From this short tip you will learn how to quickly sort cells by background and font color in Excel 2016, Excel 2013 and Excel 2010 worksheets. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
From this short tip you will learn how to quickly sort cells by background and font color in Excel 2016, Excel 2013 and Excel 2010 worksheets. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 46
Why do only some of the greens go to the top when I sort by color? How do I fix this? It seems like the ones using conditional formatting don't sort.
How to filler a particular data based on their color in a work book,
I have not any formula like that?
where can I find or add this formula?
Hello, Kaveh,
Please have a look at this article How to count and sum cells by color
WHen i enter the Getcellcolor formula it does not work. am i missing something?
Hello, John,
Please have a look at this article How to count and sum cells by color
For some reason I have a spreadsheet and on some columns i can sort by color than that option is frozen when trying to select other columns. All columns have at least some color in them. Any thoughts?
Hello, Josh,
To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel. You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.
How do you sort data with cell colors by top primary and top secondary? Is it similar to sorting the data cell colors like either on top or bottom
Hello, Ross,
To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel. You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.
i want to give colors in regular order
for example
first row-red
second row-blue
third row- yellow
fourth row-red
fifth row-blue
sixth row-yellow
hope you can help me
Hello, Habeeb,
To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel. You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.
! have a table of 20 soccer teams the columns are:-
Column A= Position
Column B= Team
Column C= Points
At the season s end the top 4 Qualify for champions league (green)
positions 5&6 for Europa league (brown)
positions 18,19,20 are relegated to a lower league (red)
I want each gropu of eventualities to have all their cells a certain colour as above, and to maintain their colour when the table is sorted
many thanks
Dave H
Hello, Dave,
To help you better, we need a sample table with your data in Excel. You can email it to Please add the link to this article and your comment number.
Is there a possibility that we can sort two different colors in a single cell. e.g. First Name and Last Name are copied in a single cell, however, in different colors. Is there a way of sorting them? I hope, I made myself clear!
Hi Ankur,
The easiest way is to convert your data to an Excel table (select it and press Ctrl+T or click the Insert tab > Table). Then, simply click the Filter drop-down arrow in the Name column's header, choose Sort by Color and select the color you want to sort by. If you want to add sorting by a second color, then click Sort by Color > Custom Sort... > Copy Level and choose the second color.
THIS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was incredibly useful. Good job putting these intructions together.
I want to use exactly this but I would like Excel to sort automatically as the cell color changes.
For example I have a budget with a pull down list as follows
When the cell is Paid conditional formatting is set to fill grey the entire cell row.I would also like the Greyed items to automatically go to the bottom of the list?
Hello Nick,
Regrettably, this cannot be done using Excel formulas, a VBA macro is needed.
Hi Nick,
Hope this might helpful for your request. First conditionally format the row to be grey once the cell value is equal to grey.
Then apply a custom sort to get the grey colored cell to bring down to the bottom of the data using custom sort function. You may need to click on the sort reapply button to make this happen after each new entry.
Let me know if you need help on this.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, what a great & easy to follow tutorial
This was just what I needed
Thank you very much for your kind feedback, Joe!