How to customize & move Outlook Navigation bar to bottom or left

In this guide, we'll cover how to move the Outlook navigation bar to the bottom or left, and how to further personalize it by rearranging items, adding or removing apps.

The navigation pane is a key feature in Outlook that helps you access essential tools like Mail, Calendar, and People. Depending on your workflow, you may find it useful to change the location of the navigation bar or customize its items to better fit your communication needs.

Outlook navigation pane

The Navigation Pane (also referred to as the Navigation Bar) in Outlook is the slim vertical or horizontal section that provides quick access to the main parts of the app, such as Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks. It also includes buttons for other Microsoft tools like Copilot or OneDrive, making it easy to switch between apps. Acting as a central hub, the navigation pane helps you jump to the needed module with just one click, keeping everything you need right at your fingertips.

Where is navigation bar in Outlook?

In earlier versions of Outlook, the Navigation Pane was typically located at the bottom of the folder pane on the left side of the window.

In the current version of Outlook 365, the new Outlook, and the web app, the navigation bar is located by default on the left edge of the screen.

If you're using classic Outlook, you can change the location of the navigation bar. However, this option isn't available in the new Outlook or the web version. The Navigation Bar in Outlook.

How to move Outlook navigation bar to bottom

If you prefer having the navigation bar at the bottom of the Outlook window, you can easily move it there. Here's how:

  1. Open the classic Outlook app.
  2. Click the File tab on the left side of the ribbon.
  3. From the left-hand menu, select Options. Access Outlook options.
  4. In the Options dialog box, go to the Advanced section.
  5. Under the Outlook panes section, uncheck the box labeled Show Apps in Outlook.
  6. Click OK to apply the changes. Move the Outlook navigation pane to bottom.
  7. Restart Outlook when prompted to apply the new settings. Restart Outlook.

After reopening Outlook, you'll see that the navigation bar has moved to the bottom of folder pane, similar to earlier versions. This layout may feel more familiar if you're used to older designs. The Outlook Navigation bar is moved to bottom.

Note. The navigation pane can only be moved in classic (old) Outlook. In the new Outlook and the web app, the navigation bar is fixed on the left side, and its location cannot be changed.

How to move Outlook navigation bar to left

If you want to restore the navigation bar to its default location on the left side of the Outlook window, follow these steps:

  1. In classic Outlook, click File > Options.
  2. Select Advanced on the left pane.
  3. Under Outlook panes, check the Show Apps in Outlook box, and click OK.
  4. Close and reopen Outlook to apply the changes.
Move the Outlook navigation pane to the left.

After doing so, the navigation bar will appear in its default position – a thin vertical column on the left edge of the screen. This view is the standard layout for the latest versions of Outlook.

How to customize navigation pane in Outlook

The navigation bar isn't just about placement – it's also customizable to suit your workflow. You can rearrange items, remove those you don't use, or add other apps.

Remove navigation bar items

To remove a certain module or app from the Outlook navigation bar, right-click on it and select Unpin. Unpin an item to remove it from the Outlook navigation pane.

This will remove the item from the navigation bar, though you can always add it back later if needed.

Add a new item or app to navigation bar

To add items or apps for quick access, do this:

  1. On the navigation pane, click the More Apps button.
  2. In a small window that pops up, right-click the item you want to add and click Pin.
  3. To discover other available apps, click Add apps in the lower right corner.

For example, you can add tasks and notes to the navigation pane in classic Outlook as shown in the screenshot: Pin an item to add it from the Outlook navigation bar.

Rearrange navigation bar items

To change the order of items on the navigation pane, click and hold on an item to drag it to a new position. Drag an item to change its position in the Outlook navigation bar.

In classic Outlook, the Move up and Move down options are also accessible from the context menu when you right-click an item. Move up or down a navigation pane item in Outlook.

Customizing the navigation pane can help you organize your most-used features in a way that suits you best. Whether you prefer it at the bottom or left, or want quick access to specific apps, Outlook gives you the flexibility to make it your own. Take a few minutes to rearrange, add, or remove items, and these small changes will brighten your Outlook experience 😊

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