If someone asks you what Excel function you use most often, what would your answer be? In most cases, it's the Excel IF function. A regular If formula is very straightforward and easy to write. But what if your data requires more elaborate logical tests with multiple conditions? Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 656
Please help me google sheet stock market value formula:
A1 is 943 (Current Stock price)
B2 is 951 (Ema of the current stock price)
How to i make C1 Column to know the stock price (+ or - 0.5%) near the EMA value.
Currently am using C1 Column as: =AND(A1=B2-5)
This will give the results when the stock price reached near by EMA Price +5 or -5 as True or False. Instead of this I would like to have +0.5% or -0.5% in the above formula, I need percentage wise, please help me.
Hi! To increase the number by 0.5%, use the formula B2*1.005 or B2*100.5%
Read more: Increase / decrease a number by percent.
3 days i have tried to solve this and now you saved my day. :) Thank you for using your remarkable talents and skills to fuel our mutual efforts.
Hello, One part of this formula isn't calculating and i'm unsure why.
B4 = drop down list
E4 = Body Weight.
All except "cat" will calculate the result in another cell??
I can't understand your formula and check it as I don't have your data. I can't guess what result you wanted to get.
=IF(B4="Cat",53*E4^0.711,IF(B4="MALE NEUTERED",70*E4^0.75,IF(B4="FEMALE ENTIRE",70*E4^0.75,IF(B4="FEMALE NEUTERED",60*E4^0.75,IF(B4="MALE ENTIRE",80*E4^0.75,"")))))
I like this content
I need help with a very complicated formula please.
I need to get the points earned for a specific task, but I need the formula to return the value based on multiple cells.
For example,
If on this date, for Tier 2 the Issue was 4. I need the formula to look down the issue line (1-30) and find Issue 4, then find Tier 2 value (2.87) Then see f there are any kicker points (in this case Kicker A=0.8 and Kicker C = .04) and multiply 4 issues by the Tier value then add Kicker points. The total in this case would be 12.68. I arrived to that value by doing separate computations but I know there must be a better way than to have several tables computing different values.
Please help - smile
Thank you so much.
0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.2
09/01/2023 1 3.86 2.14 1.64 1.25 0.6
09/02/2023 2 4.67 2.54 2.07 1.61 0.7
09/03/2023 3 5.44 3.02 2.5 1.93 0.8
09/04/2023 4 6.22 3.42 2.87 2.2 0.9 11.48 X X 12.68
09/05/2023 5 7 3.78 3.2 2.44 1
09/06/2023 6 7.23 4.1 3.49 2.66 1.1
09/07/2023 7 7.47 4.4 3.76 2.86 1.2
09/08/2023 8 7.7 4.67 4.02 3.05 1.3
09/09/2023 9 7.94 4.93 4.25 3.22 1.4
09/10/2023 10 8.17 5.17 4.48 3.38 1.5
09/11/2023 11 8.41 5.4 4.69 3.54 1.6
09/12/2023 12 8.64 5.63 4.89 3.69 1.7
09/13/2023 13 8.88 5.83 5.09 3.82 1.8
09/14/2023 14 9.11 6.03 5.29 3.95 1.9
09/15/2023 15 9.35 6.23 5.48 4.08 2
Hi! Your request goes beyond the advice we provide on this blog. This is a complex solution that cannot be found with a single formula. If I understand your task correctly, the following tutorial should help: INDEX MATCH MATCH in Excel for two-dimensional lookup.
If you have a specific question about the operation of a function or formula, I will try to answer it.
Hi all, I'm having an issue trying to "stack" multiple possibilities to come up with a text string depending on data in specific cells. Basically, I have Column C1-6, and I'm trying to get a formula where if there is a NAME in cells C1 & C2, the output would be "NAME1 and NAME2"; if there is a NAME in Cells C1, C2 and C3, the output would read "NAME1, NAME2, and NAME3"; if there is a NAME in cells C1-4, the output would be "NAME1, NAME2, NAME3, and NAME4"; et cetera. I can't seem to get past two without messing it up somewhere and would really appreciate some help. Below is the closest I've gotten to making it work but something in there is giving me an incomplete answer after two inputs. Thanks in advance for any advice.
