IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
IF is one of the most popular and useful functions in Excel. Generally, you use an IF statement to test a condition and to return one value if the condition is met, and another value if the condition is not met. Continue reading
Comments page 10. Total comments: 4834
Dear Sir/Madam,
Hot write If formula for contunation series auto fill in excel below for series
If you want to create a sequence, use this instruction: SEQUENCE function - create a number series automatically.
Here is an example that will work for you.
I am trying to have one tab recoginize when a number is scanned in that number equals the name on the master tab.
Master Tab column A starts with 100001 and that number belongs to Raelyn
Attendance Tab column A is a date/time stamp, column B is controled by a scanner that enters the number of the bar code (100001) I would like column C to enter in the name (Raelyn)
Is this a IF function?
If you need to search for a value in another worksheet and extract the corresponding data, use this instruction: How to Vlookup from another sheet in Excel.
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Hi Guys i need Help,
i have multiple cells around 1000+ contain dates and some blank.
i already set condition if cell is blank it will change cell color otherwise white (if date is inserted).
how can i set formula to give percentage of used cells (contain dates) vs blank cells? if it possible to formulate by cell color or by cell content?
appreciate assistance!
You can find the examples and detailed instructions here: How to count and sum cells by color in Excel. You can use the result of counting cells by color in the percentage calculation.
Hi !
I am trying to write a formula where the cell (sheet 2, A3 should return true (=value of sheet 1, A3) if the value of C3 on sheet 1 is equal to "Option1" OR "Option2".
If TRUE, 'Sheet2'A3 should get the same value as 'Sheet1'A3. If FALSE, it should stay empty.
Writing the formula for only 1 text option worked. It looked like this in cell A3 on sheet 2: =IF('Sheet1'!C3="Option1";'Sheet1'!A3;"")
Now I would like to have 2 TRUE options for 'Sheet1'!C3: "Option1"OR "Option2". How could I make this work? The following formula did not work :
=IF(OR('Sheet1'!C3="Option1",'Sheet1'!C3="Option2") ;'Sheet1'!A3;"")
Thanks in advance!
Best, Veere
Your explanation is not very clear to me. Explain what's not working in your formula. What result do you get and what result would you like to get?
When I try this formula
=IF(OR('Sheet1'!C3="Option1",'Sheet1'!C3="Option2") ;'Sheet1'!A3;"")
I get the following message: "There's a problem with this formula. Not trying to type a formula?When the first character is an equal (=) or minus (-) sign, Excel thinks it's a formula "
I have checked the brackets, "", = signs and the spelling of the options in the formula (here shown as "Option1" and "Option2") and these should not be the problem.
The result that I would like to get:
- scenario 1: When in 'Sheet1'!C3 the option 1 (a specific company dept.) is chosen (TRUE), the cell selected in Sheet 2 should show the same value as in 'Sheet1'!A3 (the person's name).
- scenario 2: When in 'Sheet1'!C3 the option 2 (another specific company dept.) is chosen (TRUE), the cell selected in Sheet 2 should show the same value as in 'Sheet1'!A3 (the person's name).
- scenario 3: When in 'Sheet1'!C3 another option is chosen (neither option 1 or 2)
(FALSE), the cell selected in Sheet 2 should stay empty ("")
The main problem is in getting a second option in the formula. Using only 1 option gives the result that I am looking for.
I hope this helps understanding my struggle. Thank you for your help!
You are repeating the same mistake. Look closely at the formula that I wrote. Please read my answer carefully. Use only commas or only semicolons as separators. I can't know your local settings.
Sorry, a double message! Thank you so much for your help! It works now!
The message that pops up when I try to run the formula for multiple options ( =IF(OR('Sheet1'!C3="Option1",'Sheet1'!C3="Option2") ;'Sheet1'!A3;"") ) is the following:
"There's a problem with this formula, Not trying to type a formula When the first character is an equal ("=") or ("-") sign, Excel thinks it's a formula. "
I use "=" before the formula and I have checked the # of brackets, "" etc. I do have to mention that the options (here "Option1" and "Option2") come from a picklist. I have checked whether spelling mistakes or absence of the option in the picklist might me the problem, but that is not the case.
