Comments on: How to print row and column headers of Excel spreadsheets on every page

Today I'd like to tell you about a small but important feature tucked away in Excel 2013 and its previous versions. In this article you'll learn how to make header rows and column headers print on each page. Continue reading

Comments page 2. Total comments: 59

  1. its really an amazing and useful way to save our time. it really works. thanx a lot for sharing this useful information.

  2. its really an amazing way to save our time. it really works
    Thanks a lot for sharing this useful information.

  3. Hello There?
    Can you help me please?

    I'm Md. Ikhtiar Rahman, Asst. Account of the Company. My major work is every month salary making with over time, maintain attendance and etc. I work everything fine. But Some are formatting is very difficult (I don't know about that). I know and properly use Header and footer, Heading row repeat with Freeze Panes.



    Best Regards

    1. ya i have the same problem. havebeen trying to solve for 2 weeks. I found out a code like this but now i need my write to fit the page, not left centre or right footer. Is there another way to do it or how can i compound the footers?? Thanks a lot.

      Sub berk()
      ' berk Macro
      Dim StrFtr As String, Rng As Range, Sh As Worksheet, c As Range
      Set Sh = Worksheets("Sheet1")
      Set Rng = Sh.Range("A166:K166")

      For Each c In Rng
      StrFtr = StrFtr & c & " "
      Next c

      ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = StrFtr
      End Sub

  4. I didn't have to close any workbooks but closing a page layout menu in another workbook worked.

  5. I'd like to repeat information in a single cell (not a row or column; is there a way to do that?

    I'd appreciate your help

    Sorry, I meant to ask: I'd like to repeat information in a single cell (not an entire row or column) to show on all pages I want to print within the same worksheet.

    I'd appreciate your help

  6. I'd like to repeat information in a single cell (not a row or column; is there a way to do that?

    I'd appreciate your help.

  7. Add duplicate rows down the page when printing

  8. Dear Friend,

    I want repeat a row 2 3 times in same page. How it 's possible.

  9. Really Informative Thanks Please Keep updates more tricks as we highly expecting from now.....

  10. My Rows to repeat at top: is still grayed out. I've done this countless times for me to repeat rows and columns. Now for some reason it's won't work. Any other suggestions?

  11. yes, i agree. i spent hours doing research online and finally see this post about closing all other workbooks!!! microsoft needs to fix this bug in their programming!! thx for your help.

  12. It's nuts, but really as simple as closing all the other files to get rid of the grey and then set the "Rows to Repeat".

  13. Dear friends..Can any one please help me. I need the Header on the left side and footer on the right side (in Column)..Traditionally header and footer are on top and bottom and on top header u can align left, center and right..But I want the header to be vertical columns..please help me

    1. Take the printed document, insert into copy machine Top edge into the feeder, Tell the copy machine that the Left edge is in the feeder, then press Copy. Your headers will now be vertical columns.

  14. Thank you - soo much for that... ♥ ♥ ♥

  15. The "greyed out" issue persisted until I only had one Excel file open. Once I closed the other workbooks, my print titles option opened up!

    1. Thank you! Closing the other Workbooks worked!

    2. This is the first suggestion that worked. Why is it not possible to have multiple workbooks open and select rows to repeat at the top? Is there a technical reason this happens?

    3. Thank you! Closing the other workbooks was key for me!

  16. I am in Excel 12.3.6. I follow the instructions exactly and lines 1 and 2 that I selected do not end up on each page. Any suggestions?

  17. Hi everyone. Excel "greys out" or does not let you select rows to repeat if you are in page break preview View. I changed my view to NORMAL and it allowed rows to be selected.
    Hope this helps!

  18. If you have more than one workbook open. Close the other file, then it should work

    1. This is the first suggestion that worked. Why is it not possible to have multiple workbooks open and select rows to repeat at the top? Is there a technical reason this happens?

  19. I would like to have the columns repeat on every page break, as I have a years worth of recerts I am trying to input and have to keep going back to original page to see the column I am in.

  20. Thank you - was just what I wanted.

  21. thanks alot

  22. Thank you very much for that

  23. I'm with stenili. "I still cannot repeat rows, the the rows to repeat field is greyed out". Clicking on the Collapse Dialog icon does nothing. Odd how this worked for me last week in another file. Thanks.

  24. Hi
    I still cannot repeat rows, the the rows to repeat field is greyed out.

  25. Thanks a lot! searched for it a lot of time!

  26. I've done this on several versions of Excel but in 2013 that optiion is grayed out.

    1. The same thing happened to me, but that was when I used Print>Page Setup>Sheet tab. That way the field is greyed out.

      But I tried using Ekaterina's method, using the Page Layout ribbon, that works well on my Excel 2013.

      Hope that helps.

  27. Hi,
    I would like to know if there is a way to repeat row and column titles not on each page, but some selected pages.


    1. Hello, Anna,
      I am sorry but the only solution I can recommend is to print pages without titles. You need to specify the range to skip. Then print the necessary range with the row and column headers.
      Hope you'll find this information helpful.

  28. Thats a Amazing.

    Thank u so much.

    this help for me.

    1. lol

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