=Rent!C4&IF(Rent!C7="","",IF(Rent!C10=""," and "&Rent!C7&IF(Rent!C13="","",", "&Rent!C7&", and "&Rent!C10&IF(Rent!C16="","",", "&Rent!C7&", "&Rent!C10&", "&Rent!C13&", and "&Rent!C16&IF(Rent!C19="","",", "&Rent!C7&", "&Rent!C10&", "&Rent!C13&", "&Rent!C16&", and "&Rent!C19)))))
Hi! To combine cell values into a text string, I recommend using the TEXTJOIN function. Read more: TEXTJOIN function in Excel to merge text from multiple cells. Try this formula:
Thank you for that recommendation. I found another way to do what I was trying to do, but will look into the TEXTJOIN function as I'm not familiar with that.
How do I take this formula and make it pick one total value?
Right now it is multiplying all of them together and it either or.
If the flow is under 556,000 then its =SUMIF(B21,"=",M21)*OR(B21,"",O21)+B21*B13*3
All together it multiplies them together.
I need it to pick one that fits.
can this be achieved in a formula or would I need to do it another way?
thanks much.
I need a formula that help me get data from multiple conditions.
For Example:
1.First cell contains (from Data validation) = UNITS & VALUE.
3.Third cell contains (Lookup from 2nd cell) = If "total" then data must be in total, If "Dept" then Data must be at dept "Dept Level" and carry on..
I can share sheet as well for reference.
For multiple conditions, instead of multiple IF, use the IFS function.
IFS(B2=" TOTAL LEVEL", [reference or formula], B2="DEPARTMENT LEVEL", [reference or formula], ...)
Hi! From your explanation it is very difficult to understand what you want to calculate. But I think these guidelines may help you: How to use Excel SUMIFS and SUMIF with multiple criteria. If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Am having a dataset on google sheet, i want to calculate, employees whose ages are = or less than 20, 30, 40, 45, 50 knowing fully well one column contains the ages of all the employees
Hello Paulson,
If you work in Google Sheets, check this tutorial on the IF function with numbers.
Thank you Svetlana ,
I'm just finishing one of most challenging Complicated formula with 29 Nested IF .
My advice to Draw a flow chart to build up your logic and your sequence .
Whatever the Problem is Complected , Once you Build a flowchart , you will figure your way .
I am trying to figure out how to use the IF function to calculate commission, but in a range of sales. There has to be an additional function.
The difference is the the commission goes down as the sales increase in a range.
The first $50k pays 4.75%
The next 51K to $150k pays 3%
Everything over 150K pays 1.5%
So, with $1,000,000 of sales
$50,000.00 @ 4.75% $2,375.00
$100,000.00 @3% $3,000.00
$850,000.00 @ 1.5% $12,750.00
Total Commission $18,125.00
Hi! See the answer in the first paragraph of the article above.
1st One thousand COD Charge 20 Taka
Next Per thousand COD charge 8 Taka
0-1000= 20 Taka
1001-Above= 8 Taka, Per thousand Charge
So which formula I used this Case
Plz hep me
Read the first paragraph of this article carefully.
Hello again,
Further to my recent comment, I have resolved my problem by using the IF, AND functions together.
Thank you for your posts as I often resolve problems from reading your answers in these pages.
Many thanks
In columns B and C I have used the IF Function to return the values "High" or "Low".
Now, from these two columns I need to return the following values in column D.
B C Value in D
4 High High Star
5 High Low Puzzle
6 Low High Plow horse
7 Low Low Dog
I am not sure which function would be best here, thanks in advance.
Hi! Please re-check the article above since it covers your task.
in if command two value is same and name is different how to solve this problem. for example, if b2=82," Pakistan" ,if b2=82," India" in my sheet both value count is same. how to resolve this issue plz guide.
I am not sure I fully understand what you mean.
I don't havve no. but percentages
I want to use if function fot low, okay, good
As it's currently written, it's hard to tell exactly what you're asking.
I would need your help with the example of product name # XYZ in column A, then column B is Ranking start with 1 and column C with ETA date eg: 3 April 2023 and column D is days of gap and "0" for all with Rank 1. then 2nd line repeated product name # XYZ, Rank - 2 with ETA 5 April 2023, with Gap of 2 days (same product -ETA for Rank 2 minus ETA date of Rank1). How to have the results if product name for column A is same, then compare the gap of the ETA day between rank 1 and 2, if is more than 30 days show the result as high chance and less than 30days with result in low chance. and if days of gap between rank 1 and 2 is same = 0, then move to compare for rank 2 and rank 3.