The results that I would like to get in this formula would be as follows:
- scenario 1 (TRUE): option 1 (a specific department of the company) is chosen in the picklist in 'Sheet1'!C3 --> then 'Sheet2'!A3 should contain the same value as in 'Sheet1'!A3 (which would be someones name)
- scenario 2 (TRUE): option 2 (another specific department of the company) is chosen in the picklist in 'Sheet1'!C3 --> then 'Sheet2'!A3 should contain the same value as in 'Sheet1'!A3 (someones name)
- scenario 3 (FALSE): another option (another department) is chosen from the picklist in 'Sheet1'!C3 (neither option 1 or 2) --> then 'Sheet2'!A3 should stay empty.
I hope this information helps!
You use both a comma and a semicolon as an argument separator in a formula. Use one of these depending on your local settings. For Europe, this is most often a semicolon.
=IF(OR(‘Sheet1′!C3=”Option1″;’Sheet1′!C3=”Option2″) ;’Sheet1’!A3;””)
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
I am trying to create a formula that creates a pass / fail result from a column of Yes, No, N/A results. Can anyone help me please? Thanks
I don't see your data and don't know what result you want to get. But I think that this article will be useful for you: Excel IF function with multiple conditions.
Can you help me with this......
Only If A1 and B1 are both NOT empty, than these 2 column(A1 & B1) should be highlighted.
Use conditional formatting to highlight cells based on their value.
Create a formatting rule with this formula:
I hope I answered your question. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
Hello, I am attempting to write
Where Cell C2 has the following text:
Circle (White)
And the new Cell with the formula will read:
D2 might have:
Square (Blue)
New Cell D3 reads:
But I can't figure out how to write the formula correctly where it understands that the value_if_true is equal to the value within the parenthesis of the search.
To extract text from a cell, use these instructions and examples: Excel substring: how to extract text from cell.
This should solve your task.
10000 to 10999 need value 1
20000 to 20999 need value 2
Same way what is the formula plz tell
The answer to your question can be found in this article: Nested IF in Excel – formula with multiple conditions. Read the first paragraph of the article.
I have two columns with dates A & B i need to pull the date from B to column C ,if there is no date in B then i need to pull the date from A to C can you please tell me what formula is required for this query
Please re-check the article above since it covers your case.
I've multiple argument for If function, what's the ideal way for combining such arguments. In which way I've to separated them. I tried comma, or, and an semi comma but not succeeded. See here is how I did the formula. I've report with column showing different types and part of these types amount should be with credit value. I selected all types I want with credit and belt my formula and whatever other than these types will be debit values.
I did each one separately through formula wizard but it's adding them as it add plus sign between each argument.
What's the correct way for building such IF formula?!
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
If at least one match is found, the SUM function will return 1, then set to TRUE.
What is the best way to attack this. I have a list of how much was spent and then the corresponding company name next to it. I want to sum all the values together if they were spent at the same company. For example, I may have Apple $233.00 and below that Apple $54.80. I need a systematic method to sort this so that Apple total =233+54.80. Although this is only two values, the spreadsheet has hundreds of different expenses for the same company and it wouldn't be efficient to go through individually and sort manually.
Thank you in advance,
Try the SUMIFS function to find the sum by a condition. Look for the example formulas here: Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria – formula examples.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
Hello, How to make a condition through this?
IF $1-$9: A2 +2000
$10-$19: A2 +2500
$20-$29: A2+3000
$30-$39: A2+3500
$40 and up: A2+4000
Thank you in advance!
You can find the answer to your question in the first paragraph of this article: Excel Nested IF statement: examples. I hope I answered your question.
Halo Sir,I have a Question,
My problem is i have 5 type of item list in Colum "A1" And It will calculate item price base on "item type- price discount=Answer" that will be display in colum "N1",and i want to make colum N1 Automatically change base on "A1" item type
I’m sorry but your description doesn’t give me a complete understanding of your task. Correct me if I’m wrong, you can find the right discount for each item type using the VLOOKUP function. Then multiply the price with this discount.
I hope it’ll be helpful. If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
What is the formula for A1=1 & A2= 1 want to display "name"
To use multiple conditions in an IF function, I recommend reading this article: IF AND formula in Excel.
