Comments on: Advanced VLOOKUP in Excel: multiple, double, nested

In this VLOOKUP tutorial, you will find a number of advanced formula examples that demonstrate how to look up with multiple criteria, use two VLOOKUP functions in one formula, dynamically pull data from different sheets, and more. Continue reading

Comments page 7. Total comments: 540

  1. hey; i need your help; i have a sheet containing 500 types of equipment each equipment has 2 or three prices and i need to get from it the min price , average and max prices and returning the supplier name for each value

  2. Hi, I'm trying to create a v-lookup formula that will look at the corresponding ID in column 1 of sheet1 (which contains my formula), then lookup the ID on sheet2 and bring in the data from column 7 of sheet2 IF... column 6 = 2019. I do v-lookups between sheets all the time and have been trying to put it together with an IF formula but I haven't been able to get it to work. Can you help?

  3. Hi madam,
    i refer above all step for my case, but still not found a solution. i have 2 kind of excel sheet. when i select one date in 1st sheet need to get 2 detail from another sheet according to selection data. i try to lot of time & through the every step. but couldn'd. please help me....

  4. Hi,
    i am having some product in my master sheet. and i am having month wise sheet like sheet 1= jan,sheet2= fab, i enter randomly product name in month wise sheet and his corresponding value. for using vlookup formula i collect corresponding product value from sheet1= jan by(=VLOOKUP(A9,'jan'!B7:F26,5,0). so now i want to collect value for same product in other remaning month and adding value form all month in master sheet. please help

  5. Wonderful tutorials! How helpful!
    I've looked for a vlookup formula to add figures with common letter code down columns. Example (Letters col. A, $Values col. B):

    AAA $330
    AAA $600
    AAA $270
    BBB $300
    CCC $100
    CCC $120

    On my separate spreadsheet, I would like to add all AAA values in one cell, $1,200; all BBB $300; CCC $220, etc.


  6. Hi,

    How can i get different variable with same answer
    For example

    Name Roll nol
    amit 1
    vikas 2
    ajeet 3
    raj 4
    manish 5
    sanjeet 6
    suraj 7
    amit 8

  7. My data is given below:

    A B C D
    Product Rohim korim jodu
    TV 100 200 300
    AC 301 302 303
    FREEZER 3002 3005 3009

    After enter the following data I need result (?)
    A B C
    Rohim TV ??? (result should be 100)
    Korim AC ??? (result should be 302)

    How can I do it with vlookup or other formula in column C . Pls help.

  8. hi
    i am learning excel and i am using a football table,what i`m stuck on is when i enter the weeks results i now want to be able to look for a teams name and be able to bring up its last 5 results to show its current form,i can do this with a pivot table but its time consuming doing every team i was wondering if it can be done to show the whole leagues current form


  9. Hi,
    In the below formula what is the ! symbol for?
    =LOOKUP(D26,'B:\HPServices\Current\[Material Price Book.xlsx]Material Pricing'!$B2:$B196,'B:\HPServices\Current\[Material Price Book.xlsx]Material Pricing'!$H2:$H196)


  10. =IF(ISNA(MATCH(A2, Individual!$A$2:$A$108385, 0)), VLOOKUP(A2, Individual!$A$2:$A$108385, C2&"/"&C3, FALSE)," ")

    Row ID Relationship Name
    132361 Father Buchi Ramulu
    132361 Mother Sujatha
    132364 Father Mahesh
    132387 Father B.Ramulu
    132387 Mother Kondamma
    132390 Father Anjaneyulu
    132390 Mother Laxmamma

    This Row ID should match with other sheet Row ID and return father & mother name "Father/Mother" in single cell.

    1. =CONCATENATE(B2&C2) 132361 Father Buchi Ramulu 132361 Father =VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE(F2&G2),A:D,4,0) Mother =VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE(F2&I2),A:D,4,0) =CONCATENATE(H2,"/",J2)
      1. in other sheet, do text to column. Put Unique ID and Father and Mother in col.
      2. First look up( concatenate father and id and mother and id) in Raw Data and look up through Lookup.
      3. then concatenate mother and father.

