Comments on: How to split text string in Excel by comma, space, character or mask

Splitting text from one cell into several cells is the task all Excel users are dealing with once in a while. Today, we are going to take an in-depth look at how you can break strings into different elements using formulas and the Split Text feature. Continue reading

Comments page 3. Total comments: 306

  1. Thanks !!! you saved my life <3

  2. Super useful. I used it to separate out the domain in email addresses so I could see which emails were in the same domain like this....

    =LEFT(B2, SEARCH("@",B2,1)-1)
    =RIGHT(B2,LEN(B2)- SEARCH("@",B2,1))

  3. tabel Size w h A W H B&c W H D Or D&E

    Freezer : A - W: 48” x H: 28” | B & C - W: 26” x H: 30”|D - W: 48” x H: 26” 48 28 1 26 30 2 48 26 1
    Freezer : A - W: 64” x H: 29” | B & C - W: 27.5” x H: 21”D & E - W: 28” x H: 39” 64 29 1 27.5 21 2 28 39 2
    Freezer : A - W: 61” x H: 25” | B & C - W: 23” x H: 21”D & E - W: 25” x H: 29” 61 25 1 23 21 2 25 29 2

  4. Thank you!!!

  5. I have applied the following formula to my spreadsheet to split 1 cell that contains the information as follows:
    Cell = 3^4^12

    With the formula applied, the cell is split and separated into their own separate cells as follows:

    The issue is that the formula I've applied does not taken into account that there may be numbers of more than 1 digit.
    So instead of the intended outcome being:
    3, 4, 12, the formula splits it as 3, 4 and 1

    Please advise if there is a way to solve this issue?

    formula to split 1st number:

    formula to split 2nd number:
    =IFERROR(MID(D3,SEARCH("^",D3)+1,SEARCH("",D3,SEARCH("^",D3)+1)-SEARCH("^",D3))," ")

    formula to split 3rd number:
    =IFERROR(MID(D3,SEARCH("^",D3)+3,SEARCH("",D3,SEARCH("^",D3)+1)-SEARCH("^",D3))," ")

      Column A

      COLUMN B

      COLUMN c

      COLUMN D

      COLUMN e

  6. Hi. I have the below data, each containing information separated by the "^" sign.
    The length of this data is not consistent, with some containing 2 "^" and others with up to 15 "^"

    I've tried the LEFT, MID, RIGHT formula, but I do not know how to extend it to search up to 15 "^"
    Please can you help.


    Colour (heading)

    Colour Reference (heading)

    Colour QTY to Order (heading)

    I would like to split the data in each row, into it's own column/row
    So that in the end:
    Colour QTY to Order
    1000 - each in it's own row/column

      1. Thank you for the quick reply.
        I was hoping there was a formula I could use, so that when the s/sheet is auto-populated with data, I can then add a formula that will automatically split the columns, as opposed to using Text to Columns.

        Please let me know.

        1. Hi Joanne,
          Assuming the titles of the columns are the values you are searching for you can get your table with a single formula.
          Titles like O, BL, R, Y, GY in B1:Z1
          Data into A2
          1000^5000 etc

          Into B2 put the following :
          drag formula to cover span of the table.

          I've added manually ^ to each end of the string to search to ensure all values are found (in case one end is missing a character)
          If it finds the ^xx^ in the string it puts it in the matching titles column.

  7. After using Python for years, it almost seems criminal that Excel doesn't include a "split" command within the UI. I created my own user-defined function (UDF) to accomplish this. This parser can pluck the Nth element from a given string provided there's a consistent delimiter, and it can work left to right or right to left. Code:

    Option Explicit

    Function GetLength(a As Variant) As Integer
    If IsEmpty(a) Then
    GetLength = 0
    GetLength = UBound(a) - LBound(a) + 1
    End If
    End Function

    Function FetchElement(RefCell As String, ReturnElementNbr As Integer, Delimiter As String, Reverse As Boolean) As String