I Need a Rank formula where 1 column needs to be greater than 10 as well as other column needs to show "Advisor" for me to find top 5 and bottom 5. Thanks
To find Nth lowest value with criteria, you can use SMALL IF formula.
To get Nth highest value with criteria, you can use LARGE IF formula.
Hope this is what you need.
I want to right an Excel formula for the following problem :
I have stored two different columns of figures, and I would like for a certain cell that Excel check when the value corresponds to a figure in the first column and shows the corresponding figure existing in the second column.
Hope I'm clear enough ? Beg your pardon I'm requiring assistance from France.
Thanks for your help.
If I understand correctly, you can use the INDEX+MATCH formula to find the desired value (C1).
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Hi Alex,
what formula should be used if I have a specific requirements to the first and last 3 digits of the cell at the same time: for instance, if starts and ends with 3 specific letters then false.
Starts with either ABC, or BCD, or CDE and ends with either ABC, or BCD, or CDE, then false.
thank you!
Use Excel substring functions to extract text from start and end of the string.
Hope this is what you need.
Awesome, Alex! thank you for you prompt response. It works as required. Really appreciate it.
Hi, I would like excel to recognize the same number in a column, so for example I have store numbers in columns that has several rows, each row is an employee. and we record several things per employee. I would like excel to change the colour of the store number when all employees have completed a particular task. Can i do this with an IF function in conditional formatting? if so, which if function? thanks!
Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve. I think your problem can be solved using a conditional formatting formula. If you explain in more detail and describe an example of your data I'll try to help.
Can an Excel formula be created for this situation?
If Field B12 contains a time
Then Field C12 must have a number entered
I'm trying to create a formula. if cells E2 and F2 have "Text" in both then divide by 2. If cell E2 has "Text" but F2 doesn't, divide by 1.
The answer to your question can be found in this article: IF AND formula in Excel.
This should solve your task.
In cell A2, type "Starting interest rate"; in B2, enter 4.25%—you must reference this cell in your adjustment calculations
If the loan amount is over $400,000 subtract 1.00 percentage point (meaning that the Effective Interest Rate would be 3.25%)
If the loan amount is equal to or under $400,000 and over $175,000 and 20 or fewer years subtract 0.50 percentage points
If the loan amount is equal to or under $100,000 add 0.25 percentage points
What If Function in excel should be used if the loan amount is equal to or under $400,000 and over $175,000 and 20 or fewer years subtract 0.50 percentage points?-- I am stuck in this part.
Here is the article that may be helpful to you: IF AND in Excel: nested formula, multiple statements, and more
If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:
=IF(AND(A1 < = 400000,A1 > 175000,A2 < = 20),B2-0.5%,IF(A1 > 400000,B2-1%,IF(A1 < = 100000,B2+0.25%,"")))
i want to write an If-Then formula in Excel so when the date in B2 is => today the contents in cell E5 is deleted.
An Excel formula can only change the value of the cell in which it is written. It cannot change the value of any other cells. To do this, you can use a VBA macro.
My formula is used to do education tracking for work:
{=MAX(IF('Raw Data'!$A$2:$A$19997=$C$31,(IF('Raw Data'!$I$2:$I$19997='Course Names'!E47,'Raw Data'!$L$2:$L$19997))))}
It worked great when there was only one course per requirement. Now there are 4+ course names per requirement. I was wondering if it is possible to modify the 'Course Names'!E47 part of the formula to have multiple courses to draw the most current date from.
I tried 'Course Names'!E47:E53 But it keeps giving me a #N/A error now. Unless I drop it down to one course. I suppose I could list every single course but that could get quite large and I try to keep the readout to one page for ease of use for the manager.
I am using Excel 2016.
ANy help would be greatly appreciated.
It is very difficult to understand a formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets. If I understand your task correctly, this article can help you: MAX IF in Excel to get highest value with conditions.
Instead of $I$2:$I$19997=E47 use OR($I$2:$I$19997=E47,$I$2:$I$19997=E48,$I$2:$I$19997=E49,$I$2:$I$19997=E50 ......)
