Comments on: Excel Hyperlink: how to create, change and remove

Hyperlinks are widely used on the Internet to navigate between web-sites. In your Excel worksheets, you can easily create such links too. In addition, you can insert a hyperlink to go to another cell, sheet or workbook, to open a new Excel file or create an email message. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 49

  1. All hyperlinks in my Excel file have Changed to the following path
    The main path is on the network drive map \\filesrv\...
    This change of course has happened suddenly.
    1-Why is this happening?
    2-How to correct the paths to the main path in the network drive?
    The number of Hyperlinks is high
    Please help.

  2. Will changing the File option "update links on saving" - to unchecked remain in place specific to the file? Is this truly a file specific property or a property of the excel session or instance that has the file open.

  3. Can anyone tell me whether if changing the File option "update links on saving" - to unchecked is a setting specific and remain with this File as unchecked? My question is whether this is truly a file specific property or a property of the excel session or instance that has the file open.

    1. "My question is whether this is truly a file specific property or a property of the excel session or instance that has the file open."
      Probably too late for whatever you are doing, but this is a property that is an Excel setting, not related to any specific file. This is not set per-file, it's set Excel-wide.

  4. Please advise how to change to default searchable File Name format from “Office Files” to “All Files” in "Link to File" browser (Inserting Hyperlink & selecting "Browse for file").

  5. Mam,
    hyperlinked some photos to excel sheet in my pc. but when i send the same to my boss the the hyperlink is not found. how to solve this issue please

  6. Hoping for some help please. Trying to create a simple index sheet with hyperlinks to each worksheet. The sheet is updated but clicking the link throws "Reference isn't valid." Stepping through debug shows LinkName with the correct worksheetname. However, viewing in Edit Hyperlink shows all links pointing to cell reference "Index." Any & all help very much appreciated.

    For Each S In Worksheets

    ' Ignored sheets
    If S.Visible = -1 And S.Name "Selections" And S.Name "Guide" _
    And S.Name "Cover" And S.Name "TOC" And S.Name "Index" _
    And Not S.Name Like "Sheet*" _

    ' Create link name using footer data + cell A1 data
    ThisName = ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter + " -- " + Range("a1").Value

    ' Get rid of control chars
    ThisName = Mid(ThisName, 3)

    ' Create link
    LinkName = S.Name & "!A1"

    With Sheets("Index")
    .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=ActiveSheet.Cells(TOCRow, 1), Address:="", _
    SubAddress:=LinkName, TextToDisplay:=ThisName
    End With

    TOCRow = TOCRow + 1 'Bump row nbr
    End If
    Next S

  7. Below works great, thank you!
    My hyperlinks kept changing when I executed a macro; e.g. backup the workbook.

    =HYPERLINK("[D:\Excel files\Source data.xlsx]Sheet2!A1", "Source data")

  8. I love it...Thanks

  9. can anyone help me with some date formula, i wanted to put formula in cell A1 where when you write anything on cell B1, the cell A1 will automatically generates a date for that day.... and on the next day, when you write on cell B2 the the cell A2 will automatically generate a date on the same day but will not affect the cell A1... meaning if today is January 1, 1900 and write anything on cell B1, cell A1 will be dated January 1, 1900 and when i write tomorrow on cell B2, cell A2 will be dated January 2, 1900 but cell A1 will still be January 1, 1900.... hope you can help me.

    1. Probably too later for Ronald, but if anyone else needs how to do this, this code should do the trick. If you need different cells just modify the range for A (cell you are entering data into) and the offset (cell where you want the date filled) as needed.

      Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
      Dim A As Range, B As Range, Inte As Range, r As Range
      Set A = Range("B1:B355")
      Set Inte = Intersect(A, Target)
      If Inte Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
      Application.EnableEvents = False
      For Each r In Inte
      If r.Offset(0, -1).Value = "" Then
      r.Offset(0, -1).Value = Date
      End If
      Next r
      Application.EnableEvents = True
      End Sub

    2. Hello, Ronald
      unfortunately, there's no such formula. TODAY is the function that could generate the date of entering the data
      but it would change every day when you work with a document.

  10. Woohooo, let's get into more VBA code for automating processes.

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