    Dim Hierarchy As String
    Dim MyArray As Variant
    Dim ArraySize As Integer

    If Reverse = True Then
    If Right(RefCell, 1) = Delimiter Then
    Hierarchy = StrReverse(Left(RefCell, Len(RefCell) - 1)) 'remove trailing "\" and then reverse remainder of string
    Else: Hierarchy = StrReverse(RefCell)
    End If
    Else: Hierarchy = RefCell
    End If

    MyArray = Split(Hierarchy, Delimiter)

    ArraySize = GetLength(MyArray)

    If ReturnElementNbr > ArraySize Then
    FetchElement = ""
    ElseIf Reverse = True Then FetchElement = StrReverse(MyArray(ReturnElementNbr - 1))
    Else: FetchElement = MyArray(ReturnElementNbr - 1)
    End If

    End Function

    sample data to parse (let's say it's in cell "A1"): prvd00664966\PT00076084\PT00072170\PT00072157\PT00076116

    command: =FetchElement(A1,3, "\", TRUE)

    this will count the elements from right to left (TRUE flag used) with an assumption that the delimiter is a "\" and that we want the third element (parm = 3, above) in the list.

    Yes, UDFs are relatively slow. But this is a heck of a lot more readable and usable than having to use so many nested string functions in Excel

  8. Thank you for your instructions. Unfortunately I could not find my answer. If you could be so kind to help me. I have the following data:

    For example (123)
    For example (1)
    For (example) (344)
    For example (for) example (12)

    I need to remove the numbers and the brackets. I tried many ways but I have not found a solution. There is a formula for removing everything after and including brackets. However then I have a problem with data such as: For example (for) example (12) . In which it will not only delete the numbers but also the text.

    Is there a formula for deleting numbers in brackets? Or a way for me to remove it?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Hello!
      Here is the formula that should work perfectly for you:

      =SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE((CONCAT(IF(NOT(ISNUMBER( --MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1))), MID(A1,ROW($1:$93),1),"")))," ",""),"()","",1)

      We have a tool that can solve your task in a couple of clicks — Ablebits Data - Remove Characters. It is available as a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel that you can install in a trial mode and check how it works for free.

  9. Hi There,

    How do I separate text by a pattern. However, the pattern can change and there is no common string that I can use to separate the cell into columns.

    For example,

    I have the text 2015 Mazda CX5 V6 White Bumper. I would like to split this by Make, Model, Year, Engine Type, Color, Part and others if any. The tricky part here is on the next row I could have 2003 Toyota Camry Bonnet Blue. I want all the makes to go into 1 column, all the models to go into 1 column, all the parts to go into 1 column and so on. The pattern can change as well. Because sometimes it can start with the make and end with model or it could be other as well. I want this process to be automated.

    Because the excel wouldn't understand what the make, model, year are, what we could do is we could probably add a drop-down on the heading of each column that has the list of makes, and another column would be models and so on. So, now when the system identifies make, it would have to search in all the drop-downs of all the columns and find where it is and put it on that column. I know it's a little complex, but I am sure it can be done.

    Any help would highly be appreciated. Thank you!!

  10. The goal is to split each Biblical Hebrew word into individual letters. However, Text-to-Column causes the nikkud/accents to separate from the base letter.

    I've discovered that putting a hyphen between each letter of the Hebrew word will cause Text-to-Column to separate the individuals characters intact.

    So, I went looking for a formula to insert dashes between letters and found one that works....but only for English letters/numbers. With the Hebrew, this formula separates out the nikkud/accents.

