try the formula


          Hope this is what you need.

          1. HI,
            Formula suggested by you not solving my problem. May be i am not Letting you know what i want.
            Thank you for help !

  44. Hi.
    I have a strange issue with XLookup and structured referencing, and I cannot for the life of me work out what I’m doing wrong.
    =XLookup(A2,B:B,G:G) works, but =Xlookup(A2,Table1[ColumnB],Table1[ColumnG]) doesn’t - I get a #VALUE ERROR. Column G contains numbers. There are no spaces or other things that usually cause value errors.
    I don’t think the problem is with my syntax. The table is named Table1, and the two columns are named as above. I have used xlookup in the same format referencing other tables in the worksheet with no issues.
    Any help appreciated.

    1. Hello!
      The formula works for me. I was unable to get this error. Check the column names in your table. Column sizes must be the same.

      1. Thanks Alexander. It seems my problem was using a mixture of structured table references and named ranges in the Xlookup formula. This seems not to be allowed.

  45. Hi everyone,
    I need to perform XLOOKUP such that the criteria is Difference/Subtraction between two cells of column X and column Y. Suppose Quarter 1,2 as columns and i need to check rows where element/value of Quarter2 - element/value of Quarter1 = 25.

    In other words rows in which the difference/subtraction of Column X and Column Y is exactly equal to 25

    1. Hello!
      Please try the following formula:


      This formula only returns the first value found. To get all values that meet the criteria, use the FILTER function:


      Hope this is what you need.

  46. I need to find and list all possible matches for a 'PART NAME" within a column containing FULL NAMES. Example:
    2. ADAM JOHN

    I need to do an XLOOKUP to list all matching Rows containing "JOHN"

    1. Hello!
      XLOOKUP can only return one match, not a list of values. If you need to return a list of values that contain "JOHN", use this tutorial: How to VLOOKUP multiple values in Excel.

      =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10, SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH($B$1,$A$1:$A$10,1)), ROW($A$1:$A$10)-1,""), ROW()-1)),"")

      This array formula is on line 2. Copy it down the column.
      I hope I answered your question. If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  47. Please help how to retrieve the values using vba.

    Excel Sheet Name: Source.xlsx (Column: G -> Code)
    Excel Sheet Name: Mappings.xlsx (Column: A -> Node; Column: B -> Code)

    In Mappings.xlsx sheet:
    When I filter by Code = 001 in Column B, there are 3 rows shown as a result with Column: A values as "001", "00100100", "00100")

    So basically one Code has multiple Nodes. I want to retrieve all the Nodes for a specific Code in vba.

    I tried with Xlookup, but its retrieving only one value for me and not all the 3 values.

  48. Thanks for your info on XLOOKUP, it was very helpful. Correct my thinking here in case it's wrong, but the XLOOKUP multiple criteria is used to construct an array (column or row) of data but can't return a multi-dimensional array (area) to be searched. Originally I was trying figure out how to use multiple criteria to filter results from a long data table during the XLOOKUP function and wasn't getting anywhere when I realized that I needed to filter the results before I performed the Xlookup. Using the concept of array-based inputs for XLOOKUP, I came up with this ...


    D3 is the value I want to filter by
    A:A is the column I want to filter
    A:T are the columns I want FILTER to return to INDEX
    0 is the value I want to search for
    T (20) is the column I want to search
    Q (17) is the column I want to return data from

    This allows a custom filter to be applied to the data without modifying the original at all and returns it to the function instead of placing it in a temporary or new cell location. The FILTER functions can also have SORT applied to them before the INDEX for the bitwise searches that require it. Just make sure that what is fed to each INDEX part of the function are identical. I'm posting this here as a search for XLOOKUP combined with FILTER like this doesn't come up in any searches.

  49. Is not working if lookup array & return array from other sheet. Can you help please

  50. HI, I have a dataset with staff completing their inspections on specific dates for certain street addresses.
    Header rows:
    2) Segment
    4)Approx. Blocks
    5)# Inspectors
    6) Bureau
    7)Team Lead
    8)Completed 12/7
    9)Completed 12/8
    10)Completed 12/9
    11)Completed 12/10
    12)Completed 12/11

    If I want to get the latest value from #8-#12 columns, what syntax can I use?

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