If large text does not fit neatly in a cell, you can simply make the column wider. However, a much better solution is to wrap text that exceeds a column width, and Microsoft Excel provides a couple of ways to do it. Continue reading
by Svetlana Cheusheva, updated on
If large text does not fit neatly in a cell, you can simply make the column wider. However, a much better solution is to wrap text that exceeds a column width, and Microsoft Excel provides a couple of ways to do it. Continue reading
Comments page 2. Total comments: 41
How to wrap text in a way that after the line break the words move to another cell instead of every thing in a cell.
Needed to compose you a very little word to thank you yet again regarding the nice suggestions you’ve contributed here.
I used Alt+Enter to put manual line breaks in an Excel file. When I then copied the cells from Excel and pasted them into Word, it did not retain the same line breaks? Any suggestions?
how to automatically wrap text when we marge two row
In Excel 2016 - with text wrap on the last line of text in the cell does not print?
Add coloum small not help me
mob . 7055568820
How can we copy wrap texted row into normal from a excel file to another excel file
Does anyone know how to turn OFF automatic text wrapping in Excel 2016?
Every time I enter or edit text, it wraps it and I have to manually unwrap. Driving me crazy!
Hi Michele,
To my best knowledge, there is no way to disable automatic text wrapping in Excel. However, you can use the following workaround:
1. Select all rows for which you want Wrap Text to be turned off.
2. Right click on the selected rows, and then choose Row Height from the popup menu.
3. In the Row Height window, just click OK, without changing the default value (15).
This will let Excel know that you want a fixed row height instead of auto-sizing it.
Hello Svetlana.
Thanks, but unfortunately this is only half of the solution I would need: It's true that this operation makes the cell stay in the same size. But my problem is, that I still have to click each time "not wraped" manually for something else that I want: 1. If its "not wraped" -> Once I go back to a cell and I double-click: it shows the text across all the screen so I can easily read all the text at once and see whats in there. (THATS GREAT!)
2. If I added in a cell (it wraps automatically) -> If I then do not click on "not wraped" before entering again (THAT IS EXHAUSTING), it shows the text only in the length of the cell ...so I cannot see all the text at one across my screen.
(PS: I know I could see the text also in the screen on the top, but that window is not big enough ..., or if I make it bigger, I would not be able to quickly see my table after, without making it little again.)
Thanks for your help!
Thank u for the information. I found it really helpful.
Thanks. Svetlana. Keep continuing your effort to teach us.
Thank you for staying with us, Imran!
Svetlana, i need your help to solve a problem that i was thinking since few month. I have tried several but didn't succeed.How do i send you the excel sheet with detail which isn't solve yet. Thank's in prior... :)
Please send it to our support team (support@ablebits.com) and we will try to help.