Comments on: How to count words in Excel

Excel doesn't provide any function or built-in tool for counting the number of words in a cell or range. Luckily, we can combine serval functions within a formula to get the desired result. In this tutorial, you will find a few useful formulas to count total or specific words in a cell or range. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 33

  1. Hello,
    I am trying to find a method to use this formula:

    Have it only calculate based on a date range from A:A (date/time formatted)

    How can I do this?

  2. hi in excal i want to this date format 2016-06 to do less 1 after less 1 new value 2016-06 and if my value 2017-01 after calculate my new answer 2016-12 tell me how it possible this

  3. Can someone show me the formula needed to count how many times certain text appears in one column (the text can appear multiple times in one cell or just once) while meeting criteria from another cell.

    For Example:

    2010 .......Case 1: No Action, Case 2: No Action
    2015 .......Case 1: Suspension, Case 2: Termination
    2016 .......Case 1: No Action
    2012 .......Case 1: Letter, Case 2: Termination
    2010 .......Case 1: Suspension, Case 2: No Action
    2010 .......Case 1: Letter, Case 2: No Action, Case 3: No Action
    2013 .......Case 1: Suspension

    I need a formula that will count the number of times in 2010, No Action was taken in cases. The answer is 3.

    This formula:

    =SUM((LEN(range)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(range, word,"")))/LEN(word))

    Gets me halfway there. Now I need to figure out how to only count the words when the YEAR row is 2010.

  4. I Have been following this site for several month. I found it give me complete and deep explanation about some excel feature. Thanks

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