  11. HiHi,
    I have query regarding find/search and vlookup.
    I want find specific text from cell (string) and retrieve data from vlookup table by using this specific text.
    e.g. “This is a boy” or “This is a girl” is in one cell.(there will more than 100 sentences) In Vlookup table Boy = Male and girl = Female.
    I want display Male or Female in another cell of same sheet depends on cell string contains boy or girl.

  12. need a formula in vlookup for 2 scenario

  13. Can Someone please advise me, how can i have value of one label appearing multiple times in Col-A and its return value in Col-B

    For Ex

    Col-A Col-B
    ABC 1
    ABC 2
    ABC 3
    XYZ 4
    CBA 5
    ABC 6
    ABC 7
    FFF 8

    to other sheet like below

    ABC 1
    ABC 2
    ABC 3
    ABC 6
    ABC 7


  14. Vlookup to get 2nd occurrence using Indirect function is not working. It's giving the first occurrence only. It's working in the sample file attached. But it's not working in real time scenarios.

  15. =VLOOKUP(B$1,RT,2,)
    Kindly Explain

  16. how to concatenate a coloumn data from A1:A10 without using formula =CONCATENATE(A1&A2&A3&A4&A5&A6&A7&A8&A9&A10)


    1. you can use cocat function in excel2019

  17. Hi Ablebits!
    Thanks Very much! Your tutorials do me great job!
    My vlookup dosent work out, it returns N/A i have tried all trouble shootslike advised.
    Question; Can the version of excel be an issue, besides does the fomat of the cell be a matter.

    1. Hi Ronald,

      Vlookup works in all versions of Excel, but the format of the cell can be an issue, for example a number formatted as text. You can find a list of the most common reasons for #N/A and other errors in this tutorial:
      Excel VLOOKUP not working

  18. How do we check using vlookup which customer ordered Apple

    Column A = Customer
    Row 1A= John
    Row 2A= Susan
    Row 3A= Sherry

    Column B = Product
    Row 1B= Grapes,Apple
    Row 2B= Apples,Lime
    Row 3B= Pear,Pineapple

  19. HI

    I have an excel data like following, i want to retrieve style DEC and PQR becasue all their SKU's had sale. do not want to retrieve data for styles whose all SKU's did not have sale.

    How to go about it?

    Style SKU Sale
    ABC 111
    ABC 222 Yes
    ABC 333 Yes
    ABC 444 Yes
    ABC 555 Yes
    DEF 1111 Yes
    DEF 2222 Yes
    DEF 3333 Yes
    DEF 4444 Yes
    DEF 5555 Yes
    PQR 121 Yes
    PQR 212 Yes
    PQR 312 Yes
    PQR 412 Yes
    PQR 512 Yes
    PQR 612 Yes
    PQR 712 Yes
    LMN 322 Yes
    LMN 422 Yes
    LMN 522 Yes
    LMN 622
    LMN 722

  20. Hi, i am using the following VLOOKUP comment which works great! and really could do with this working in Hlookup however it doesnt work, are there different parameters for Hlookup?

    Function VlookupComment(LookVal As Variant, FTable As Range, FColumn As Long, FType As Long) As Variant
    ‘Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xRet As Variant ‘could be an error
    Dim xCell As Range
    xRet = Application.Match(LookVal, FTable.Columns(1), FType)
    If IsError(xRet) Then
    VlookupComment = “Not Found”
    Set xCell = FTable.Columns(FColumn).Cells(1)(xRet)
    VlookupComment = xCell.Value
    With Application.Caller
    If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then
    End If
    If Not xCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
    .AddComment xCell.Comment.Text
    End If
    End With
    End If
    End Function

    Function HlookupComment(LookVal As Variant, FTable As Range, FRow As Long, FType As Long) As Variant
    ‘Updateby Extendoffice
    Dim xRet As Variant ‘could be an error
    Dim xCell As Range
    xRet = Application.Match(LookVal, FTable.Rows(1), FType)
    If IsError(xRet) Then
    HlookupComment = “Not Found”
    Set xCell = FTable.Rows(FRow).Cells(1)(xRet)
    HlookupComment = xCell.Value
    With Application.Caller
    If Not .Comment Is Nothing Then
    End If
    If Not xCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
    .AddComment xCell.Comment.Text
    End If
    End With
    End If
    End Function

    Any help would be greatly appreciated ?