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Hi Alexander,
I was able to modify my formula using part of the article listed. Thank you for your help the formula works great now with multiple search parameters.
i need to highlight the entire row if A2 has text value containing an even number at the end of it (basically it's alphanumeric). eg.. if A2 has "hrr-102" where 2 at the end is even, then it should highlight the entire row. thanks experts for your ansers.
The answer to your question can be found in this article: How to change the row color based on a cell's value in Excel
You can use this conditional formatting formula:
Hope you’ll find this information helpful.
my data: =MAX((IF(H15=H15,I15,"")),(IF(K15=K15,L15,"")),(IF(N15=N15,O15,"")),(IF(Q15=Q15,R15,"")))
they show zero*
i want the max number and show the alphabet rather than the number.
22-001(H15) A(I15)
22-008(K15) UR(L15)
22-010(N15) NA(O15)
22-032(Q15) AC(R15)
You cannot search for the maximum value, since 22-001 is text, not a number.
If your cells will contain numbers, then you can use the INDEX + MATCH functions to lookup the value:
if my cell contain alphabet then how?
Extract the number you need from the text in a separate column. Use this article's recommendations: Extract number from text string.
Then use the advice given to you in the previous answer.
Hello check this formula out and guide with the right one
Pay attention to the first paragraph of the article above. Take a close look at the syntax of the IF function.
excel if h7<j7<K7 it will show h7 or j7 or k7 value
how do i create a command that
it will update my latest
latest; 22-030
day1 22-001
day2 22-015
day3 22-023
day4 22-030
I don't see any pattern in your data.
I want help in writing an advanced function which gives the output in week number when the existing inventory specified in the data will run out. The column header specify product title, existing inventory quantity, Sales projections from WK 1 to WK 52. The rows have the product name, and the corresponding values to the headers. Please refer to the below data for reference:
Product A, Qty 52, WK 1 - 10 units, WK 2 - 10 units, WK 3 - 10 units, WK 4 - 12 units, WK 5 - 10 units
Product B, Qty 65, WK 1 - 5 units, WK 2 - 10 units, WK 3 - 10 units, WK 4 - 10 units, WK 5 - 10 units, WK 6 - 10 units, WK 7 - 10 units
I want a the output as a column in which it specifies the WK num in which the existing qty is running out.
The answer should be like WK 5 for Product A and WK 7 for product B.
Is this possible?
Bhavya Naidu
I think that with the help of one formula your problem cannot be solved. You can calculate the running total for sales projections and compare it with the existing inventory quantity.
Hi There,
I need your help to fix this formula. if a colleague works more than 365 days but less than 1800 days that the number of days should multiply by 0.02. but if the colleague works more than 1095 days and less than 1800 days, then that number of days should multiply by 0.04. Above 1825 days then must multiply by 0.06
if he works more than 2190 days then should multiply by 0.08.
Highly appreciate your guidance
You can find the examples and detailed instructions for multiple conditions here: Excel Nested IF statement: examples, best practices and alternatives.
Im trying to place multiple functions in single formula, however, I have a roadblock which hopefully we can clear,
My current formula is:
=IF(I2=G2,"Completed Same Day Plotted",IF(I2G2,"Didn't Complete On Time")))
I2 - Date Completed (this data is extracted and vlooked up from another report)
G2 - Plotted Date
The problem Im encountering is, in the source file of the Date Completed, if it appears blank, it will automatically place 0/01/1900 which will trigger the Completed Before Plotted Date.
I'm trying to add a formula that would generate a result stating if date is 0/01/1900, it means the person is currently finishing the course or it can be reflecting as "In Progress".
How do I do that?
Date 0/01/1900 is 0 in date format. Therefore, add another condition to your formula to check if the value is 0.
=IF(I2=G2,”Completed Same Day Plotted”,IF(I2 > G2,”Didn’t Complete On Time”,IF(I2=0,”In Progress”))))
What is the formula if I want a cell to input the following:
If cell is
001 input COGON
002 input DICAYAS
003 input DIWAN
004 input GALAS
005 input GULAYON
006 input LUGDUNGAN
007 input MINAOG
008 input OLINGAN
009 input ESTACA_(POB.)
010 input BIASONG_(POB.)
011 input BARRA_(POB.)
012 input CENTRAL_(POB.)
013 input MIPUTAK_(POB.)