    Sub InsertCharacter()

    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim InputRng As Range, OutRng As Range
    Dim xRow As Integer
    Dim xChar As String
    Dim index As Integer
    Dim arr As Variant
    Dim xValue As String
    Dim outValue As String
    Dim xNum As Integer

    xTitleId = "Put Dashes"
    Set InputRng = Application.Selection
    Set InputRng = Application.InputBox("Range :", xTitleId, InputRng.Address, Type:=8)

    xRow = Application.InputBox("Number of characters :", xTitleId, Type:=1)
    xChar = Application.InputBox("Specify a character :", xTitleId, Type:=2)

    Set OutRng = Application.InputBox("Out put to (single cell):", xTitleId, Type:=8)
    Set OutRng = OutRng.Range("A1")

    xNum = 1
    For Each Rng In InputRng
    xValue = Rng.Value
    outValue = ""
    For index = 1 To VBA.Len(xValue)
    If index Mod xRow = 0 And index VBA.Len(xValue) Then
    outValue = outValue + VBA.Mid(xValue, index, 1) + xChar
    outValue = outValue + VBA.Mid(xValue, index, 1)
    End If
    OutRng.Cells(xNum, 1).Value = outValue
    xNum = xNum + 1
    End Sub

    Question: Is there a way to tweak this formula so that it will recognize Hebrew 'complete characters'? Or is there another way to work with Hebrew in Excel?

    Thanks so much.

  11. problem string:

    what i needed out of it?

    what expression got it?

    thanks for guiding me towards

  12. Super thanks to you, you made my day really grate
    whith this formular :

  13. I need to split the value 12 into 9 2 1 in 3 different cellsand incase if the value becomes 13 i need it to ne splited inti 9 2 2. Is that possible? I need the value in the last colum keep changing if the value varies. Is there any possibile solution? Please help

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:


      Hope this is what you need.

  14. Looking for an automatic option to take whatever is typed into cell B3 to auto populate each character into rows beneith

    Ex: B3 =abcd 'is entered
    cells populate here:
    Cells B5 =a
    B6 = b
    B7 = c
    B8 = d

    cannot use text to column
    Any help???

  15. HI,

    I am looking for the number "02305255" to be separated from the hyperlink. Could you help get the Excel formula?

  16. Thank you for the helpful article and comments!
    I have been trying to separate a string into characters (so I can have each character into a separate column).
    Such as if I have a string “word”, I would like to to have it’s characters “w”, “o”, “r”, “d” in separate columns.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    1. Hello!
      If your text is written in cell A1, write the formula in B1:


      Copy this formula column by column to C1, D1, E1, etc.
      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  17. Thanks!

  18. Thank you!

  19. I am using AbleBits Split by Characters function to split by commas into rows. No matter how many times I try it, it splits into columns instead. Can you help me understand what I'm doing wrong?

    1. Hello!
      Unfortunately, without seeing your data it is impossible to give you advice.

      I'm sorry, it is not very clear what result you want to get. Could you please describe your task in more detail and send us a small sample workbook with the source data and expected result to Please shorten your tables to 10-20 rows/columns and include the link to your blog comment.

      We'll look into your task and try to help.

  20. I cannot get a cell separated and have it still identified as a whole number (to later average). I’ve tried substitute, replace, left functions... with no luck.

    It is separating out the _F from a number of temperature readings: 37 F, 42 F, etc

    Lil help?

    1. Hello!
      To remove characters and convert to a number, use the formula

      =--SUBSTITUTE(E1," F","")

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  21. Hi,there!
    I want to separate # following with any number for example #8, #6, then I want to use number 8 or 6 as my value to use if function to print out different result, if 8 , print " 38 mm", if 6 print " 50mm" just a example. Thanks a lot!

    1. Hello!
      I’m sorry but I do not fully understand your goal. If you want to replace the entered value 8 with the text in the same cell, then this is possible only using a VBA macro. You can write either a value or a formula in a cell. If you need to convert # 8 to a number, you can use the formula




    2. "I want to separate # following with any number for example #8, #6, then I want to use number 8 or 6 as my value to use if function to print out different result, if 8 , print " 38 mm", if 6 print " 50mm" just a example. Thanks a lot!" It is in the Same Cell, print also at the same Cell.