Your request goes beyond the advice we provide on this blog. Your task involves several formulas in different cells. Maybe this article will be helpful: Calculate number of days between two dates in Excel. If you have a specific question about the operation of a function or formula, I will try to answer it.
I have a calculation similar to example 2 above. I cave successfully applied the calculation demonstrated above. However I need to 'layer it', not sure if that is the teccy word!
I am paid commission, dependent on the total I 'bank' to my employer.
If I 'bank' up to £4000, I get 55%.
If I 'bank' up to £8000, I get 55% on the first £4000, then 60% on the second £4k.
If I 'bank' over £8000 I get 55% on the first £4k, then 60% on the second £4k, then 65% on anything above £8k. How do I create this formula?
If I got you right, the formula below will help you with your task:
=MIN(A1,4000)*55% + MIN(MAX(0,A1-4000),4000)*60% + MAX(0,A1-8000)*65%
I have an Excel sheet that has 1 of 4 possible subjects in cell C3 (English, Maths, History, French) and in cell AD3, I have the "score" which is an average of a number of preceding cells in the same row.
I am attempting to get a "Pass" or "Fail" result to appear in cell AE3.
This needs to be based on the following:
Pass =70%+ for English and Maths
Pass = 60%+ for French and History
if cell C3 contains "either English or Maths" and the score is more than 70% show "Pass" in cell AE3
if C3 contains "either French or History" and the score is more than 60% show "Pass" in cell AE3
Could you please help with a formula to solve this....
If d2=1 and e2>99, "fail", "pass", if d2>1 and e2 is >249 "fail", "pass".
Sorry, can you help me create a formula with these conditions?
If d2=1 and e2>99, "fail", "pass", if d2>1 and e2 is >249 "fail", "pass".
Hi! Please check out the following article on our blog, it’ll be sure to help you with your task: Excel IF OR statement with formula examples. For example:
Use the IF function with the AND OR operators. Try this formula:
See more detailed instructions here: IF AND in Excel: nested formula, multiple statements, and more.
Thanks for the fast reply.... just tried and this did not work if the C3 cell contained Maths or English and the value in AD3 = >70% any thoughts?
The formula I sent to you was created based on the description you provided in your first request. I can't check this formula because I don't have your data. I gave you a link to an article with which you can solve the problem.
Thanks, I can see the issue, my number data in AD3 was not formatted as %, after removing the % from the formula, this now works.
As the data in C3 could contain any of the 4 subjects, would it be possible to have formula check for the subject and apply the checking for pass score?
I am trying to write a formula that states:
IF cell C1 = Daily then do this sum ((D1/60)*7.5))
IF cell C1 = Weekly then do this sum ((D1/60)*37.5))
IF cell C1 = Fortnightly then do this sum ((D1/60)*75))
IF cell C1 = Monthly then do this sum ((D1/60)*162.5))
IF cell C1 = Quarterly then do this sum ((D1/60)*487.5))
IF cell C1 = Yearly then do this sum ((D1/60)*1950))
Can anyone help please?
If you have more than 7 nested IFs conditions, use the IFS function instead of the nested IF function.
For example:
=IFS(C1="Daily",(D1/60)*7.5,C1="Weekly",(D1/60)*37.5, ....)
Read more The new Excel IFS function instead of multiple IF.
Thank you for coming back so quick.
I have tried to simply a little and have put the below function in but it keeps coming back with the error #NAME? in the cell:
IFS function is available only in Excel 365, Excel 2021 and Excel 2019. If this fuction is not available for you, use the recommendations from the article above. You only have 6 nested IFs.
I also only have excel 2016 so i am not sure it recognises IFS
Thank you for this concise answer!
Slava Ukraini!
Thank you for this information. Unfortunately, I was not able to get my formula to work.
I am trying to get the following to happen. For column Y, the value is one of the following statuses: NEW, QUEUED, INPROG, REJECTED, CLOSED or (blank), For the statuses of NEW, QUEUED, INPROG I need the value returned to say "SR NEED COMPLETED". for status of REJECTED, I need the value returned to say "SR NOT NEEDED". for the status of CLOSED or (if it is blank), I need the value returned to say "SR NEEDED"
I've also tried this formula
Any help would be appreciated.