014 input PUNTA
015 input SAN_JOSE
016 input SANGKOL
018 input SICAYAB
019 input SINAMAN
020 input TURNO
021 input SANTA_ISABEL
In your case, it's better to use the VLOOKUP function. I recommend reading this guide: Excel VLOOKUP tutorial for beginners with formula examples.
Hi I am trying to do the following with dates and it seems the if(or) does not recognise the dates as a value
I am basically trying to say if J4 date is blank then use selling price G4, If month date N2 is less than the date J4 then use new selling price K4
any help would be appreciated
If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:
=IF(J4="",G4,IF(N2 < J4,K4,""))
This was awesome. I wanted to track the status of an inventory of items that move from one status to another status as they are delivered, used, and readied for removal. This will assist in visualizing the lifespan of an object by using nested if statements and using the cell value as the final "if not true" statement to keep the value present when if has a calculation change but only on the date that the change takes place. This is interesting. my formula does require the file to be opened each day, so that the date change will trigger the status calculation in the field. I am using conditional statements to color code the cells based on the values 1,2 or 3 which is assigned to the cell of the date on that line of the object based on its status which is chosen off criteria as I alter the cell information of the objects as they change status by entering the date of the change of that status, and using a null cell to keep unused rows from calculation.
Works great.
A1 is “Full”, B1 is “Not Full”, C1 returns “Full”
A2 is “Full”, B2 is “Full”, C2 returns “Full”
A3 is “Half Full”, B3 is “Full”, C3 returns “Half Full”
A4 is “Not Full”, B4 is “Half Full”, C4 returns “Half Full”
A5 is “Not Full”, B5 is “Not Full”, C5 returns “Not Full”
As long as there is Half Full in either col A or col B, col C will return “Half full”
Can anyone help? I can’t find a formula to return 3 end results (full/not full/half full)
If there are too many conditions, then it is better to use the CHOOSE function instead of the IF function:
=CHOOSE(MATCH(N1,{"Not Full","Half Full","Full"},0) + MATCH(O1,{"Not Full","Half Full","Full"},0)*2, "Not Full","Full","","Half Full","","","Half Full","Full")
I hope it’ll be helpful.
I want to link a cell instead of text in value -if -true in nested if formulas. what to do
Hi i have 4 letter words. In which any word starting with letter DL should show as LCC otherwise GCC . i am getting the result with following formula
but problem is that, if DL is third or fourth letter even though i m getting the result as LCC which i dont want
Kindly help
Use the IFERROR function to handle "DL" search errors:
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Thank you Alexander for your promp reply and yes you solution has worked perfect
my very simple formula, continues not to work;
=if(cell ref= Yes,""", "follow up")
for example
=if(e5=yes, "", "follow up")
Help :)
Thanks Julian
Read the instructions carefully: How to use the IF function with text values.
=if(e5="yes", “”, “follow up”)
Hello, can someone help me please? I need to do an IF function but where true i need it to equal another cells contents, is this possible? every time i do it like this =IF(E2>0,"A2","") it keeps pulling back the words A2 and not the actual contents of A2... I may be being dumb...
try: =IF(E2>0,A2," ")
you don't need quotes when referencing a cell
I want to use an IF function to calculate taxes of 1% on an income more than 6250 per month.
Hi! I Have the next if statement:
=IF(C4=F4, "[] ", (IF(C4=F5, "[] ", (IF(C4=F6, "[]", "Error, please choose a correct platform")))))
Between "[]" I want to put a cell value like this [&D5] but excel is printing the string "[&D5]".
How can I insert the value of a cell inside a string of an if statement?
Thank your for the post, was so usefully!
If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:
=IF(C4=F4,"["&D5&"] ",(IF(C4=F5,"["&D5&"] ",(IF(C4=F6,"["&D5&"] ","Error, please choose a correct platform")))))
To learn how to concatenate a cell and symbols using the & operator, read this article.
Hello. I have a query. I want to use a simple IF function and print a true or false result.
=IF(E22>=J22,"Person A won INR ","Person B won INR ")
In the above formula, in the statement "Person A won INR " after INR I want to print the value of the result (E22-J22)
For example, if E22 is 200 and J22 is 100, It should print "Person A won INR 100"
To concatenate text and a number, use the & operator or CONCATENATE function.