    1. i have a some doubt on this

  21. I am having SKu data in one sheet and i have pan india sku data in othr sheet , actully i want find out that first sheet sku qty. Location wise in first sheet against each sku.pls help

  22. The first column is the item number

  23. MAS Code 23% 18% 15% 12.50% 10% 7.50% 5% 5%
    10100 0.29 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.10
    10101 0.29 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.10
    10102 0.29 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.10
    10103 0.29 0.21 0.19 0.18 0.17 0.16 0.14 0.10

    i need to pull the commission based on the price that is selected from dropdown list. I dont know how to do that.

  24. One can use the VLOOKUP function with 2 criterias WITHOUT any Helper-Column.
    It will become an Array-Formula with some concatenations BUT within the formula.
    *** My solution is presented in the below linked picture:
    Michael (Micky) Avidan
    “Microsoft® Answers" - Wiki author & Forums Moderator “Microsoft®” Excel MVP – Excel (2009-2018) ISRAEL

  25. Hi i am very excited about using formulas i excel after reading this page. please help me to solve the problem that i have... i have set of numbers related to my field.. for instance.,
    spool no fit up no
    16011828-2 6
    16014266-1 1OSW
    16010115-1 2
    16011586-1 2
    14010644-1 7
    21060012-1 17 24865 / 24842
    14060009-1 4
    12030178-1 4
    14010630-1 4FFW
    16011442-1 1
    16011925-1 3FFW
    16011815-1 2
    14010914-2 6
    16011440-1 6
    12010688-1 2
    14010581-3 13
    14010088-1 1
    14010619-1 1FFW
    16090078-1 6
    17010191-3 9
    12011083-3 7 04574 / 4555
    16014313-1 3FFW 21761 / 21766
    17010135-2 7
    14010658-1 1
    16011816-1 4
    14010643-2 8FFW
    14011316-2 3
    12010579-2 7
    14010089-1 4
    16030591-4 10
    16011263-2 13FFW
    17010945-2 12
    16010822-2 7
    12010632-2 7
    16090630-3 8FFW
    14010659-2 5
    16011165-1 4 24199
    14010500-2 12
    16011829-1 2
    12010644-2 13
    12010631-1 5
    17010205-2 8FFW
    16011167-1 3
    14010581-1 1FFW
    14010660-3 8FFW
    16013899-1 2
    12010689-2 5
    16011842-1 1FFW
    16011730-1 6
    17010208-3 7
    12010551-2 13
    17010176-1 5FFW
    17010140-1 2
    14010676-1 5FFW
    16011898-2 12
    14010623-2 8
    12010688-1 1
    17010147-2 11
    16013031-2 17
    12010641-3 10
    12060018-1 2
    14010677-2 8
    12010553-2 10
    12010057-2 14
    14011050-2 10
    16011852-1 8
    17010301-1 1FW
    14030082-1 3FFW
    16011167-3 11
    16011166-2 6
    14010498-3 10
    like this,, i want to get all the occurrences of my selected spool no,
    =IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$63399,SMALL(IF($F$2=B2:B63399,ROW(C2:C63399)-1,""),ROW()-3)),"") I can use the formula,, but i cannot use it continuously,, after finishing one set of calculation..this formula for only one set of calculation,,, and i want to use the array in row vise(spool no only). not column wise,, please any one help me to fix the problem.. thank u..

  26. As you have explained this formula returns the 2nd instance:

    =IFERROR(VLOOKUP($F$2,INDIRECT("$B$"&(MATCH($F$2,Table4[Customer Name],0)+2)&":$C16"),2,FALSE),"")

    Where do I edit the formula to return the the 3rd 4th 5th etc

    Thanks in advance...

  27. I have an tool inventory check out sheet that references a table where there is equipment type column, a description column, followed by an ID number column. I am looking for a formula that after the equipment type is determined, the descriptions are limited to that equipment type,and then the equipment ID number.