If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:
This worked perfectly for me. Thank you.
I have a column which contains numbers separated by a ";" delimiter. Each row has a different number of values. I wish to substitute these numbers (depending upon where they lie within a range) by text and trying to get them in an adjacent cell.
What I am doing right now is converting text to columns and then applying the formula IFS(AND(A6>=-200,A6=201,A6<=1500),"TS1500",AND(A6=-1500),"TS1500") to each cell. Thus, if I have 50 delimited items in one cell, it results in 50 columns, and then 50 more columns to apply the formula, one per cell. Is there any other way to get this done?
Current situation:
What I have is col A. Then split into cols B-F. Then formulas are put in cols G-K, which are combined in col L.
168; -765; 1400; -18; 2400 168 -765 1400 -18 2400 TS200 TS1500 TS1500 TS200 #N/A TS200;TS1500;TS1500;TS200;#N/A
-98; 63 -98 63 TS200 TS1500 TS200;TS1500
Preferred result:
What I would like is a column B containing all the values separated by “;”
168; -765; 1400; -18; 2400 TS200;TS1500;TS1500;TS200;#N/A
-98; 63 TS200;TS1500
I'm really sorry, we cannot help you with this. You can replace values for multiple conditions using a formula for each cell.
Thank you
Hi I'm hoping someone one on this forum can help me,
I have an excel spreadsheet which I want to tell me which stage I am in. For instance if text or date is entered in B2 write "Stage 1" in cell A2, if a text or date is entered in cell C2 change to "Stage 2" etc. Here is a copy of the code I have used that isn't working
=IF(AND(ISTEXT(B2)),"Stage 1"), IF(AND(ISTEXT(C2)),"Stage 2"), IF(AND(ISTEXT(D2)),"Stage 3"),IF(AND(ISTEXT(E2)),"Stage 4"), IF(AND(ISTEXT(F2)),"Stage 5")
Any help would be appreciated :)
Please try the following formula:
=IF(ISTEXT(B2),"Stage 1",IF(ISTEXT(C2),"Stage 2",IF(ISTEXT(D2),"Stage 3",IF(ISTEXT(E2),"Stage 4",IF(ISTEXT(F2),"Stage 5")))))
I'm trying to check for criteria met for partner Status. If a company has status as "Bronze" they need to have 1 person or more that have passed a Test, if they have Status "Plata" at least 2 people must have passed a test and if their status is "Oro" 3 people minimum must have passed a test.
Column E should say yes or not if the criteria is met. I have that Column C gives the partner Status as Text and Column D has the number of people that have passed the test.
I have the formula when I have only one level:
Level Passed Met Criteria
Bronze No
Bronze 1 Yes
Bronze 4 Yes
Using this
=IF(AND(C67="Bronze", D67>=1), "Yes", "No")
I want to be able to check if another level (Levels Plata and Oro are in text form in Column C as well) is assigned the test criteria is met
here is what I've Tried:
=If((AND(C26="Bronze", D26>=1), "Yes", "No"),if(and(C26="Plata", D26>=2), "Yes", "No",if(and(C26="Oro",D26>=3), "Yes","No")))
I've also tried with OR
Thank you in advance for your help!
If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:
=IF(AND(C26="Bronze", D26>=1), "Yes",IF(AND(C26="Plata", D26>=2), "Yes",IF(AND(C26="Oro",D26>=3), "Yes","No")))
I have a nested If function formula with vlookups that is returning a false value.
In short, I have multiple bank accounts, where is the final 4 numbers is the bank account = a set number, I need the vlookup to draw information from another worksheet.
=IF(X3="","",IF(X3="2121",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(N3,'Monthly CR Data'!T:AA,8,FALSE),IF(X3=2089,VLOOKUP(N3,'Monthly CR Data'!U:AA,7,FALSE),"Not Reconciled"))))
Problem is, it works for the '2121' account, but the '2089' account pulls back a false value, rather than doing the VLOOKUP in the cells specified.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I can't check the formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets. Try adding quotes in the second IF condition. X3="2089"
hi! i have am trying to capture multiplying by the higher value.
i have, minimum order Quantity (MOQ) in A2, and i have the customers required amount in B2.
and i have unit price in C2
so when MOQ is higher, multiply MOQ x unit price, but when customer requirement is higher, multiply requirement by unit price.