=IF(E22>=J22,”Person A won INR “&J22,”Person B won INR “)
I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
Please ignore my last reply. It is resolved now. Thanks a lot for the quick response Alexander :)
Firstly, thanks for the reply.
I am using the below formula but still it is complaining of invalid name error.
=IF(E22>=J22,”Person A WON INR“& " " &G38,”Person B WON INR“& " " &G39)
G38 has value for E22-J22
G39 has value for J22-E22.
Could you please help to point out what is the mistake in the above formula.
Unfortunately, I could not replicate your problem and got an invalid name error.
Need a formula for
if C3 = number then D# = a name
I can change or make a master of names to pull from
You can use the VLOOKUP function to extract the name by number. See this article for examples and instructions.
I hope it’ll be helpful. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
Sir, let me apologize ahead of time for the incoherent attempt to describe the problem...
I am attempting to have two columns that contain specific text (drop down selection) yield a result based on the multiple combination of options. I am trying to get develop a formula that uses the specific text with multiple variations results in generating new text based on the two cells. Looking below you can see there are multiple combinations that will results in RAC 1, RAC 2, RAC 3, and RAC 4.
In short the goal is to select the probability and Severity rating then the RAC Code will auto-populate based on the available combinations.
Probability Severity RAC Code
I Catastrophic (A) Frequent RAC 1
I Catastrophic (B) Likely RAC 1
(II) Critical (A) Frequent RAC 1
(I) Catastrophic (C) Occasional RAC 2
(I) Catastrophic (D) Seldom RAC 2
(II) Critical (B) Likely RAC 2
(II) Critical (C) Occasional RAC 2
(III) Moderate (A) Frequent RAC 2
(III) Moderate (B) Likely RAC 2
(III) Moderate (C) Occasional RAC 2
I Catastrophic (E) Unlikely RAC 3
(II) Critical (D) Seldom RAC 3
(IV) Negligible (A) Frequent RAC 3
(II) Critical (E) Unlikely RAC 4
(III) Moderate (D) Seldom RAC 4
(III) Moderate (E) Unlikely RAC 4
(IV) Negligible (B) Likely RAC 4
(IV) Negligible (C) Occasional RAC 4
(IV) Negligible (D) Seldom RAC 4
(IV) Negligible (E) Unlikely RAC 4
This was my attempt however it populates the RAC without both cells populated.
=IFS(AND(AND(H2="(I) Catastrophic",I2="(B) Likely"),AND(H2="(I) Catastrophic",I2="(A) Frequent"),OR(H2="(II) Critical",I2="(A) Frequent")),"RAC 1",(OR(AND(H2="(I) Catastrophic",I2="(C) Occasional"),AND(H2="(I) Catastrophic",I2="(D) Seldom"),AND(H2="(II) Critical",I2="(B) Likely"),AND(H2="(II) Critical",I2="(C) Occasional"),AND(H2="(III) Moderate",I2="(A) Frequent"),AND(H2="(III) Moderate",I2="(B) Likely"),OR(H2="(III) Moderate",I2="(C) Occasional"))),"RAC 2",(OR(AND(H2="(I) Catastrophic ",I2="(E) Unlikely"),AND(H2="(II) Critical",I2="(D) Seldom"),OR(H2="(IV) Negligible",I2="(A) Frequent "))),"RAC 3",(OR(AND(H2="(II) Critical",I2="(E) Unlikely"),AND(H2="(III) Moderate",I2="(D) Seldom"),AND(H2="(III) Moderate",I2="(E) Unlikely"), AND(H2="(IV) Negligible",I2="(B) Likely"),AND(H2="(IV) Negligible",I2="(C) Occasional"),AND(H2="(IV) Negligible",I2="(D) Seldom"),OR(H2="(IV) Negligible",I2="(E) Unlikely "))),"RAC 4")
What function I will be using to perform a nested if condition between 2 excel CHAR function.
The CHAR function returns a character by its code. What you want to do with two CHAR functions - I can't guess.