  22. I have a cell like "1 S Laser Beam, 3 M Pulse Laser, 18 Sansha Debris, 9 M Booster"

    what this means is that the cell has 1 qty of Small Laser Beam, 3 qty of Medium Pulse Lasers and etc.

    How can I parse this so that I can parse these quantities so that I can use them individually? Thanks

    1. Hello!
      You can split your text into cells in any of the ways described above. Use a comma as a separator. You can then extract a number from each cell using a formula. For example:

      =--LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-1)

      I hope it’ll be helpful.

  23. Hi there,
    How to split this? Can you tell me?
    151 Exc AvenueNey York, NY 10001
    123 Word AptMiami, FL 23456
    I Want city name to be in separate field and presiding address in separate field. Any formula which puts the word starting in CAPITAL after SMALL letter to a different field?

  24. I have a challenge on number search in a cell that is formatted as text. I have a TAB "Systems Software" with column G that have cells with multiple numbers (not necessarily in numeric order) separated by commas (i.e., G4 contains 4,28,9,14,44,23,10,104) in each cell. Each cell may have a single number, or be empty or a string of numbers separate by a commas. I need to find if a given specific number (i.e., 4) is in that string of numbers that are contained in a cell formatted as text. It is number four that I am searching for in that sample, not the four in fourteen or forty four or one hundred four. If I find the search number within the number in the string, I can print an X in the cell that is doing the search. Otherwise, if the number is not found, leave the cell empty. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    1. Looking for just 4 and not the 4 in 14,24,104 etc?
      Simply search for ",4," Include the commas.
      The only time you need any special check is the first or last numbers in the string.


  25. Hi Team,
    He is a smart guy.
    smart people are everywhere.
    I want to print the word which is right after the word "smart", can some one please help me

    1. Hello!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:


      I hope this will help

  26. For those wondering how to split a chain of characters into more than 3 cells :
    I'm too lazy to translate my formulas. The functions are in french so I'll just translate them here :

    So, I wrote in A2 (yeah I started from A2 instead of A1) :
    I want to separate this into 6 cells.
    In B2, I type :
    This gives me "test1".
    In C2, I type :
    This gives me "test2"
    In D2, I'll write :
    This gives me "test3;test4;test5;test6"
    From there on, I can reiterate the two other formulas to obtain in E2 : "test3", in F2 : "test4", in G2 : "test5;test6" and so on and so on.

  27. Hi Team - Thanks for this material.. absolutely useful. However I am a bit stuck (think i am being naive as missing something :) ).. From example above, how am i able to split all the string between 2 characters as there are multiple occurrences.
    Above example shows clearly on how to extract between 1st and 2nd occurrence. How about 2nd and 3rd occurrence, 3rd and 4th occurrence etc.. I want this to be in a single formula.
    Expected output:
    Blue (Answer available on top of this post)

    1. =TextSplit(TextAfter([SourceCell], "-"), , "-") will parse everything after the first "-" into separate cells in a row below the cell containing this formula, just as you have in your example.

    2. Hello!
      Dividing a long text into separate words using a formula is a very difficult task. If the text contains more than 4 words, then solving the problem using the formula does not make sense. Use the standard Text to Columns tool or the Ablebits Split Text tool, which is described earlier in this article.

      1. Hi - Unfortunately i cannot use the options in Excel as I can only use it via formula due to the fact that the incoming value string is a variable that will be written at runtime & has to be decoded into above requirement during playback/runtime

  28. I am working with power query and my results have jumbled together movie names with release dates, where the release date (format August 7, 2020) is combined with the movie name. the movie names of course are different lengths, and the dates are different lengths depending on the release date. I'm not finding any way to split my data between the movie name and the release date (example: The Broken Hearts GalleryAugust 7, 2020). Can you show me how to do this?