    1. Hello,
      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to Please don't worry if you have confidential information there, we never disclose the data we get from our customers and delete it as soon as the problem is resolved.
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.
      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  28. Dear Sir/madam

    I tried if condition with vlookup.I got the required result for few cases.Though the required data is there in the next sheet i couldn't get that.How can i get that for remaining cases.

  29. Thank you for this article! It was immensely and has worked quite well.

    The only issue I am having is that it is retaining the spaces between cells with the output...for example, in your sample above for all occurrences of lookup value (duplicates), Dan Brown’s Biscuits and Dan Brown’s Cherries have 6 rows between them...for my output, these rows remain but are blank/#NA...any good ideas as to why this may be?!

    Thanks any and all for your insights!

    1. Hello,
      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to Please don't worry if you have confidential information there, we never disclose the data we get from our customers and delete it as soon as the problem is resolved.
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.
      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  30. Hi, i have a table with 50rows (drugs) and 30 columns (Citties) and sales qty of drugs are spread for each Citty. I need that this table of data returns in 3 columns named : City , Drugs,Sales Qty.
    How can i do this ?

    1. Hello,

      Please try to solve your task with the help of the Unpivot Table tool which is a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel. You can download its fully functional 14-day trial version using this direct link.
      After you install the product, you will find Unpivot Table in the Transform section under the Ablebits Tools tab.

      Hope this will help you with your task.

  31. Hello,

    I have multiple file for Raw data and one main file. like below. I need to know the last name of all EMP ID from all files to main file. How can i get this in single formula, by combined the all data in one file i can get that but its time taking. can i get this without combined the data in one file?

    thanks in advance.

    Below is the sample for data.

    file 1.
    EMP ID last name first name
    101 yadav naveen
    102 kumar deepak
    103 patel gaurav
    104 sharma vivek
    105 Ghosh jay

    File 2.
    EMP ID last name first name
    101 yadav naveen
    200 kumar deepak
    201 patel gaurav
    203 sharma vivek

    main file.
    EMP ID last name
    101 ?
    102 ?
    103 ?
    104 ?
    105 ?
    108 ?
    200 ?
    201 ?
    202 ?
    203 ?


    1. Hello,

      Please try to solve your task with the help of the Combine Sheets tool which is a part of our Ultimate Suite for Excel. You can download its fully functional 14-day trial version using this direct link.

      After you install the product, you will find Combine Sheets in the Merge section under the Ablebits Data tab.

      Hope this will help you with your task.

  32. Dear Sir,

    I Just Want to Transpose all related columns to a single Row.


    ICD QTY Invoice No. Vehicle No.
    CR0103024080 106.00 SI/17-18/0011 RJ 06 GB 3195
    CR0103024080 6.00 SI/17-18/0012 RJ 06 GB 3195
    CR0103024080 8.00 SI/17-18/0013 RJ 06 GB 3196
    CR0103024080 4.00 SI/17-18/0014 RJ 06 GB 3196

    Result Required as

    ICD QTY (Nos). Invoice No. Vehicle No. ICD QTY (Nos). Invoice No. Vehicle No. ICD QTY (Nos). Invoice No. Vehicle No. ICD QTY (Nos). Invoice No. Vehicle No.
    CR0103024080 106.00 SI/17-18/0011 RJ 06 GB 3195 CR0103024080 6.00 SI/17-18/0012 RJ 06 GB 3195 CR0103024080 8.00 SI/17-18/0013 RJ 06 GB 3196 CR0103024080 4.00 SI/17-18/0014 RJ 06 GB 3196

    1. Hello,

      I'm afraid there's no easy way to solve your task with a formula. Using a VBA macro would be the best option here.

      However, since we do not cover the programming area (VBA-related questions), I can advice you to try and look for the solution in VBA sections on or

      Sorry I can't assist you better.

  33. iam preparing score card of students which includes semester 1 and semester 2 is there any formula to get the result in one cell by using vlookup formula or any other formulas???

    For eg if i click semester 1 i need to get the result of semester 1 only.if i click semster 2 i need to get the result of semester two only in a single cell?? Can any one pls help me???

    1. Hello,

      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to Please don't worry if you have confidential information there, we never disclose the data we get from our customers and delete it as soon as the problem is resolved.
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.