Please read the above article carefully.
in this formula we able to merge 2 column value how can we merge multiple value of column B formula is =IF(A3A2,B3,B3 &","&B2)
Thanks for your support in advance.
Add the values you want to merge to the formula. For example
=IF(A3>A2,B3,B3 &","&B2&","&B4)
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Good day!
Status cell to be changed by checking 5 different cells:
My status is in cell B11 and the cells to check values are C11, D11, E11, F11, G11.
if any one of the cells have "No" or "Active" then the status should be "In-Progress". if all the cells have "N/A" then status should be "N/A". if all the cells have "Yes" then status should be "Complete".
How to check multiple cells in one time and update the status? Kindly help. Thanks for the help!
Used below formula but feels like too long!
Good day!
Status cell to be changed by checking 5 different cells:
My status is in cell B11 and the cells to check values are C11, D11, E11, F11, G11.
if any one of the cells have "No" then the status should be "In-Progress". if all the cells have "N/A" then status should be "N/A". if all the cells have "Yes" then status should be "Complete".
How to check multiple cells in one time and update the status? Kindly help. Thanks for the help!
To check all values, use the SUM function
Also follow the instructions from the article above.
Could you maybe help me with a formula for this problem?
I have a spreadsheet with a lot of data, and I will like for you to help me with he below
I have over 6K members that were prescribed medications during years 2021 and 2022.
I want to know which members had medicine prescribed during 2021 only, 2022 only or both (2021 & 2022). I want to have a formula that displays "2021", "2022" or "BOTH"
I have the below columns among all the data:
Prescribed date (using format YYY-MM-DD)
Prescribed Year (YYYY)
Person Id (Unique ID numbers) - This column has all ID numbers for members that received medications, meaning that is possible one member ID could be in this column multiple times if this person got medications more than once. Example below
ID Fill Date Year What I'm looking for
12345 2022-05-05 2022 BOTH
12345 2021-01-03 2021 BOTH
01123 2022-03-09 2022 2022
05486 2021-01-25 2021 2021
23546 2021-05-30 2021 2021
01123 2022-04-09 2022 2022
If I understand your task correctly, the following tutorial should help: How to VLOOKUP multiple values in Excel with criteria.
Use the UNIQUE function to get only unique values.
[ ID ] [Fill Date] [Year] [What I'm looking for]
12345 2022-05-05 2022 BOTH
12345 2021-01-03 2021 BOTH
01123 2022-03-09 2022 2022
05486 2021-01-25 2021 2021
23546 2021-05-30 2021 2021
01123 2022-04-09 2022 2022
this similar formula I need in Excel
I can figure out why the formula is breaking. The data columns it's pulling from are all validation lists.
=UPPER("1 x 1 "&[@[Year & Quarter]]&" "&C6&" "&IF([@Site]="Facebook","FB",IF([@Site]="twitter","TW",IF([@Site]="TikTok", "TikTok",IF([@Site]="Reddit","Reddit", IF([@Site]="snapchat","Snapchat",IF([@Site]="Pinterest","Pinterest","No Social Platform"))))))&" "&[@[Audience Type Category
(Automated when Salesforce Audience ID is present)])"&[@[Analytics Report Placement Name
(Freehand/Use "NA" if blank)]&" "&[@[Opt Descriptor
(Freehand/Use "NA" if blank)])
I can't check the formula that contains unique references to your workbook worksheets, sorry.
Hi Alexander,
could you maybe help me with a formula for this problem?
I want to check how many deliveries were made on time for 3 separate categories. There are deliveries that are emergency , priority and regular.
Emergency deliveries should be delivered within a day so x<=1
Priority deliveries should be delivered within 2 days so y<=2
Regular deliveries should be delivered within 7 days so y<=7
If it took more then the days mentioned above, delivery is considered late.
My data set looks like the following:
x - 1
y - 5
z - 6
z - 0
z - 2
y - 0
x - 1
x - 0
x - 0
How can I combine this question into one formula?
To count values by conditions, use the COUNTIFS function.
For example,
Hi Alexander, I think it is not exactly what I am looking for.