    1. I’ve found one way that adds a small macro (that you don’t need to keep)

      ALT + F11
      Create a module and add the following code:
      Function IS_DATE(rng) As Boolean
      IS_DATE = IsDate(rng)
      End Function

      This will tell you if a date is valid or not (true/false)
      Then we test your movie titles by trying to find the date on the end
      There will always be 4 digits for year, 1 for comma, 1 space, at least one digit for day and then the month. A span of 7 possible lengths. May x – September xx
      Assuming your title/date is in A1.
      In B1 put:

      The formula trys cropping the string at 11 characters long to 18 and tests each one to see if it’s a real date or not. The month is the decider so short spelled or additional characters make this a false date. Only the right length will actually create a valid date and returns the trim length
      The result is the number of characters to cut the string at

      Movie title goes in C1:

      Date goes into D1

    2. Hello Michael!
      To separate the date from the text, you can use the formula

      =RIGHT(F1,LEN(F1)-FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(F1," ","~",LEN(F1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(F1," ",""))-2)))

      I hope my advice will help you solve your task.

  29. Hi..
    Plz help me to count the frequency in the following
    1234567 = frequency is 7 than plz help me to find correct formula for count frequency in the following examples
    1.3..67 = 4 and
    7 = 1 and
    ...3...7 = 2

    Plz help

    1. Hello!
      Tell me specifically what exactly you want to calculate. "1234567 = frequency is 7" is not a frequency. Perhaps you want to find the number of digits? Or the number of characters? Or something else?

  30. Hello,
    I'am looking for this function:
    I have a cell like this : XTORM SOLID BLUE MICRO USB CABLE 1MTR
    I want to split this cell (all cells with text) after the 3rd or 4rd space, like this
    Those words undernead in 1 cell
    Is this possible?? i hope thanks!!! greetz remco

    1. Hello Remco!
      To divide the text into 3 cells after every third space, use the formulas

      =LEFT(C1,FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",3))-1)

      =MID(C1,FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",3))+1, FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",6)) -FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",3)))

      =IFERROR(MID(C1,FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",6))+1, FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",9))-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",6))), MID(C1,FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",6))+1, LEN(C1)-FIND("*",SUBSTITUTE(C1," ","*",6))))

      I hope this will help

  31. Thank you!

  32. I have output from a Qualtrics survey for "select all that apply" questions. I need to import it into a statistical package for analysis (SPSS). The data now have numeric codes for answer choices, but when imported into the stats package are read as string (alpha) and separated by commas. I am trying to use Exsel to separate these values into columns, but need a different column for each value. Some questions have up to 5 values, but users may have only checked 1, 2 or even 4 or 5 options, and so their values vary.

    Original Data: --> New array, where | | indicates a separate column
    1, 2, 5 becomes | 1 | 2 | | | 5| (i.e. the columns for the values 3 and 4 are left blank)
    2, 3, becomes | | 2 | 3 | | | (i.e. the columns for the values 1, 4 and 5 are left blank)
    4 becomes | | | | 4 | | (i.e. the columns for the values, 1, 2, 3 and 5 are left blank)

    Text to column separates them, but then I have a column with a mixture of answers (e.g. 1, 2, 4 based on example above) yet I need to create a dichotomous variable for answer choice 1, a separate one for 2, etc. Any ideas? Thank you.

    1. Hello Sara!
      If I understand your task correctly, please try the following formula:
      For example, the value of cell A1 is 1,2,5
      Formula in cell B1
      =IFERROR(IF(--FIND("1",A1,1) > 0,1,""),"")
      Formula in cell C1
      =IFERROR(IF(--FIND("2",A1,1) > 0,2,""),"")
      Formula in cell D1
      =IFERROR(IF(--FIND("3",A1,1) > 0,3,""),"")
      Formula in cell E1
      =IFERROR(IF(--FIND("4",A1,1) > 0,4,""),"")
      Formula in cell F1
      =IFERROR(IF(--FIND("5",A1,1) > 0,5,""),"")
      I hope this will help, otherwise please do not hesitate to contact me anytime.