      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  34. Hi,

    Your advice is appreciated as I am trying to fill in the ASSIGNED QTY in table1 from the table2 based on CUSTOMER NO. & ITEM.

    10001653 50023243 ???
    10001656 50022603 ???


    NO NAME 10001653 10001656
    50023243 cust1 5 10
    50022603 cust2 30 35

    1. Hello,

      For me to understand the problem better, please send me a small sample workbook with your source data and the result you expect to get to Please don't worry if you have confidential information there, we never disclose the data we get from our customers and delete it as soon as the problem is resolved.
      Please also don't forget to include the link to this comment into your email.

      I'll look into your task and try to help.

  35. How use in vlookup in two sheets

    1. Hi Anil,

      To do Vlookup from a different Excel sheet, you simply supply the sheet's name followed by an exclamation mark in the table_array argument, e.g.
      =VLOOKUP("text", Sheet2!A2:B15,2)

      For more information, please see How to Vlookup from another worksheet.

      If you want to perform sequential Vlookups in different sheets based on whether a previous Vlookup found the lookup value or not, you can nest Vlookup into IFERROR and use two or more such nested functions within one formula, like shown in this example: How to do sequential Vlookups in Excel.

  36. I want to look through 15 tabs of a workbook and see in which of these tabs there is a value and depending on the which tab is the last tab that it was located at, insert to a cell a date. is this possible with a function or should I search for a VBA code?

  37. How to get the smallest value in all occurrences of lookup value (duplicates)

  38. Is there a way to parse a column, like column A for example that has 4000 names. On another tab there are 50 names

    The first tab has 12 columns full of data but I only need 50 of those 4000 with the data

    Instead of hand picking each one and copy paste

    Is there a way to look at that source data, if name exist, add to "array" and then create a new tab with these 50 people and every column to the right?

  39. i have a workbook, id number wise i entered their certificate expiry.

    i want result ("what is the validity of 1(which means ans is 13/10/2018)).
    how can find this result?

  40. i need a formula for the worksheet. can i have your email address. i will attach the excel sheet. please!

  41. greetings, i have a following query,

    Dealers july aug sep
    parts oil parts oil parts oil
    A 100 50 80 30 70 40
    B 120 45 115 50 125 55

    i have a combined data of 3 dealers month wise with sub categories. i want to have a separate sheet which shows me target of a specific month. like if i ask July it shall show july targets of all dealers with sub categories.

  42. How can I vlookup for each agent daily on another sheet to show lateness,absence and presence? Using data from response form submitted by each offline agents which appears in the format below.

    Many thanks!

    A1 = Check in time per date (9/12/2017 16:55:00, 9/13/2017 16:55:00....)
    B C D E F G
    Clock in (Names) MOD(A2,1) MOD(B2,1) Exceeds (Late15mins)
    9/12/201716:58:01 Olalekan 4:55:00 PM 4:58:01 PM 00:03 Early
    9/12/2017 16:58:08 Ikechukwu 4:55:00 PM 4:58:08 PM 00:03 Early
    9/12/2017 16:58:29 Damilare 4:55:00 PM 4:58:29 PM 00:03 Early
    9/12/2017 16:58:33 Abieu M 4:55:00 PM 4:58:33 PM 00:03 Early
    9/12/2017 16:59:02 Ruth N 4:55:00 PM 4:59:02 PM 00:04 Early
    9/12/2017 16:59:27 Anosike 4:55:00 PM 4:59:27 PM 00:04 Early

  43. Hi
    Is it possible to do a lookup for a narrative when the narrative differs slightly from tab to tab - so not an exact match.
    Eg the narrative I want to look up is "Jimmy Choo 40ml EDT" but on another spreadsheet it is "Jimmy Choo 40ml EDT Spray".
    Any help would be appreciated.

  44. I need to lookup value of Product with No having latest date.

    Product No Date
    A 750000 14-09-2017
    A 85101 15-09-2017
    A 14413107 16-09-2017
    B 41351 14-09-2017
    B 1345654 15-09-2017
    B 1531546 16-09-2017

    1. Hello,

      if you find the formula in the article above a bit complicated or you'd like to get a quicker and simpler solution, please take a look at our Vlookup Wizard add-in. You will find it in Ultimate Suite collection that can be downloaded from this web-page. The add-in can be used instead of VLOOKUP function and will return the value you need in a couple of clicks.