I managed to make this formula for 1 category (emergency deliveries) =IF(AND(A2="Emergency",B2<=1),"1","0"). In this way I am asking excel to show me emergency deliveries that are delivered either on time (1) or too late (0) which in this case it is on time if it is delivered within a day. How can I add the other two categories? Priority and regular. Priority should be delivered within 2 days and Regular within 7 days. I thought I need to and two more if functions but if I do so I get #value
In the second question, you are using very different data than before. I don't understand what result you want to get.
Assume this is the data set:
Emergency -3 days
Priority - 7 days
Regular - 8 days
Priority - 9 days
Emergency - 0 days
Regular - 1 day
Regular - 10 days
Emergency - 1 day
Emergency deliveries should be delivered within a day so Emergency <=1
Priority deliveries should be delivered within 2 days so Priority <=2
Regular deliveries should be delivered within 7 days so Regular <=7
I want excel to tell me which orders were delivered on time and which too late based on their urgency and the above mentioned conditions. I was able to make this formula: =IF(AND(A2="Emergency",B2<=1),"1","0") but I don't know how to add the other delivery types.
Your help is much appreciated
If I understand your task correctly, you can use IF OR formula:
=IF(OR(AND(A2="Emergency",B2<=1), AND(A2="Priority",B2<=2), AND(A2="Regular",B2<=7)),"1","0")
Look for the example formulas here: Excel IF OR statement with formula examples.
Thank you so much for your help. it is indeed what I needed!
i wan to solve below table
Site id status Final status
BHAIYATHAN 5|1 UP Up If first and last up then final status all column up
Site id status Final status
BHAIYATHAN 5|1 Down Down If status Down Then Final Status is actul of status
BHAIYATHAN 5|2 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|3 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|4 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|5 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|6 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|7 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|8 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|9 Down Down
Site id status Final status
BHAIYATHAN 5|2 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|3 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|4 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|6 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|7 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|8 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|9 Down Down
BHAIYATHAN 5|10 Down Down If last down Then All final status Actual of status
Sorry, it's not quite clear what you are trying to achieve.
I want to write an IF that can be used for several ranges of Excel, for example:
scores result criteria
78 scores result
34 <30 Fail
49 30-50 III Div
10 50-70 II Div
89 70-90 I Div
28 90+ Incredible
thanks pirooz
Hi Alexander,
Please help me with my following problem.
Cell A2 = 300
B2 = 100
C2 = 500
=IF(A2>B2, A2,B2, IF A2>C2, A2,C2, IF C2>B2, C2,B2)))
The true result will only show the first and the second IF.
Thank you in advance.
Based on your description, it is hard to completely understand your task. I don't know what result you want to get. However, I’ll try to guess and offer you the following formula:
Please re-check the article above since it covers your task.
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for the reply. Sorry if I didn't explain the problem well, but you got I what I mean. :)
I tried your formula, however, it only shows that C2 is greater than A2 if B2 is greater than A2. But if B2 is lower that A2, then the answer in the formula is A2 is greater than C2 & B2 which should be C2 is greater than A2 of B2.
Sorry again to bother you but hopefully you can help me with this coz I'm not really good in excel.
Thank you so much!
I just corrected the syntax errors in your formula. But I still don't understand what result you want to get. All detailed instructions are in the article above. Or describe in detail the desired result.
Hello I have been stuck on this IF statement for three days now and I keep getting invalid or the pound sign, as well as just the equation I'm inputting to still be there with nothing being done. This one is kind of weird to do, for me: I have to make a nest statement for when I can go to the beach the set up is below. I can only go on Friday, the weather has to be nice and I have to have at least $500. That's the only numeric number but I set it up different ways so many times that I've lost sight of what and how to use the and, can't... =IF(A4<=Friday?, "Yes", IF(A4=,Bad Weather, "No", IF(A4<=$500, "Can't Go"))) A4 is the first cell with Friday in it. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've watched a couple of youtube vids, and articles but the formulas I try yield the same result: Nothing. Please and thank you for your time.
Friday with an drop down arrow
Sunny and warm
Sunny and warm
Try to use these recommendations: IF AND in Excel: nested formula, multiple statements.
I cannot figure out how to fix this IF AND NESTED formula. Please help.