    2. I don't know if you can do it other than with a formula:

      ______A___ | ____________B______________ ... ____________F______________
      1 | "1,2,5" | =if(iserr(find("1",A1)),"",1) ... =if(iserr(find("5",A1)),"",5)
      2 | ...
      3 | "4" ____| =if(iserr(find("1",A3)),"",1) ... =if(iserr(find("5",A3)),"",5)

  33. Hi

    I would like to take a string of numbers in one cell and separate it by "-". The original data came from a string of columns, which I concat into one cell.
    Orignal data:
    705000 336 10 01 000 0000 35500
    Used Concatenate for the result below
    want it to be

    1. Instead of concatenating the number and then splitting it back out ...
      Use a1 & "-" & b1 & "-" & "c1 to concatenate with the -'s already in place.

    2. Hello Shamrock!
      Please try the following formula:
      =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","-")
      =SUBSTITUTE("705000 336 10 01 000 0000 35500"," ","-")
      Hope you’ll find this information helpful.

  34. Hello Sir,

    I have data '1234 to 56478' and wanted add comma only for values using excel function and data should look like '1,234 to 55,678'
    How do I do this?

    1. Hello Santhosh!
      If I understand your task correctly, the following formula should work for you:

      =LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-4) & ","&MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-3, LEN(A1) - FIND(" ",A1,1)+1) & ","&RIGHT(A1,3)
      I hope it’ll be helpful.

      1. Thank you Alexander, It is working for the data which I had given as example...But comma needs to added for every thousands for example for data like '1020000 to 4080000' should be coming as '1,020,000 to 4,080,000' which is not coming now....and also I have the data like'0 to 1360000' and '1360000 +' where this formula is not working.
        Can you help me out with this?

        1. I have bunch of excel data which looks like:
          1234 to 56478 (Given formula is working here)
          0 to 2450000
          1090000 to 4080000
          1360000 +
          1234 to 56478

          1. Hello Santhosh!
            Please use the following formula
            =TEXT(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)-1),"#,##0") & MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1), FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)+1) - FIND(" ",A1,1)+1)&TEXT(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1) - FIND(" ",A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)+1)),"#,##0")
            If there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

  35. Dear madam,

    you explain it in detail but i am unable to get the function =cocatenate(A1,",",B1) using text1 and text 2 for exporting it to autocad. please guide me
    Your sincerly
    Satya prakash tiwari
    New Delhi

    1. Hello!
      Please specify what is the format of the file you're exporting in autocad (.csv/.txt/.exl). Maybe it'll help to conver all the functions into values beforehand. If you describe your task in more detail, I'll try to find a solution for you.

  36. How can I remove http:// from a website string?

  37. Dear Sir,
    what is the formula of pick the number only.
    Ex- Abhijeet Kumar Singh-7678154068 ASDC
    only I have need of contact number

  38. I need a formula for to split:
    1/03/2019 12:31:27 PM
    to make it read
    01/03/2019 in one column and 12:31 PM in another column
    Thank you!

    1. If your data is in A1, in B1 put =INT(A1). Format it as date short. In C1 put =A1-B1 and format it as Time


  39. Need formula for combine two decimal data.
    Example format
    data1 = 0x1000
    data2 = 0x20
    data3 = data1 | data2
    data3 = 0x1020

  40. 2 20/02/20 10:18:11.762 18 225 115 239 35 176 1 0 0 219 0 10 3 143 0 0 23 41 143 62 52 11 197 3 33 217 28 0 4 0 6 101 1 7 14 13 195 2 153 20 23 0 1 14 0 0 5 40 28 12 82 12 215 3 3 255 249 0 0 0 0 205 12 140 36 56 10 246 3 1 0 0 0 0 205 228 71 41 181 12 249 2 252 31 20 0 0 0 255 5 66 24 46 157
    From above string
    I need to get 145th to 149th decimal value. How would i get it.

