How to delete multiple emails and folders in Outlook

The tutorial shows how to quickly delete emails and folders in Outlook, individually or in bulk, covering classic Outlook 365 – 2016, the new app, and web version.

Managing your Outlook inbox can become overwhelming if left unchecked. Deleting outdated emails and folders is a great way to free up space and keep your mailbox free of clutter. This guide will walk you through the process of removing multiple emails in one go.

How to delete emails in Outlook

Deleting emails in Outlook is a quick and straightforward process, no matter which version you use – classic desktop, the new app, or web version. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Open your Outlook inbox or another folder.
  2. Click the email you want to remove to highlight it.
  3. Press the Delete key on your keyboard.

Other ways to delete an email in Outlook are:

  • Hover over the email and click the trash bin icon on the right.
  • Select the email and click the Delete button on the Home tab in the ribbon.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D on the selected email.
  • Right-click the email and choose Delete from the context menu.

Choose the way that works best for you to quickly manage your inbox. Delete an email in Outlook.

This method does not entirely remove emails from Outlook - they are moved to the Deleted Items folder. From there, you can recover deleted messages if needed or permanently delete to free up space in your mailbox.


  • To permanently remove emails bypassing the Deleting Items folder, use the Shift + Delete keyboard shortcut.
  • If you've accidentally deleted a wrong message, press Ctrl + Z (Windows) or Cmd + Z (Mac) to undo the action and restore the email. Keep in mind, though, that this undo feature only works in classic Outlook, but not in the new Outlook or web app.

How to delete multiple emails in Outlook

Clearing multiple emails at once can help you declutter your inbox without affecting important messages. Here's how to mass delete emails in Outlook:

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the emails you want to remove.
  2. To delete consecutive emails, click the first email in the range, hold down the Shift key and click the last email in the range. This will highlight all emails in between.
  3. To delete non-consecutive emails, click the first message, hold down the Ctrl key, and click each additional email you want to remove. To unselect a mistakenly highlighted email, click on it one more time while holding the Ctrl key.
  4. Press the Delete key on your keyboard, or click the trash bin button on the ribbon, or right-click the selection and choose the corresponding option from the context menu.
Delete multiple Outlook emails at a time.

This way, you can quickly clear out unwanted messages while keeping your unread or important emails safe!

Tips for bulk email management

Apply these easy tips to efficiently manage your inbox and keep it clutter-free:

  • Create rules. Use Outlook's rules to automatically delete emails that meet certain conditions.
  • Archive old emails. Instead of deleting, consider archiving emails you may need later to keep them out of sight but still accessible.
  • Search or filter. Search messages by certain keywords or filter by sender, category, importance, or other criteria to make mass email deletion more targeted.
  • Free up mailbox space. If you're aiming to free up space in your mailbox, remember to regularly empty the Deleted Items folder to reclaim storage space.

How to delete all emails from a folder

Clearing all messages from a specific Outlook folder is easy. This is what you need to do:

  1. In the folder pane, right-click the folder you want to empty.
    • In classic Outlook: select Delete All.
    • In the new Outlook or web app: select Empty.
  2. When prompted to move all conversations to the Deleted Items folder, click Yes.
Delete all emails from an Outlook folder.

This will transfer all contents of the folder to Deleted Items, leaving the folder itself intact.

To delete all emails from multiple folders, you'll need to repeat the steps outlined above for each folder separately.

How to delete folders in Outlook

To delete a folder in Outlook, just do this:

  1. Right click the folder you want to remove.
  2. Depending on your Outlook version, choose one of the following options:
    • In classic Outlook, click Delete Folder. Delete an Outlook email folder.
    • In the new Outlook and Outlook on the web, click Delete. Remove a folder in the new Outlook.

The folder itself, along with all its contents, will now be moved to the Deleted Items folder: The folder is moved to Deleted Items.


  • You can only delete custom folders that you've created. Built-in folders like Inbox, Drafts, and Junk cannot be removed but can be emptied of their contents.
  • Outlook does not provide an option to delete multiple folders simultaneously. You can only remove folders one at a time.

How to permanently delete emails from Outlook

When using Outlook's Delete option, emails are moved to the Deleted Items folder, but they are not actually removed from your mailbox. To permanently delete Outlook emails, you need to empty the Deleted Items folder. Here is how to do this:

  1. In the folder pane, right-click the Deleted Items folder.
  2. Select Empty Folder in classic Outlook or Empty in the new Outlook and web. Empty the Deleted Items folder in Outlook.
  3. When prompted to confirm, click Yes.

At this point, the emails appear to be gone. However, they are actually moved to the Recoverable Items folder, which acts as a temporary holding space. Items in this folder are retained for a default period of 14 days, which can be extended up to a maximum of 30 days by your organization's administrator.

To permanently remove emails from the Recoverable Items folder, follow these steps:

  1. In the folder pane, select the Deleted Items folder to view its contents.
  2. At the top of the list, click Recover items deleted from this folder. Access the Recoverable Items folder in Outlook.
  3. Select the emails you want to permanently delete. To select all items, use the Ctrl + A shortcut.
  4. Depending on your Outlook version, proceed as follows:
    • In classic Outlook: select Purge Selected Items, and click OK. Purge deleted emaisl in classic Outlook.
    • In the new Outlook and web: press the Delete key on your keyboard or the Empty button on the ribbon. Permanently delete emails in the new Outlook.
  5. When asked to confirm that you want to permanently delete the selected items, click OK.

Now, the emails are completely purged from the server and are no longer accessible or recoverable through Outlook.

For more information, see What happens when you delete email in Outlook.

How to delete emails from search results

When you need to delete messages containing a specific word or phrase in the subject or body, searching for them is the fastest way to locate and remove them in bulk. Here are the steps:

  1. Search for emails. In the search box, type the word or phrase you are looking for. To search only in email subjects, type subject: before the search term. For example, subject:important.
  2. Choose search scope. Depending on your Outlook version, define the scope of your search:
    • In classic Outlook: On the Search tab in the Scope group, choose where to search: all mailboxes, current mailbox, or current folder. Alternatively, you can select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu to the left of the search box.
    • In the new Outlook and web: You can only search in the current mailbox (default). To narrow your search, use the dropdown menu next to the search box to select a specific folder.
  3. Execute the search. Hit the Enter key to perform the search.
  4. Select emails to delete. From the search results that appear, select the emails you want to remove. You can use the Ctrl + A shortcut to select all items or hold down the Ctrl key and click specific messages to select them individually.
  5. Delete selected messages. Press the Delete key on your keyboard, or right-click the selected emails and choose this option from the context menu.

The below image shows how to mass delete emails from search results in classic Outlook: Mass delete emails from search results in classic Outlook.

And this is how deleting from search results is done in the new Outlook: Delete messages from search results in the new Outlook.

Sometimes, after deleting emails, they may still appear in the search results temporarily. This happens because the search index hasn't updated yet. However, the messages are already moved to the Deleted Items folder. Refresh the folder by pressing F9, and they will disappear from the search results.

Now you know how to delete email in Outlook, whether it's just a few messages or a whole folder. A well-organized inbox not only saves your time but also reduces stress, allowing you to focus on what truly matters in your day 😊

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