=IF(AND(R2>=19.01, R2=21.01, R2<=23, 70, IF(R2<=23.01, 75, " " )))
I can suggest the following formula -
=IF(AND(R2>=19.01,R2=21.01,R2<=23),70,IF(R2<=23.01,75," "))
For more information, please visit: IF AND in Excel: nested formula, multiple statements, and more.
Hello again.
There was a copy and paste error in my above question. This is the actual formula that I need help with.
=IF(AND(R2>=19.01, R2=21.01, R2<=23, 70, IF(R2<23.01, 75, "")))
Can you help me with this calculation?
I want to calculate the commission (3%,5%,7% etc) based on the total sales in location i16
Thanks in advance
See Example 2 in the article above. This should solve your task.
Hi so this is my current formula
=IF(OR([@[FULL NAME]]="Player 1",[@[FULL NAME]]="Player 2",[@[FULL NAME]]="Player 3",[@[FULL NAME]]="Player 4",[@[FULL NAME]]="Player 5",[@[FULL NAME]]="Player 6", [@[FULL NAME]]="Player 7", [@[FULL NAME]]="Player 8"),"DEF")
I'm wanting to add two other IF OR onto the formula, so if player 9, player 10, player 11 then itll be MID and then for players 12, 13, 14 itll be 'ATT'.
Does anyone know how I could add these on?
Thanks in advance!
Extract digits from text using the RIGHT function. Convert them to a number, as described in this guide.
Use a nested IF function to get the result you want.
=IF(--RIGHT(A1,2)>11,"ATT", IF(--RIGHT(A1,2)>8,"MID","DEF"))
Good morning - I am looking for a simplified formula to calculate all of the possible outcomes between 4 categories (East, Midwest, South, and West) and their 3 potential ratings (Low, Medium, High). The current formula - which has accounted for all possible outcomes - has produced 81 levels of nesting (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 = 81), which obviously is too large and cannot be entered. I was wondering if using IFS instead of nested IFs might work? Any suggestions would be tremendously appreciated - thanks!
Create a table where categories are written in rows, and ratings are written in columns. Write down all possible options in the table. Then choose the desired option using two-way lookup.
Look for the example formulas here: Excel INDEX MATCH MATCH and other formulas for two-way lookup.
I hope it’ll be helpful.
What can be the formula for this?
Since I have 140k line items, how can I group the Order No. based on the Items?
Let's say classification is not available and I want to group the order no. with multiple types of goods as "Mixed Items".
Order No. Item Classification
1 Fish Mixed Items
1 Veggies Mixed Items
1 Fruits Mixed Items
1 Rice Mixed Items
2 Fish Seafoods Only
2 Fish Seafoods Only
2 Fish Seafoods Only
3 Bread Breads Only
3 Bread Breads Only
Thanks in advance!
If I understand your task correctly, try the following formula:
=IF(COUNTA(UNIQUE(FILTER($B$1:$B$100,$A$1:$A$100=A1)))=1,"Mixed items","")
=IF(IFERROR(ROWS(UNIQUE(FILTER(B1:B100,$A$1:$A$100=A1))), 0)=1,"Mixed items","")
For more information, please visit: Count unique values with criteria.
I have a column of cells with drop-down options of "Complete", "In Progress", "Not Started", and "Backlog." J6 - J25 specifically.
I have a cell that I am attempting to display the overall progress as a percentage (located at H3).
How do I get a selection of "Complete" to contribute to the percentage as a 100% value, the "In Progress" to contribute to the percentage as a 50% value and all others 0.
For example: J6-8 says, "Complete" "Complete" "Complete"... then H3 will say "100%"
or "Complete", "Not Started" will have H3 showing "50%"
Your description of the problem and the example do not match, but the formula could be something like this -
=IF(SUM(--(J6:J8="Complete"))=3,100%,IF(SUM(--(J6:J8="In progress"))=3,50%,""))
About using double dash (--) with boolean values learn more in example 3 in the article - SUMPRODUCT and SUMIFS in Excel. I hope my advice will help you solve your task.
=IF($G60,$G$4,)&" "&IF($H60,$H$4,)&" "&IF($I60,$I$4,)
G6, H6, I6 = Sales
G4, H4, I4 = Place
Is there any other formula which I can use in place of above formula.