  41. I have strings of numbers e.g S-N123-AB-FG. I wish to strip the number down to S-N123
    Can anyone assist me please?
    Best Regards

  42. I've been using these page as a reference for over a year to help cleanup my website downloads. It has been very helpful. Thanks. QUESTION-

    For the life of me, I can't figure out how to save my own formula and cut and paste it into my excel spreadsheets. Whenever I do, Excel rejects the formula; however, If I hand type it each time, it is fine. If I copy these formulas from your website and paste them into excel and manually change them to suite my needs, it's fine. Just trying to figure out how to make this easier on me. I'd like to set up a macro, but the formulas keep getting rejected unless I manually hand type them each time.... very time consuming. Below are how my formulas should read. Any ideas?

    =LEFT(L2, SEARCH(“]”,L2,1)-1)

    =MID(L2, SEARCH(“]”,L2) + 1, SEARCH(“]”,L2,SEARCH(“]”,L2)+1) - SEARCH(“]”,L2) - 1)

    =RIGHT(L2,LEN(L2) - SEARCH(“]”, L2, SEARCH(“]”, L2) + 1))

  43. I have to split 40k cells data
    In this coloumn of 40 thousand cells, multiple rows contains data that is partially duplicate
    Fruit orange big
    Fruit orange small
    Fruit orange tiny
    Vegetable tomoto
    Vegetable potato
    Dairy product organic milk
    Dairy product organic cheese
    Dairy product organic cream

    The cell should split once the content of the cell changes

  44. Hello I have been tasked with a project at work.

    I am trying to convert the following
    7' 9 3/16"
    7 9/16"
    8 3/8"
    8' 2 15/16"
    8' 2 7/16"

    some of these work using this formula:

    some of them pop up with a VALUE Error, I presume because the format is wrong some are just inches some are just feet and some are feet and inches. I am trying to find the right formula to help solve this issue. I am sure I will need to add some IFERRORS, or something. I could really use all the help I can get.

    Thanks in advanced!

  45. Hi.... i have the data in B2 like this (CUROFF : OTHAKALMANDAPAM POLLACHI MAIN ROAD,CONTACT DETAILS. : MOB : 6379745419,OFFRES : NO 70 ANJENEYAR COLONY ONDIPUDUR COIMBATORE SOUTH,CONTACT DETAILS. : MOB : 9894144376,CURRES : 48 MANOJ NAGAR KALANGAL ROAD KANNAMPALAYAM,CONTACT DETAILS. : MOB : 6379745419,PERMNENT : 48 MANOJ NAGAR KALANGAL ROAD KANNAMPALAYAM,CONTACT DETAILS. : MOB : 6379745419).... i need to split cell based on "CUROFF:" in c2, "OFFRES :" in D2, "CURRES :" in E2, "PERMNENT :" in G2.... can you please help me on this..... thanx in advance

  46. Please guys I need a very urgent help, I have a data set like
    This numbers are randomly generated using RANDBETWEEN formula.
    I want to break it into 6 up and 6 down in the same cell

  47. I Have data in a cell in this shape
    I need out put in other cells as one character in each cell
    Is there any solution.

  48. Faculty 9-Over-9 Program: Ahn, Charles H; (45212); GR100000 Payroll
    -I am trying to separate the "Ahn, charles H" and input it into a different cell.

    Thank you in advance for your help!!

  49. A0b1C2D3E4F5G6H7I8J9K
    How to separate Numbers and alphabets

  50. Hello,
    I need to extract and put in different columns just the PO# (PO+digits) of the below array of strings. Sometimes it is separated by a "," or a " ". And the number of digit of a PO can Vary.
    PurchOrd-PO7825,PurchOrd-PO8037,PurchOrd-PO8095 PurchOrd-PO7920,PurchOrd-PO8025 PurchOrd-PO7616,PurchOrd-PO7786,PurchOrd-PO7797.1,PurchOrd-PO7843,PurchOrd-PO7986

    Result expected : PO7825 | PO8037|...| PO7797.1

    You would be such a hero if you could help me on this :)

    Thank you very much in advance (with or without answer!)

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