      Hope it helps!

  45. Hello

    I have one problem that I can't solve it, I want to use multiple row in Vlookup, but i can't do it.

    Example: IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:Z2,Data-sheet,2,0), "") the result can't, but if i use only one row IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Data-sheet,2,0), "") it automatically show the result.

    Please advice me because i need to do with multiple row.


  46. How to apply the Vlookup or any other formula on long written statements.
    These statements normally written in one cell.
    Like a
    On-line Banking bill payment to DHL Express Ref:-417930361
    On-line Banking bill payment to TCS Express Ref:-417930361
    I want to apply the Vlookup or any other formula on whole statement
    Fore example if in side the statement there is word DHL, then its should write 1 otherwise, zero.
    Please help for this issue or selecting the formula.
    Thank You

  47. Hi, I have created a training report to pull the completion status of each of the trainee in my list. We do have several course translations so the challenge is that, I am not sure which among the course language translations did the trainee take to be marked "completed". I am taking the information from a learning management system's raw data but it contains 77k rows from multiple countries. I tried using a combination of nested IFERRORa and VLOOKUP functions to do this, and is using a helper column to combine the course name and the trainee's User ID then I added this in the first column of my massive raw data while the status comes next to it.

    Cell X4: Course1 (English)
    Cell X5: Course1 (Chinese)
    Cell X6: Course1 (Simplified Chinese)
    Cell X7: Course1 (ZH Chinese)

    Cell A2: 123456

    LookUP Table: WBT

    My code looks like this;


    This formula does not return a value when for example the completed course is X5, X6, or X7. If the completed course is X5 and I put X5 in my first vlookup's lookup value, it returns the correct status. That means, it only runs the first vlookup formula.

    One observation when I try running this formula below and when the completed course is X5,it doesn't return a #NA but just a blank cell. The 3rd, and 4th Vlookup when ran independently and the completed course is X5, returns #NA

    =(VLOOKUP(A2&" "&X4,WBT,2,FALSE)

    Any idea? i hope i was able to explain it correctly though. Thank you in advanced

  48. Dear Svetlana,
    May I know some clarity on this as mu trail was not successful.

    {=IFERROR(INDEX($C$2:$C$16, SMALL(IF($F$2=B2:B16, ROW(C2:C16)-1,""), ROW()-3)),"")}

    Copy the below formula to several adjacent cells, e.g. cells F4:F8 as demonstrated in the screenshot below. The number of cells where you copy the formula should be equal to or larger than the maximum number of possible duplicate entries. Also, remember to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to enter an array formula correctly.
    Getting all duplicate occurrences of the lookup value

    Thanks much in advance.


  49. I have a qusition.
    is there anyway to do vlook from a table to bring the value from a cells in different column and raw in the same time.
    for example.

    products factor Jan Feb March
    A fcst 5 7 8
    A actual 4 5 9

    B fcst 10 9 15
    B actual 12 8 14

    I need to make a table to read only i.e. fcst for A products in the specific month.

    is there anyway to do it specially when you have huge database.

  50. I am trying to get a formula to work. I have a call log in which I would like to see if a voicemail that was left, was returned after the original voicemail was received. I came up with: =IF(A2="Sent to Voicemail",IF(VLOOKUP(B2,C3:C$7,1,FALSE),"Voicemail Returned","Voicemail not Returned"),"")

    Column A = Disposition
    Column B = ANI
    Column C = DNIS
    Column E = Voicemail Return (Formula Row)

    DISPOSITION ANI DNIS Voicemail Return
    Sent To Voicemail 4078675309 9876543210 Voicemail Returned
    Follow up Call Attempt 9876543210 4078675309
    Follow up Call Complete 5103359999 9876543210
    Sent To Voicemail 5102999999 9876543210 #N/A
    Caller Disconnected 9253009999 9876543210
    Follow up Call Attempt 9876549999 9158509999

    Any help would be greatly appreciated

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