Posts tagged "New Outlook"

How to add, manage and delete account in new Outlook

As users make the switch to the new Outlook app, they're greeted with a refreshed interface that emphasizes modern design and ease of use. Whether you're adding a work account or consolidating personal emails, the new Outlook app caters to your needs with its intuitive and user-friendly approach. Continue reading

How to create email rules in new Outlook and Outlook 365 online

If you've become accustomed to using rules to manage your email flow in classic Outlook, you'll be pleased to know that the new Outlook also includes this feature. Despite some differences in the setup process and a slightly reduced set of options, you can still create rules to automate the sorting of your emails and keep a tidy inbox. Continue reading

How to schedule send in new Outlook and web app

Imagine that you are working late at night, inspired by a brilliant idea, and you write the perfect email. But hold on, it's already past midnight, and sending it now might get lost in the morning rush. What if you could make sure the message lands in the recipient's inbox exactly when they are most receptive? This is the power of scheduled email sending. Continue reading