Comments on: Google Sheets Chart Tutorial

Whether you analyze business indicators, make presentation or write a report, charts and graphs will help your audience to understand complex dependencies and regularities. This tutorial will teach you different ways to build charts and graphs in Google Sheets to make your presentations informative and impressive. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 49

  1. Very Usefull For Me. Tks Mr Alexander Trifuntov

  2. Is there a way to select and deselect data to display in the chart without having to recreate the chart each time?

    1. Hi Jennell,

      Yes, it is. As I mentioned earlier, you have to open "Chart editor" by double-clicking on the chart. There is the "Data" tab. There you'll find the "Data range" field which is editable. Just modify it.

      BTW, you can change any of chart's properties via the "Chart editor" pane.

  3. Hello, I have been using ggogle sheets for some tiem but there are some things that bother me while making charts: Why cant I use a row for the x axis? Why does google sheets always take my numeric values into series when I want to also be able to use them as the cathegories for the x axis? Why can't I change colors for each bar individually of the bars. These things seem like fairly basic features and it bothers me to no end because I enjoy working with the google working suit and I end up having to slow down , learn why some things don't work and how to overcome them. Feels like putting more work into my work

  4. i just want to know how to get the l e g e n d plzzz

    1. Hi, it's pretty easy.
      Do double click on the chart, select the "Customize" tab on the top, open the "Legend" group, select the position, and it will appear!

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