Hi Albeit Team,
Thanks for a great article. I have a range of data showing a merchant's transactions performed through a platform that we'll call FastExpress broken down in a sample below (the original data has over 10,000 entries):
01/04/2019 success USD 1,956.00 US Mastercard
02/04/2019 failed USD 2,390.57 GH Mastercard
02/04/2019 success USD 1,201.06 GB AmEx
02/04/2019 success USD 5,201.06 GB AmEx
The Card company takes it fees, FastEx takes theirs and then pays the merchant
The Card company & FastEx has the below fees:
Mastercard = 1% for local transactions (done in US) and 1.5% for foreign transactions if fees are below $200 then 2% and 2.5% respectively for fees equal to or above $200
AmEx = 1.2% for local transactions (done in US) and 1.7% for foreign transactions if fees are below $200 then 2.2% and 2.7% respectively for fees equal to or above $200
FastEx = 0.8% for local transactions (done in US) and 1.3% for foreign transactions if fees are below $200 then 1.8% and 2.3% respectively for fees equal to or above $200
Please note that fees are capped at $180 maximum for local transactions
and would like calculate how much is due to pay the Card Company, how much for FastEx and the net payment to the merchant
Not sure if the IF function would best suit this computation as every attempt kept getting confusing and complex.
Hoping to hear from you.
To find the amount of transactions that meet certain conditions, I recommend using this guides: How to use Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria. and Excel SUMPRODUCT function with multiple criteria
I hope it’ll be helpful. If something is still unclear, please feel free to ask.
I am trying to create a formula with this information:
If Date A - Date B (check-in and check-out date for guests) are lower than 20.6.2022 or higher than 31.8.2022 the statement is true, value should be "low" if they are between those dates (so higher than 20.6 and lower than 31.8) then "high".
I tried:
=IF(AND(B4=DATEVALUE("31.8.2022"), D4=DATEVALUE("31.8.2022")), "low", "high")
But it doesn't really work. Help would be apreciated.
Thanks in advance.
To specify a date, you can use the DATE function:
=IF(AND(B4 > = DATE(2022,6,22),D4 < = DATE(2022,8,31)),"low","High")
This should solve your task.
Hi, me again :)
Your solution worked. Thank you.
But what if I want to make it even more complicated.
Instead of 2 "seasons" I want to use 3.
So for example.
1.4. - 20.5.2022 = low
21.5 - 30.6.2022 = mid
1.7 - 31.8.2022 = high
1.9 - 30.9 = mid
1.10 - 31.10 = low again
I tried with IFS but it gets complicated because it has to check 2 times or maybe I'm just useless when it comes to this.
Or maybe it can't be done.
I would appreciate the help.
Thanks in advance.
Use the AND and OR operators in your IF function. I recommend this guide: Excel IF statement with multiple AND/OR conditions.
=IF(OR(AND(B4>=DATE(2022,4,1),D4<=DATE(2022,5,20)), AND(B4>=DATE(2022,10,1),D4<=DATE(2022,10,31))),"low", IF(OR(AND(B4>=DATE(2022,5,21),D4<=DATE(2022,6,20)), AND(B4>=DATE(2022,9,1),D4<=DATE(2022,9,30))),"mid", IF(AND(B4>=DATE(2022,7,1),D4<=DATE(2022,8,31)),"High","")))
I hope this will help.
Hi! Do you have any propositions for a formula that would both work for extracting the name and surname from these rows in a singe cell
21-Feb-2022 requested by Suvarna, Rashmita21-Feb-2022 completed by dbgURL provided just too long with the coding to accept
17-Feb-2022 Requested by Chacko, Alphonsa21-Feb-2022 Completed by SPVersion Update Request
21-FEB-2022: Request by Alonso Nunez, Marta21-FEB-2022: Completed by BOT
For instance, should extract Suvarna, Rashmita as a result from the first row
The surname is not even a separate word. I don't think it can be done with a formula.
if the amount is 350000 than bonus 100 and than amount is 351000 per thousand 1 plus 350000=100 and 351000= 101, 353000= 103
Sorry, I don't understand what you want to calculate. Explain more.
I need the formula Like ( Block code B-218 in sheet 3 times and amount 100 x 3 = 300 ) now another cell have different block code and values i need if block code B-218 has no payment or not found then give Outstanding if the all data is there then calculate all amount sum 300 however these value and block code in different cell.