I don't quite understand what you want to do with this formula.
Pay attention to the correct use of the IF function.
Hi Alex
I have one column (E) where i have the percentage calculated.
Then i have a Target Points Colums (B) with numbers 1-5
now i need to set a condition in COlumn F, where if the average is 100% and above i need to add 1 to the value in column B
100%-110% plus 1 90%-100% minus 1
110%-120% plus 2 80%-90% minus 2
120%-130% plus 3 70%-80% minus 3
130%-140% plus 4 60%-70% minus 4
140%-150% plus 5 50%-60& minus 5
For a single condition, use the normal IF function:
Hello, please help with any formula suggestions for what I'm trying to do -
For each dollar of new income (as shown in cell D13) between $140 and $220, calculate an abatement of .20cents per dollar, and deduct this from current income (found in D7)....
Then for each dollar of new income (D13) above $220, calculate an abatement of .50cents per dollar, and also deduct this from current income (found in D7).
My version of excel is older; can't use SUMIFS.
(sorry to hijack this thread, can't find where to start a new comment)
To calculate interval values, use the MIN function and MAX function.
Hope this is what you need.
Would like some advice about a nested IF formula. The formula I have written is: =IF(L2>0,L2,IF(K2>0,K2,IF(J2>0,J2,IF(I2>0,I2,G2))))
with the intention that the latest filled column from I to L should be copied over to a new column and if there's nothing in I-L then column G should be copied instead. The formula works if column L is filled in and SOMETIMES if there's only column G to copy but not for any other scenarios.
G= 7
I = 9
J= 11
K = Blank
L = Blank
M with formula should show 11
I can't work out what I've done wrong!
Use the INDEX+MATCH functions to find the last non-empty cell in a range. The following tutorial should help: How to use INDEX and MATCH in Excel.
Please try the following formula -
I hope I answered your question.
Yes!!! It worked. Thank you. :)
I want to sort company revenue with the following conditions:
How do I turn this into a nested IF formula? Or do I use another type of formula?
If you want to show values by condition, use the FILTER function or the Excel Filter tool.
If this is not what you wanted, please describe the problem in more detail.
Sorry the conditions didn't load up completely. The conditions are:
Sorry, just ignore this
On the second thought, can you please evaluate if this formula is correct? Thank you!
IF(Z3 < 100,000.00, "250,000,000.00, " > 250M))))))))))
If you have a problem with formulas, I recommend reading this guide: Excel formulas not working, not updating, not calculating: fixes & solutions.
If you fix errors in your formula:
=IF(Z3 < 100000,250000000," > 250M")
Thank you for linking the guide. Bless you!
Please support me for following XL formula-
IF 10000, he is ultra-poor
IF 10001 to 15000, he is poor
IF 15001 to 25000, he is middle class
Thank you
Carefully read the first paragraph of this article above. There is an answer to your question.
I am trying to do a nested if, and it is telling me I have too many arguments. In cell w2, i am inputting the word "yes", "no", or "probation". I wrote this formula. I am not sure where I have an error, Please help.
=if(w2, "yes", "APR Complete",
IF(w2, "no", "APR Needed",
IF(w2, "probation", "Not Applicable")))
You can learn more about IF function syntax in Excel in this article on our blog.
You can use this formula:
=IF(W2="yes", "APR Complete",
IF(W2="no", "APR Needed",
IF(W2="probation", "Not Applicable")))
Thanks for an excellent article.
I have successfully managed to get the correct results for the first 3 conditions below. However with regards to IF(AD2>-10,"Big Loss", if the number is greater than -10, it still returns loss instead of "Big Loss"
What can I do to correct this in the formula below.
=IF(AD2>=10,"Big Profit",IF(AD2>0,"Profit",IF(AD2<=0,"Loss",IF(AD2<=-10,"Big Loss"))))
Many thanks,
Swap last two conditions in nested IF function:
=IF(A2>=10,"Big Profit",IF(A2>0,"Profit",IF(A2<=-10,"Big Loss",IF(A2<=0,"Loss"))))
Hope this is what you need.
How to get the formula for the following scenarios
Qty Value Rate Rate 2 Required
18,508 25,96,571 140 - 140
21,716 14,15,208 65 225 65
What do you want to calculate exactly? Your question is not entirely clear, please specify.